My MCV and Doomsday

"Howl!" The mutant dog was completely furious . But before it fought back, Jiang Liushi had already drew back and pulled away after the crash .

Once the minibus was scratched by the mutant dog, it would be impaired .

This dog had been hit twice by the minibus . It desired to tear up the minibus and Jiang Liushi, and devour them . Watching the minibus retreating, it ignored the paranormal’s attack, and with a sudden leap, it ran towards the minibus . Since it was near to the minibus, coupled with its fast speed, one leap was enough for it to catch up . The dog opened its big mouth, its sharp teeth appearing . It was going to tear up the bus and drag the hateful person out .

At this point, Jiang Zhuying appeared from the window . Facing the mutant dog running wild, she waved the iron bar in full force .

"Zap!" A few blue and white colors flashed through the bar, like lightning, and hit the mutant dog . The dog was enormous, so the currents were not fatal, but it was stunned for a bit . That was enough for the minibus to speed up and run into once again .

What a perfect cooperation!

Jiang Zhuying acted bravely . There was no horror in her pretty face . Facing the mutant dog, she was calm and therefore she took the chance of attack, which brought the mutant dog to a real halt . If she repeated attacking several times, the dog's body would not be able to bear any more . Just now the crash was more powerful than before .

"Go!" Jiang Zhuying cried .

At that moment, the bus pulled back and swerved .

"Pow, pow, pow…" A large number of bullets poured frantically into the mutant dog that had just been attacked . Shooting at the dog, the muscular man shouted at Yang Qingqing, "Help us!"

Zhang Hai and the muscular man both observed, they knew that they should protect Jiang Liushi . The car’s performance, as well as Jiang Liushi’s control and reaction time were all amazing . Just now the fight with the mutant dog showed that if they didn't help the minibus, they would suffer a lot . So they were tacit to protect Jiang Liushi . If Yang Qingqing still didn’t act, she would have no excuse . Thus although she was afraid of the mutant dog, she had no choice but go near it .

"Bang!" Jiang Liushi took advantage of the mutant dog, as it was eluding bullets, suddenly changing from moving backward to forward, and unexpectedly hit it again .

The muscular man stopped shooting, and wondered if Jiang Liushi was crazy, because he had dared to attack while a shower of bullets was raining down on the dog; fortunately he wasn’t hurt .

But soon the muscular man found that some bullets had hit the bus . The car’s window had several cracks, as a spider web .

[I can’t believe it! The bullets have not penetrated the window . Is it bull-bulletproof?! Incredible] That muscular man was completely shocked . The car’s refit was cool, even as excellent as President’s vehicle If he knew that the car had a ton of fuel and an ‘Air Cannon’, a weapon of mass destruction, how surprised he would be .


The mutant dog was hit by the minibus and was thrown into a roadside shop, but it was not killed . Soon it burst out of the shop .

The car's continuous attacks had not injured it badly, but it was staggering . When it came out, it shook his head to sober up .

At that moment, Yang Qingqing came close, but as she landed at the mutant dog’s side it furiously roared . Frightened, Yang Qingqing immediately bounced back . The mutant dog did not pursue Yang Qingqing, its only aim was the minibus .

Yang Qingqing looked pale, [This mutant dog, even injured, is still terrifying!]

Compared to Jiang Zhuying’s horrible striking force, she didn't even have the chance to fight . Even the other two men, the spearman and the gunman, together were not as powerful as Jiang Zhuying . They were able to deal with common zombies, or weaker mutant beasts, but at this point, they could only distract the dog .

The mutant dog was constantly interfered by Zhang Hai and the other three cars . Although it was agile, with Jiang Zhuying’s help, Jiang Liushi still found chances to crash into the dog again and again . No matter how powerful it was, it was made of flesh and blood, so after continuous and intense collisions, it gradually slowed down . Wounds appeared on the surface of its body, while its mouth and nose were bleeding .

Seeing this, the survivors were excited and more desperate in helping Jiang Liushi carry out more violent attacks . They all had been beaten by the mutant dog, but now the situation had reversed . In particular, the siblings’ cooperation, with the other cars’ help, overwhelmed the mutant dog’s attacks . And since both of them were in the car, they were quite safe .

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Jiang Liushi didn't know how many times he had crashed into the mutant dog, but this time, he directly crashed it into the outside wall of a building .

After crashing the mutated dog into the wall, Jiang Liushi didn't stop . He pressed on the accelerator and continued squeezing the mutant dog . If he were to launch the ‘Air Cannon’, the wall, as well as the mutant dog would be smashed into pieces .


The minibus’ engine roared, the tires were spinning furiously on the ground, dust was blowing, and a tire mark trail could be seen .

Seeing the power of Jiang Liushi’s car, the survivors were stunned . Through the gap, they could see the giant body of that dog, and a lot of blood coming out of the car .

Finally, the car’s roar ended and it slowly backed away .

[Did it die?] Everyone stared nervously at the place where the mutant dog was .

As the bus was backing away, the mutant dog appeared in front of the crowd .

Its giant body had almost been squeezed and distorted, and its eyes, ears and nose were bleeding . On its body one could see burning marks, by the current, some places even smoking…

Below its body there was blood, lots of blood . The thick blood, which had splashed to the minibus’ front, was dripping down . . .

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