Chapter 916: An experienced woman.

"Darling, as always, is breaking common sense." Violet laughed lightly as she looked at the latest news posted by Victor's ladies from hell.

"He created a Progenitor… And not just any Progenitor, he created something never seen before that has the Essence of both sides of the scale…" Agnes sighed at the end. "I'm not even surprised anymore."

"You really shouldn't be, Mother... After all, Darling is The Dragon God of Chaos. His ability goes far beyond that."

"And how do you know that?" Agnes asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know."

"Then how can you speak so confidently about something you don't know?"

Violet smiled: "Because I know."

Veins bulged on Agnes' head.

Violet, seeing this, smiled a little tensely. She knew very well that Agnes was just a hair away from exploding due to her behavior.

'Unfortunately, Mother, I can't tell you this. The only person allowed to know about this is Darling.' It was not that Violet didn't want to talk; it was that she couldn't. Messing with Time was very dangerous, and the level of shit it could give isn't even funny. Because of that, the only one who was allowed to know about this was Victor, a Being who, due to his special status, was beyond Time and Space.

The word 'Chaos' in his Dragon God Title wasn't just for show.

"You and your boring mysteries."

"I only know what I know, Mother. How can I know what I don't know? So I can't answer you." Violet shrugged as if she had no choice.

Agnes just grunted in annoyance and didn't say anything else, but she made a silent promise to herself that if Violet continued with these boring mysteries, she would slap her ass.

Just like Violet, Agnes also didn't like the mystery genre.

"But leaving that aside for a bit... Who expected Sasha to call everyone to train, huh?"

"... That's true. I was also surprised when I heard about it." Agnes nodded.

Violet and Agnes had gone to visit The Fulger Clan residence here in this world, but imagine their surprise when the Fulger Clan Maid said that all the ladies had gone out to train together.

Arriving close to the Coliseum, they began to hear the sounds of Lightning striking the ground repeatedly.

Due to the Acoustic Magic applied around the area, a large-scale battle could have been going on, and it wouldn't have disturbed anyone's sleep in the mansion.

Entering the Coliseum, Agnes and Violet saw the sight of Sasha grabbing Naty's face and dragging her along the Coliseum wall. She then threw Naty with a thunderous force into the nearby stone pillars, breaking several along the way.

"...Well, it looks like someone is taking out her frustrations," Violet commented. She now understood why Sasha had called everyone to train.

Agnes just nodded as she looked at Carmila, Victoria, and Natashia, who were watching all of this with a neutral gaze.

"I don't know how to feel seeing my daughter attack someone with the same face and physiognomy as mine with such ferocity..." Natashia said.

"... It's a feeling of incongruity, isn't it?" Victoria spoke.

"Mmm." Natashia nodded.

"Ugh... Okay, I may or may not have deserved that, but shouldn't you take it a little easy on me? I'm not proficient with this weak body yet." Naty grunted as she pulled herself out from under the rubble, exiting the hole her body had made. Her form was utterly drenched in blood, but, as expected of Noble Vampires, especially someone who benefited from Victor's blood, the woman's wounds took less than 3 seconds to completely recover.

Sasha's only response was silence and a small smile on her face that said: 'I won'. Even though she tried to deny it, she still felt dissatisfied with Naty. Past grudges were hard to forget, after all.

Naty cracked her neck a little and stretched her arms. "Ugh, I still feel a little stiff."

Currently, all the women of the Fulger Clan were wearing training clothes that consisted of simple sneakers and a tracksuit. Despite not offering any type of significant protection, after all, that would defeat the point of training, the clothes were resistant to wear and tear due to the Draconic Runes that had been applied throughout their threads.

"Hmm… I don't know how to feel about this sight." Agnes muttered.

"What do you mean, Mother?"

"I mean, look at those women's faces."

Violet did as Agnes asked, and at that moment, she understood what her mother meant. "They look alike, huh?"

"Carmila is very similar to Sasha in both body and face, with only a slight deviation in facial structure."

"Meanwhile, Victoria, Naty, and Natashia are pretty much the same."

"Well… The last two were originally the same person. While Victoria is their sister, so... Yes, they look alike." Violet replied.

"Ugh, it's like I'm seeing multiple shadow clones," Agnes muttered.

"Well, they are blonde. They just need to scream Dattebayo and have fox whiskers." Violet shrugged.

Ignoring the two visitors, Carmila called out to the two combatants, saying: "Sasha, you are making a lot of useless movements."

"...Eh? Why are you lecturing me?" Sasha asked in disbelief.

"Because you're doing it wrong."

"But, what about Naty?" Sasha was not satisfied; she wasn't doing anything wrong.

"She's performing adequately," Carmila said.

"...How was I able to toy around with her then?" Sasha didn't give up.

"That's merely due to your superior speed and strength." Carmila stated simply: "But in terms of Technique, you fall quite short of her skill... Well, not that I blame you for that. Instead, I blame my daughter for your shortcomings."

"...Huh? What did I do!?" Natashia felt wronged by this curveball. "I have the knowledge of Zeus, you know? I'm pretty proficient."

"Yes, but unlike Zeus, you are not a God of Lightning with broad control over the Concept, so using his Techniques is useless. You should have merely used them as a reference and taken only what is useful for you."

"But…" Natashia was going to grumble more, but Carmila wouldn't accept that anymore.

"Tsk, how is it that my descendants are all useless?" Carmila complained. She then jumped towards the Coliseum and fell slowly, purposely slowing her fall with her basic Vampiric Powers.

"Our Clan's greatest strength is our speed and the Power of Lightning. We must combine them in a way where we can generate even greater momentum…" As she touched the ground, her foot glowed with the Power of Lightning, and in the next moment, she disappeared, causing several sonic booms before appearing on the other side of the Coliseum.


The women of the Fulger Clan were silent at this incredulous display. The trail of destruction she had left with one simple movement was terrifying!

"That was…" Sasha murmured; she knew that movement very well.

"A combination of Victor's Technique and mine."

"Thanks to Victor, our Bloodline is now practically immune to Lightning and the side effects of speed on our body. Therefore, we can make minimal effort to achieve the best possible result."

"Watch." Carmila's body was covered by Lightning, and two Lightning Daggers appeared in her hands. In the next moment, she vanished and reappeared on the other side of the arena.


Two sonic booms were followed by the destruction of two pillars in less time than it took to register that Carmila had left her original position, at least for those not of the Fulger Clan.

Due to the extreme senses of the main Clan members, they could see what Carmila had done. Everything was so clean, so harmonious that it seemed like she was just walking instead of running.

All Carmila did was shoot from point A to B, and in the same time as she did that, she threw her two Lightning Daggers at the earthen pillars, causing immense destruction. This entire process was done with as little effort as possible.

"Our current bodies are much more powerful when in combination with our Lightning than they were before. So relax your body. There is no need to tense up so much."

"Mother... You're proficient in the use of daggers?" Natashia asked.

"Yes? I mainly used Western swords to maintain my knightly image but was more proficient with daggers. After all, it is much easier to use daggers at high speed than a sword." Carmila spoke as if it were obvious.

"Mother, how are you so easily utilizing your new body? Your body is just like mine." Naty said.

Carmila rolled her eyes. "Woman, while you were only just learning to walk, I was already fighting wars. The depth of our experience is different. Not to mention that this body is better than my original body."

"Victoria, come down here." She ordered with the same commanding tone she used when she taught her daughters.

"Y-Yes." Victoria, remembering her childhood, unconsciously responded, and, using the same Technique that Carmila used, she appeared in front of her mother, with the only difference that everything was much smoother, and there were no sonic explosions.

For Natashia, Naty, and Sasha, it seemed like she just used Lightning the way they used it, but to Carmila, it was different.

Carmila raised her eyebrow when she saw this demonstration. Yet, instead of saying anything, the older woman squatted down and started touching Victoria's body as if she were looking for something.


Touching Victoria's arms and thighs, Carmila understood what had happened, murmuring in a very derogatory tone: "I see... And to think that this would happen. It's quite ironic, isn't it?"


"Victoria, do you not understand what you just did?"

"I ran?"

Carmila shook her head in slight disbelief. 'I guess this is my fault too, huh.'

Carmila looked at her wrist and clicked on some buttons, causing new pillars of earth to rise. "Run from here to there." She pointed to the top of the pillar.



"Y-Yes!" Victoria shot towards the pillar, and again, the whole process was very smooth. She simply 'jumped' towards the pillar and landed perfectly.

"Incredible..." Carmila murmured. She contracted her legs a little and tried to do the same as her daughter. She jumped towards the pillar, and... found she couldn't stop and almost fell off the top.

The women of the Fulger Clan were speechless when they saw Carmila struggle to do something so 'simple'.

"This is harder than I thought... So physical strength is the key, huh..." Carmila ignored the stares from her descendants as she contemplated possible improvements for herself and the members of her Clan.

"Okay, from now on, we will follow Victoria's example."

"...Huuuh?" All of them, including Victoria, didn't understand what was happening.

"...I forget that you are all stupider than most."

"Oyyy!" Everyone screamed in protest, including Victoria. She wasn't stupid, okay? She created a business empire!

Ignoring their protest, Carmila ordered: "Victoria, run to the ground next to Sasha, this time a little slower, and don't just jump."

"... Okay." Victoria looked at Sasha, and for a few thousandths of a second, she calculated her trajectory. Realizing it would be easier to just run, she did just that... With a simple impulse, she took off.

In the first instant, she jumped from the pillar and floated a few CMs off the ground. Then, in the next, she just gave another push and zoomed toward Sasha, and in the final instant, she put her foot on the brakes.

This time, as she made the movement slower and longer, everyone could see the significant 'difference', even if some weren't paying attention.

"Do you understand now?"

"...Did she skate across the ground?" Sasha spoke in disbelief.

"Yes, and no. The more correct description was that she used her Basic Vampire Powers along with her Lightning to 'step' on the air itself. It's a Technique very similar to the one Victor uses, the one that you copied, Natashia."

"But at the same time, it's completely different. After all, due to her not having the Power of Lightning for the majority of her life, Victoria had spent all that time working on her base, on her Racial Abilities. So, when she gained access to her Lightning, everything involving Lightning became easier."

"So instead of 'stepping' on the air like you do, she is instead using static electricity to skate across the air, making her speed even faster... This was indeed a blessing in disguise."

The Fulger women opened their eyes wide when they heard what Carmila said, especially Victoria, who had always been despised for not having the 'Lightning' of her mother.

Carmila's words had a lot of weight amongst the Fulgers. After all, she was the one who had spent the most time developing her Powers. And if you count the time she spent observing Natashia and observing Victor through Natashia, her experience was very valuable.

"Currently, I consider Victoria to be better than all of us in using Lightning, even better than me. She probably only loses to Victor. But don't compare yourself to him. He's a talented monster who doesn't just have a main Power like us."

These words didn't lessen the resentment that Victoria had towards Carmila, but they did a lot for her self-esteem. Hearing her own mother admit that she was good at something made her feel satisfied. It made her feel recognized.

Seeing the slight smile on Victoria's face, Carmila felt even worse. She realized that it had been a long time since she had seen her youngest daughter with a genuine smile on her face.

It seemed that the two new members of the Fulger Clan had a lot to atone for. Naty needed to reconcile with Sasha, while Carmila needed to reconcile with her youngest daughter.

"Currently, the one who has the most Power among us is my granddaughter, Sasha. The one with the most control is Victoria, and the one with the most experience is me. We need to bring all of this together into a single mix."

'Well, in terms of Power, that wouldn't have been the case if I had my old body...' When she was reborn, her entire body was reset. She literally needed to work on her body from the beginning. Of course, her new body was better than the old one, and her experiences helped her a lot, but it was a fact that she had lost a lot of Power in this transition.

But Carmila had no regrets. After all, her current body would allow her to reach new heights.

'The training I had in The Tower of Nightmares wasn't enough to reach all my previous sensitivity. I need more...' She thought.

"Therefore, we will now work on applying what Victoria is doing to our own Techniques. After all, everyone here already has enough physical strength to accomplish it. We just lack the unconscious control that Victoria has. Meanwhile, Victoria, you will try to understand what you are doing on a conscious level. Your entire movement process is currently being done unconsciously. For now, there is no problem with that, but having conscious control over your Power is always for the best."

"Cough cough." Coughing sounds were heard, and the women looked at Violet, who at some point appeared next to Sasha and Victoria.

"I'm sorry to interrupt training, but aren't you guys forgetting something?"

"... AHHH! Today is the ceremony!" Natashia, Victoria, and Sasha spoke at the same time.

Natashia ran towards Carmila and Naty. "Come on, Mother, and another me, it's time for the ceremony."

"W-Wait! Do not push me!" Naty grumbled.

"Hmm, isn't the ceremony just for the Wives?" Carmila said.


"So why are we going?" Carmila asked.

"Of course, it's to have more allies," Natashia said. She may not like her other self very much, but this and that were two different things. She needed more allies.

"...Oh, the plan to have all the female members of the Main Line go to Victor, huh... I remember now." Carmila said.

"Correct, therefore, Mother. Please let Victor fuck you in a very bestial way so that you can get pregnant and give us another sister!"


"My head!" Natashia grunted when she felt Carmila slap her head.

"Control your perversion, Young Lady! And show some respect! I am your mother!"

"Humpf, children are a lot like their parents, so the way I am now is the way you really are." Natashia snorted. "You closeted old woman!"

Carmila's eyes trembled and then flashed with the Power of Lightning. She then opened her hand, and the Power of Lightning formed a construct in her hand.

"What? Do you wanna fight? Just know that I will not back down!" Natashia's body glowed too.

Rumble, Rumble.

A terrifying golden Power erupted from Sasha's body and rose towards the sky.

"Enough." Her booming voice resounded around.

The women of the Fulger Clan shrank slightly when they heard Sasha's voice boom outwards.

'So much Power... Having found Victor very early in her life was such a blessing for her development.' Carmila thought with slight envy.

Sasha's eyes stared at all the women in her Family, and then she stopped releasing her Energy reserves.

"Let's go. Darling should be waiting for us." She ordered.

"Okay," Naty said.

"Mmm." Victoria nodded as she sighed in relief that a fight hadn't occurred.

"Umu, my daughter is so cool~." Natashia nodded as she smiled.

Carmila just rolled her eyes, but a small smile was present on her face. Despite having some complaints, she was happy that her Family was together.

The women began to follow Sasha.

Seeing this interaction, Violet couldn't help but feel slightly envious. She looked at her mother and asked: "Mother, you don't happen to have any spirits of your mother or sister out there? Maybe sealed somewhere?"

Agnes' lips twitched slightly, understanding where Violet's question came from. "I don't. As far as I remember, my mother and sister died a long time ago... Although nothing is set in stone. After all, I only recently discovered a niece that I didn't even know about." She said, remembering Jessica.

"Hmm… Shame." Violet shrugged. 'I wonder when the new members of our Family will appear.' She thought as she remembered that girl on top of the Dragon from the vision she had.

"Violet? You coming?" Sasha called her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," Violet spoke.

"Come on, mother."


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