Translator:Kingbao, ERROR666Editor:DarkGem

Yao Si finally understoodwhy arobot wasinferiorwhen compared to abilities. A robot’s locomotionskills were extremely poor and were prone tobeingdamaged. If an individualwith an abilitywere to get hurt or catch a cold, they would get better just byenduringit. Even if they managed to lose a limb, they could still continue fighting with their ability. On top of that, bloodlings possessedincredible self-healing properties.

Even though robots could be repaired and were able to withstand heftier damage,they wereafterall a single entity. Even the most intelligent microchip would be deemed useless after extreme damage to its components. A small problem could collapse the entire system, like crashing into a wall and not being able to extract itself.

During her attempt at operating it, even walking had showed up to bedifficult, andYao Si’s passion extinguished instantly. She finally understood the academy’s reasoning for using a stimulation; it was to prevent beginners from destroying too many robots.

Robots were a controlled weapon in the Galaxy. The cost for each robot washigh and not everyone was allowed to buy them. Even though there were plenty of robot construction companies on the galactic web, the applicationprocess was complicated and extensive. At the very least, students like her wereprohibited from buying any robots.

Yao Si glanced at the pile of tech she had destroyed. Just thinking about the costs broughther pain, and she silently decided to enter the simulation class. Even though her dad was rich, she couldn’t just waste his moneylike that!

The First Academy hadthe perfect simulation system that was almost identical to the real experience. But due to the robot competition, there was a huge crowd waiting for its turn to practice. Since Yao Si was a bit late,there was no way she could get a turn to practice.

Sadness filled her at that thought.

“Your Highness, you can enter the galactic web forawareness training,” Bai Yi suggested.

“Awareness training?” Yao Si paused.What’s that?

“Awareness battle is the same as the robot stimulation. They’re both linked to the galactic web,but the academy’s stimulation can train your muscle memory while awareness training is more to hone your speed and accumulate experienceinoperating a robot.”

“Galactic web!” Yao Si’s eyes lit up.“You meanI’mable to train whenever through my optical computer?”

“That’s right!” Bai Yi replied nonchalantly.“Robot awareness training israther common, so there are many battles on the galactic web. Your Highness, haven’t you seen it in the awareness plaza?”


Yao Si’s mouth twitched. She knew about the galactic web flatscreen plaza and the awareness plaza. They were basically twoaccess channels, one being the pop up screen that she used frequently and the other was the one she saw whenher awareness enteredthe galactic webdirectly.

It was similarto reality and couldbe seen as another world,just like the web game she had played previously. However, she had never entered using her awareness, ever since the horrorofbeing trapped in the game for awhole month. Ever sincethen, she had feared that history would repeat itself…

“I rarely enter the awareness plaza.”

“I’ll be your guide then!” Bai Yi tapped his chest with reassurance.“Your Highness, don’t worry. I’m well versed in robot stimulation and its details. I even made it to the top hundred for the galactic competition.”

He tapped open his optical computerand senther a party invitationwith eagerness.

Yao Si hesitated slightly. But since she had nothing to do and couldn’t just head back to destroy morerobots, she accepted the invitation. Almost instantly, theweightlessness she hadn’t felt in a long time engulfed her. The next second, she arrived in a foreign location.

She glanced around. It seemed like she was ina passageway,but instead of a road,there was a glowing ground under her feet, itsrays scattering around her. The sides of the passageway weren’t covered with familiar advertisements, but buttons and symbols Yao Si couldn’t understand. There were plenty of people moving to and fro, much more than back on EternalBrilliance.

Yao Sistarted to study the crowd. Everyone wasdressed differentlyand hadvarying physiques and looks,andeven the mosaicson their faceswere different…

Wait a minute!Whyare their faces hidden?

She took a closer look and saw that it wasn’t just one person like that. More than 80% of the peoplein her surroundings hadtheir faces covered by a mosaic.

Er…is this a popular face feature in the galactic web?

“Eh, Your Highness, why are you still in the default setting? Haven’t you adjusted it yet?” afamiliar voice asked.

Yao Si turnedto see a boy with a head full of blond hair and a pair of antlers looking ather with alarm. He was dressed in clothes which kept changing colors and resembled a rainbow.

“Who are you?”Aneon lamp spirit?

“I’m Bai Yi,” he replied. He seemed to recall something as he brushed his hairback with aface full of pride.“How is it, Your Highness? Doesn’t my pseudo image look good? My hairstyle, skin color,and exterior are all limited edition, capturing everyone’s attention. You can’t even get your hands on it anymore! How is it, are you impressed?”

“Er, yes…”More like shocked,in akindthatstings my eyes. I never realizedthat other than your naggy nature, even your aesthetic judgment is flawed.

“Your Highness, thepseudo image can be modified with your thoughts.”

Yao Si glanced down at herselfand saw asnowy white ball of fluff. It hadtwo short fluffy paws.Am Ia…bunny? Does everyone start like this?

She silently thought of visual adjustment. As expected, an alternate sight appeared before her with her current bunny imageand a row of options to modify her appearance, her race. There was even a clothing shop option.

Was this…the galactic version of QQ fashion?

Yao Sididn’t bother picking things out and just clicked onto the random option. The next moment, the bunny took on a human form. Ithad average appearance, the kind that would blend into a crowd. Yao Si accepted the look with satisfaction.

A confirmation of the change appearedbefore her [Galactic user3838438, your new image hasbeen saved successfully!]

What’s with this string of numbers? Am Ibeing insultedagain?


“Your Highness, the web name can be edited,” Bai Yi remindedher.

Yao Si felt her mouth twitch. She hurriedly clicked onto the contact surface to change her name.

[Your web name hasbeen changed to: Ancestor. Ancestor, we wish you a pleasant time!]

Mmh, it looks much better!

“Your Highness, your nickname…is so fitting!” Crazy Fan Bai Yi complimented instantly, his face filled with sincerity.

She lifted her head to glance over his head, and fell silent.

“Mmh, yours is fitting as well.” Such a perfect use ofsarcasm.“Oh right, where is the robot awareness training ground you mentioned?” she mentioned the matter for which they had come.

“Its over at the armorgrounds.” Bai Yi brought her to the side with a row ofcursors, clicking onto the two sword logosat the top.

With a buzz, thebrilliant lights and vibrant colors flew by, and the originally silent surroundingsfilling up with noise.

Thestreet disappeared, and they arrived atanancient arena. There was an even larger crowd there, eachperson wearing anexcited expressions as they cheered in the direction of battle.

Yao Siturned toward the middle,anda bright screen caught her eye. Different matches flashed on the screen, with 1v1battlestaking up the majorityof the space. There were also group matches with the maximumoffive contestants.

Bai Yi began his introductions. Awareness training was actually a virtual robot match that would allow participants to gain battle experience. There were three levels: advanced, intermediate,and beginner. Ever year, the Galaxywould host a battle in which the top ten contestants would win attractive prizes. The Top 100 thus were all experts in operating robots.

“The champion seems to be Abyss Battle God. It’s already his fifth championship,” Bai Yi said as he pointed toward the screen. In a nonchalanttone,he added,“I heard that he belongs to the Alliance army with a physique of Level SSS, so him retaining his title for that long isn’t too surprising.”

Yao Si nodded. If he was an expert pilot inreal life, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to win theseemingly game-like training.

“This is the one Iadmire the most.” Bai Yipointed to a black robot in the third placewith excitement.“BlackLighting, he’s the black horse this year. He’s been hidinghis identity,so no one knows who he is. I heard that his first match was against the tenth place,and that victory made him famous instantly. He managed to climb from the tenth position all the way to the third placein no time.”

“He’s that good?” Yao Si asked.

“Of course!” The excited youthnodded vigorously. “His win rate is 100% which is even higher than that of the the first place Abyss who has 95%! He’s the first person who has managed to enter the ranking with a 100% win rate and canpotentially beat Abyss to become the first champion with a perfect win rate.”

He’s a long standing champion. That isindeed impressive.

Yao Si studied the black robot carefully, but the surroundings were too dim so she wasn’t able to make out his appearance. All she could see was a blobof black mess with ashiningtriangleat the side .

“What’s this?”Yao Si asked while poking it with her finger.

Bai Yi paledand shouted out“You can’t touch that!”, but it was too late. White lightflooded Yao Si’s vision,and the next second, she was transported to an arena.

Right before her was the pure black robot that she hadn’t beenable to make out just seconds ago!

[Black Lighting hasaccepted your challenge request!]


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