Bank robbers naturally wouldn’t have a good temper. After charging into the bank, they immediately fired all over the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The bullets flew in a random pattern which riddled the ceiling with countless holes.

*Da da da! Da! Da!……*

The chandelier which shattered scattered all over, the sounds of it shattering even managed to suppress the sounds of the women screaming in the hall.

Seven bank robbers entered the hall, and immediately dispersed to a position of their own. Holding their submachine guns, they advanced to those who hid and those who cried and threatened them. They also occasionally fired a few rounds.

“Everybody get down! All of you put your hands behind your back and crouch! Bullets do not hesitate, whoever dares to run or make random movements will be shot by me!” The masked leader shouted.

Yang Chen felt Tang Wan who was behind him trembling. He knew that she was afraid, after all, no matter how strong she appeared, she was still a lady, so he could only placate her by keeping her behind him, and the two crouched under the bank counter. He intended to watch how things go before taking any action.

In this crisis, Tang Wan could only rely on whoever’s available. Although hiding behind this man who she holds in disdain made her feel ashamed, how could she care about that in a critical juncture like this? In this moment, Yang Chen didn’t abandon her, and instead shielded her, which made Tang Wan pretty touched…… This man isn’t too bad……

It was at this moment, that a middle-aged man behind the counter quietly crawled, intending to press the panic button which would inform the police.

The robber seemed to be very experienced, and very quickly discovered the man’s intentions. He laughed out loud and said, “Trying to sound the alarm? There’s no point in informing the police, the police are full of shit, it’s pointless to hope that they’ll save you all!”

As he said that, that robber shot right on the man’s thigh. He didn’t kill him, but made the man roll around the ground, howling in pain. Blood flowed out, causing several women to cry in panic, several timid people even fainted from that.

Yang Chen creased his brows. He could stop and get rid of these people, but he didn’t move. In a situation like this, if the robbers do not casually kill people or attack him, he didn’t want to take action. It wasn’t because he was cold-blooded and didn’t care about the lives of all these people, it was because the moment he takes action under the gaze of this many people, his current life may easily take a turn for the worse, which was something Yang Chen didn’t wish to see.

In the past, he could have carefreely left this place, but now, he was no longer alone.

People are always selfish, and Yang Chen is no different. He wasn’t Batman or Superman, and had no interest in putting on a black cape to punish the wicked and get rid of evil, or putting on a red underwear and be the hero of a city. Yang Chen wasn’t so selfless as to leave the place and the people he liked for some people unrelated people who might get hurt or die.

There were so many innocent people who had died by his hands that it was uncountable. Although he might occasionally feel the weight of his sins, in this moment, Yang Chen just felt that it didn’t matter whether there were a few more or less lives here.

A rather inaccurate metaphor could describe Yang Chen’s current state of mind…… When you look from the perspective from a human, why would you value the life of an ant?

This was no longer the so called humanism, or bottom line of ethics, it was already an instinctive reaction of Yang Chen.

All of the people in the bank hall was put under control, while two robbers charged up to the second floor of the bank, and straightaway caught several of the executives of the bank. They all squat in a corner, so afraid that they didn’t dare to raise their head.

These robbers proficiently assigned three people to ransack the place without restraint, carrying huge burlap bags to every point of the bank where money was kept. They grabbed stacks of red bills and dumped them into their bags.

Approximately five minutes later, there was finally the “wee-woo wee-woo” sounds from the sirens of the police cars outside the bank.

Eight police cars had their lights flickering, surrounding the bank. Dozens of policemen got out from the cars with loaded guns, and had the area completely cordoned off.

Wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a Type 54 pistol, Cai Yan valiantly stepped off a car. Her exquisite face was filled with anger.

This was already the third time these bank robbers were committing a crime. Just a week ago, Cai Yan had declared that if she didn’t catch these criminals, she would retire from her post and never be involved with policing again. To her, this was an oath that was on the level of a military order.

Therefore, this time, Cai Yan meticulously made a battle plan, and even included the strongest personnel and firepower she could. She needed to eliminate these robbers in one go.

The policeman beside her began to shout, while she brought a team of elites to gradually close in on the bank under the protection of the riot police’s shields.

“The robbers in there listen up! You have already been surrounded! We have a perfect anti-terrorism defense deployed, we have an elite police force, and you have no where you can run! Right now, the best choice you can make is to lower your weapons and surrender, and face a just sentence from the law!”

The police’s megaphone unceasingly released resounding shouts which entered the bank’s hall.

The masked leader spat on the floor, and grabbed hold of a female customer close by. He pointed a gun at her head, walked to the door, then wildly laughed and shouted, “Shut your fucking bullshit! Shout one more time and I will kill a hostage!”

After saying that, the man raised his submachine gun towards Cai Yan and crew and shot at them!

The bullets hit the riot police’s shields, which made those nearby frantic. The onlooking people were also angered, but they were too afraid to get any closer.

Cai Yan’s face was dirtied by the dust swept up, and her beautiful face was flushed with anger. However, the robbers’ firepower clearly didn’t allow her to get any closer, so she had no choice but to retreat back to the police cars with her team.

A policeman nervously ran to Cai Yan’s side, and asked, “Chief, there are at least thirty hostages inside, how are we going to perform a raid!?”

“Have the snipers arrived?” Cai Yan calmly asked.

“They are still on the road, and will reach within ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes!?” Cai Yan was so angered that she nearly threw her pistol away, “That’s so slow. When they arrive, they would still need to get in position and take aim, by that time, before they even fired a shot, the robbers would already have taken a hostage with them and fled!”

An old policeman sighed and said, “Chief, it’s actually pointless even if the snipers came, these robbers are extremely experienced, they hide inside the bank at angles which are impossible snipers to shoot at. Even if the snipers were here, I reckon that they wouldn’t have any chance to shoot. Furthermore, there are seven of them, if a sniper makes a move, it might cause them to panic and harm the hostages.”

Cai Yan didn’t let anger muddle her sense of rationality, “According to your words, do we wait till the robbers grab all of the money and take away the hostage before we pursue them!? When they get to the suburbs, they can hide anywhere. If they have someone to provide support, there’d be absolutely nothing we can do against it!”

“There’s nothing that can be done about that, these robbers obviously aren’t of simple origins. It’s too difficult to catch them with just the police force. Actually, if it’s possible, we should get assistance from the military.”

“To rely on the military for a bank robbery case within Zhonghai!? Then what difference would there be between us and security guards!?” Cai Yan didn’t back down.

At this time, the policemen behind suddenly paved a way, and a tall figure walked over.

Cai Yan turned around, and her perturbed expression immediately changed to one of joy, “Jiejie, why are you here!?”

The lady who walked over had looks that was similar to Cai Yan, but her figure was taller and more voluptuous. She had long hair and wore a skin-tight leather shirt and light blue jeans, which outlined her slender curves. She didn’t look as heroic as Cai Yan, and was more of a graceful beauty.

But it goes without saying that both sisters were outstanding beauties that attract gazes.

This person was none other than the person who had not made an appearance since she was exposed for tailing Yang Chen previously, Flower Rain. She’s a member of the Group of Eight, and is also the twin sister of Cai Yan, her real name was Cai Ning.

Cai Ning indifferently looked at the blockaded bank, and said, “I watched the news of what happened here at home, Dad and Mom talked about this and had me come over to see if I can’t lend you a hand.”

It was as if Cai Yan had taken a breath of relief, she became a lot more confident and beamed, “I’ve really become silly from anxiousness, how could I forget that you were at home, Jiejie? With you around, they definitely won’t get away!”

“That may not be, I’m just an ordinary person.” Cai Yan spoke in a serene manner, her state of mind didn’t change as much as her sister.

This was the first time the surrounding policemen learned that their swift and decisive beauty chief actually had a sister, and that her sister was even a breathtaking beauty. They couldn’t help but discuss that with each other in whispers.

Cai Yan immediately swept a gaze at them in dissatisfaction, “Pay attention! What are you mumbling about!?” The policemen immediately turned their heads away in fright.

“Jie, what do you think we should do now? We can’t charge in, and they would bring a hostage with them when they flee, it’s giving me a headache!” Cai Yan softly complained. At this moment, she was more like a child throwing a tantrum in front of an adult.

Cai Ning was deep in thought for a moment, then said, “Bring a team to guard the outside, don’t close in. I will go in, and will notify you when it’s done.”

“Jie! You’re going in alone?”

“Is there a problem?”

“That’s very dangerous!” Cai Yan anxiously said.

“I know, that’s why I’m going in instead of you guys.” Said Cai Ning.

Cai Yan frowned, then grumbled, “Jie, just what do you work as? Why does Dad never tell me, while our relatives and friends also have no idea?”

“Is that very important?”

“Of course! You’re my one and only sister!” It seemed like Cai Yan had held it in for a long time, “We grew up together, but why was it that you suddenly left our home alone when you were eleven? You rarely come home even once a year, how could I not be curious? Besides, according to what I know, even if it’s the National Security Bureau, it isn’t a post that not even family is allowed to know about. Besides, it’s not like we’re an ordinary family…… Why is it that you can’t tell your own family what your job is? I care about you, so I want to know……”

A gentle smile surfaced on Cai Ning’s lips. She reached out a fair hand and rubbed Cai Yan’s face, “There’s a reason why I’m not telling you, but in short it’s the same as you, I’m working for the prosperity and stability of our country. When one day your security level is high enough, you’ll naturally know what I’m doing. Therefore, you must work hard, I believe my meimei will not fall short.”

[TL: Jiejie stands for elder sister, Meimei for younger sister, Gege for elder brother, Didi for younger brother]

Cai Yan dejectedly nodded, “Alright, I understand you. Be careful Jiejie.”


Cai Ning responded, and walked towards the main door of the bank.

The policemen just thought of this as Cai Ning being some special forces expert, which was why they believed the chief let her enter alone. But even Cai Yan herself didn’t know. Cai Ning’s appearance really wasn’t to actually help Cai Yan face these robbers, it was instead because there was a certain man with the robbers inside, which left her no choice but to rush over.

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