Miracle Throne

Chu Tian cutting down the Dark Eagle King with one slash also cut the spiritual support of the Dark Eagle army, causing the spirit beast army to crumble under the attacks. Even for the powerfully armed Dark Eagle army, under the might of the Source Energy Cannons and the heavy firearms, their morale crumbled with the killing of their leader and the firepower of the weapons!

Too weak.

This kind of battle was just too boring!

Chu Tian took out a communication device to give an order, “Everyone attack!”

The Dark Eagle army was clearly being routed, so the Berserker army drew out their weapons once they receive the orders to charge. Large energy swords and axes appeared in their hands as twenty thousand Berserkers went berserk at once!

How magnificent and terrifying of a scene was this?

The Berserkers’ killing intent erupted, making people like there was a volcano erupting!

Almost at the same time, the large shields disappeared layer by layer, giving the Dark Eagle army a new trace of hope. This was because they were faced with an incredibly good opportunity right now. Over half of the Dark Eagle army was destroyed, but they still had the superiority in terms of numbers. In a desperate situation, there was no chance of winning if they didn’t counterattack!

Only, the Berserkers gradually raised a shocking killing intent that completely discouraged them. After being dazed for a couple of seconds, large explosive sounds of engines turning on came from the various formations of the Miracle City army.

Several dozen Battle Cars floated into the air as blue flames came out their tails, just like they were being blown up by the wind. Each Battle Car had a layer of energy shield around them and countless energy blades came out the four sides, making them seem like giant floating spiders.

These energy blades began to rotate at high speeds. They not only stayed balanced, they also formed a sharp and compact disk. A powerful energy erupted from the engine and several Battle Cars charged into the other army. It was as easy as cutting down grass as they instantly carved a blood soaked path through the Dark Eagle army!

Slaughtering machines!

These were purely slaughtering machines!

Several “Reaper” battle Cars quickly took lives while the Berserkers went completely berserk. Once the Berserkers went berserk, not only did their brute force increase by over ten times, they also lost the ability to feel fear, they wouldn’t feel pain, and they would be filled with endless battle intent.

The Black Eagle army finally experienced the true power of the Berserker army!

This terrifying army could not only fight in a methodical manner, they could also be wild slaughters like a pack of mad cows!

The Berserkers themselves were very powerful already, not to mention that each Berserker was wearing the newest Mech Suit developed from Miracle City. Each Mech Suit had shields and energy weapons, as well as all kinds of medicines and healing arrays. They multiplied each Berserker’s power by over a hundred times!

An ogre charged out with red eyes.

Whether it was the fiercely attacking Dark Eagle soldiers or a hidden arrow shot from the distance, the Mech Suit’s shields blocked them all, not causing any damage to the ogre. The ogre just raised his weapon and kept attacking.

This was a weapon that had a suitable length for an ogre and it was like an incomparably large and thick metal rod. However, when the ogre pressed a button on it, two giant energy blades would appear on the metal rod and turn the incomparably large metal rod into a double bladed energy axe!


The ogre wildly roared as he swept his axe through everyone around him. This high energy axe was an incredible sharp weapon, cutting through the protective spirit energy and armour of the Dark Eagle soldiers like cutting through vegetables!

The other Berserkers wildly charged forward like wolves jumping onto sheep.

The Dark Eagle army’s low morales completely collapsed from this charge. Although they had the advantage in numbers, their battle strength couldn’t compare at all, so it was an one sided slaughter.

This was not a motley gathered crew!

This was the main troops of one of the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s Five Eagle Kings!

They were completely routed in this short period of time, as the soldiers ran wailing as they were chased by the Berserkers. Their corpses were already scattered all over the prairie. A battle that had reached this point had no meaning in being fought.

Chu Tian shook his head and took out a scroll.

With a shua sound!

Chu Tian appeared in the Northern Militan Country’s transport point with a flash of light. The Northern Militant Country’s representative Luz quickly came over and his face was covered in awe, “Sir City Lord, we have already recorded the entire battle.”

This recording was made at Meng Qingwu’s request.

This army of twenty thousand was Miracle Commerce’s first advanced equipped army, so the data of their first fight was especially important. Not only would this give them data to aid their future research, it could also be used as material for promotional films. It was impossible for Miracle Commerce’s firearms to not sell well in the future!

The issue Chu Tian was worried about was not this.

The Dark Eagle King did not disclose any valuable information so he didn’t have the methods to investigate their entire plan. Chu Tian had just received news that the Subterranean World had already united some of the Purgatory World’s powers and were currently sending a punitive expedition on Chu Tian in the eastern region. It was natural considering the fact that surface world races were occupying territory and resources in the Purgatory World.

The four giants couldn’t sit by and watch even if they wanted to.

This was because they all had a part of the Purgatory World!

The Purgatory World resources were very unique and many of them couldn’t be found on the surface world. If the Purgatory World was taken away, when would they find such a good place in the future? Therefore, the four giants personally led experts of their clans and used the Transport Tower to aid the battle in the Purgatory World.

Chu Tian and Meng Qingwu felt Miracle City should remain passive.

The Subterranean World could attack the Purgatory World or they could attack the surface world. If the four giants lost sight of one, it would be very hard to return safely. The most important thing was that Chu Tian and Meng Qingwu had their doubts. This plan against Miracle City was very thorough, so other than the problems they had already encountered, there were other hidden moves not used yet.

What would be these hidden moves?

No matter what they were, Chu Tian was fighting the Eagle Burial Kingdom in the three kingdoms while the four giants were guarding the Purgatory World, resisting the attack of the other cities. The young miss had to be on guard against a large scale invasion by the Subterranean World. It could be said that the Forest Alliance’s attention was being completely spread.

If there was another strong enough power that came, the Forest Alliance would be facing an unprecedented large crisis!

“Sir City Lord, there is news from the Great Zhou Country!”

“What is it?”

“The Blood Eagle King that leads the Five Eagle Kings has led five hundred thousand Blood Eagle troops to invade the Great Zhou Country. If we add in the previous army that attacked the Great Zhou Country, there are around eight hundred thousand Eagle Burial Kingdom troops in the Great Zhou Country. They are already at an imminent crisis!”

“I understand.” Chu Tian was a bit surprised, but he immediately took out the communication device, “Young miss, how much information do we have on the Blood Eagle King?”

“We have been gathering information on the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s Five Eagle Kings since the war began. We have prepared information on the other four kings, but we’re very unclear on this Blood Eagle King.” The young miss said to Chu Tian through the communication device, “The Blood Eagle King is the head of the Five Eagle Kings and also the younger brother of the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s ruler. He was in the peak 9th True Spirit Layer ten years ago and has been in secluded cultivation the entire time, so no one knows his real power.”

Chu Tian pondered this before suddenly having an idea, “Duplicate the battle recording, send one copy to the young miss and leave one for me.”

With Miracle Commerce’s current technology, it was very easy to duplicate recordings.

Chu Tian obtained the recording after several minutes and instantly used the Transport Tower to head to the Great Zhou Country’s Imperial City. The Great Zhou Country’s Imperial City was placed close to the Death Ice Field. This city had just been constructed for about a month, but it was filled with people.

Chen Bingyu was the Great Zhou Queen and Miracle Commerce’s spokesperson, so anything good from Miracle Commerce would all be sent to the Imperial City. The Great Zhou Queen’s status couldn’t compare to before. Those sects that placed no one in their eyes all lowered themselves towards the Great Zhou Queen to get closer to Miracle Commerce. It could be imagined what status the Great Zhou Queen had in the Great Zhou Country.

Chu Tian hadn’t seen the great beauty Chen Bingyu in several months.

He almost didn’t recognize her when he saw her!

Chen Bingyu’s bloodline awakening degree became higher and higher, passing the generations of her father and ancestor. Her hair was now completely silver white and she had a noble aloofness to her, making her a natural queen.

“Great beauty Chen’s beauty is even more moving now!” Chu Tian studied Chen Bingyu for a while before speaking in surprise, “Yi, your cultivation has reached the 8th True Spirit Layer?”

“Sir City Lord still remembers me?” Chen Bingyu glared at him, “I thought that you had long forgotten about me!”

Actually after the Imperial City Transport Tower was constructed, Chen Bingyu had gone to Miracle City many times. Only she could never see Chu Tian when she went, so she had some grievances in her heart.

“How could that be? Perhaps my memory isn’t good, but I remember a great beauty very clearly. I’ve just been too busy recently.” Chu Tian smiled as he apologized, but then his smile disappeared, “Let’s talk about the Great Zhou Country’s situation first!”

Chen Bingyu revealed a map, “The Eagle Burial Kingdom attacked the three kingdom alliance, with the Great Zhou Country and Northern Militant Country bearing the brunt of it. The Great Summer Country does not have a direct border with the Eagle Burial Kingdom, so they were the least affected by this war. Of the Great Zhou Country and Northern Militant Country, the Great Zhou Country is stronger, so as long as the Great Zhou Country was conquered, half of the three kingdom alliance’s power would have fallen. Therefore, the Eagle Burial Kingdom have sent their main forces to attack the Great Zhou Country.”

Chu Tian nodded, “The Great Zhou Country is an established large kingdom and an important member of the three kingdom alliance, we must find a way to hold the Great Zhou Country. Otherwise once the Great Zhou Country is heavily injured, our kingdoms alliance will fall.”

Chen Bingyu asked, “What plans do you have?”

“I have some, but it’s unknown if they will work. We might as well give it a try!”

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