The man who was hit groaned with fresh blood flowing down his head. He fell down, rolled on the ground from the pain.

At this moment, everybody turned around and saw that the one who hit that man was a young ponytailed girl who wore an oversized red coat. She looked to be around sixteen. She looked a lot older than she probably was as people in the mountains matured quickly and worked hard on farming chores. She glared at the men with bright dark eyes like an angry lioness.

Yang Chen gave Mo Qianni an inquiring glance. Could this delicate-looking young lady be Qianni’s cousin or something?

Mo Qianni answered with a face filled with confusion, for she didn’t know who this girl was.

When the men returned to their senses, Black Loach was the first to go into a rage. He charged up front, seized the shoulder pole, and pushed the girl onto the ground!

“What the hell, where did this crazy bitch come from!? Why are you so busybody!?”

“Black Loach, Rockery’s blood can’t stop flowing, is this chick trying to kill someone!?”

“He’s finished, but we’ll play with her to avenge him!”

The other men no longer cared about their original target, Qianni. Their eyes were all red as the man named Rockery was helped up to a seat, and they then charged towards the girl.

The girl screamed, and when anyone tried to touch her, she bit on their arm in a crazed manner!

The cabin became chaotic, the girl managed to deter the men from closing in on her, but in the end she still wasn’t strong enough. After struggling for a short while, her arms were caught by two men, and another held onto her head. They let her struggle as much as she wanted, for it was to no avail.

Black Loach panted and shouted, “God damn, we bumped into a crazy bitch. If we don’t knock her up, it’d be a great loss to us!”

Although the girl was contained, her red eyes continued to glare at the men as if she wanted to eat them.

Seeing the girl who came to help them get into a situation where she was going to be sullied, Mo Qianni wanted to ask Yang Chen to save her, for she knew that Yang Chen could easily deal with this.

However, just as she was about to ask, Yang Chen had already walked up to the men.

Yang Chen tapped on the shoulders of the two men who stood the furthest away from the girl, “Hi, excuse me.”

“Don’t irritate me! We’ll deal with the two of you later!” The man shouted.

Yang Chen frowned and spoke no more, then chopped at the back of their necks. Before the two could react, they felt heavy pressure from the back of their necks, which made them go weak in the knees. They fainted on the spot.

This made the four men left, which included Black Loach, to notice that something wasn’t right. They released the girl who was still struggling, then picked up the shoulder poles to thrust it at Yang Chen!

The atmosphere in the cabin became more stifled than ever, and everyone watched this frightening scene didn’t dare to even breathe loudly.

Yang Chen calmly raised his bare hands to block the two shoulder poles, and they both broke upon contact with Yang Chen’s hands!

The two men’s palms were numb from the impact, but before they could retreat, Yang Chen walked up and gave the two a slap on the cheek each, the powerful force sent their teeth flying out along with fresh blood. The two men fell to a side, unable to get up.

Black Loach and the other man who stood the furthest were frightened. They kept moving backwards, until they got to the end of the cabin.

Yang Chen slowly walked forwards, then turned to open the cabin’s door.

An old train of this type moved very slowly. After opening the door, wind sounds were heard along with the sounds of the train’s wheels. However, neither were loud as the train happened to be going up a slope, which made it even slower.

Yang Chen pointed at the door opening and said, “Are you going to jump, or shall I throw you out?”

Black Loach’s tanned face immediately paled from fright, “Big… Big Big… Big Brother! We were wrong! Please don’t……”

Before Black Loach could continue, Yang Chen impatiently grabbed onto Black Loach’s collar, and expressionlessly hauled him out!

Black Loach was thrown out with his shoulder pole and rolled on the grass! After rolling a few times due to the inertia, he was left in the dust!

Yang Chen looked towards the other man whose back was slipping against the train’s walls, then sighed, “Looks like you don’t have the strength to jump anymore.”

Before Yang Chen could continue speaking, the man shouted “no” and practically leaped out of the cabin!

Amongst the men remaining, other than the pitiful man who was unconscious and bleeding from the head left on a seat, the rest were dragged to the door and thrown out one by one. The door was then promptly shut after.

The other passengers in the train saw what Yang Chen did, and subconsciously hid on the opposite side of the cabin. They also looked at Yang Chen with dread.

Mo QIanni had helped the young girl up a long time ago. She had the girl sit beside her, and took out some tissues to wipe away the tears on the girl’s face.

When Yang Chen returned to his seat, the young girl was evidently a little afraid of him. She secretly glanced at Yang Chen, and immediately withdrew her gaze. She awkwardly sat beside Mo Qianni.

“Yang Chen, take out the corn sausages I prepared, and let Ye-er have some.” Mo Qianni ordered.

[TL: Apparently sausages with real corn inside, not corn dogs O.o . And adding a -er behind someone’s name is a form of endearment similar to -chan -kun in Japanese.]

Yang Chen smiled and said, “This young lady’s name is Ye-er? The two of you sure chat quickly.”

“Her name is Ye Zi, and her pet name is Ye-er, it sounds good, right?” Mo Qianni amiably stroked Ye Zi’s ponytail. Mo Qianni truly liked this total stranger who had the courage to help out.

Yang Chen placed some snacks on the table, and Mo Qianni immediately offered them to Ye Zi. Ye Zi softly rejected her goodwill a few times, but she couldn’t bear Mo Qianni’s stern look, so she had no choice but to nibble on them.

Gradually, Ye Zi realized how kind the two of them were, and relaxed. Since she was hungry, she decimated two sausages and a piece of tofu, without even allowing the sauce on her fingers to go to waste.

Mo Qianni sighed, and used a tissue to gently wipe Ye Zi’s lips, “Are you still hungry? Would you like to eat a little more?”

Ye Zi shook her head, and spoke in a clear voice, “I’m good, thank you, Big Brother and Sister.”

“Don’t be overly polite towards us, treating you to some snacks is nothing compared to what you did for us.” Mo Qianni said. She then took more food to offer to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi quickly grabbed Mo Qianni’s hand to stop her, “It’s really alright, Big Sister. If my mother learns that I was so thick-skinned, she’d definitely beat me.”

“You’re such a good child, who’d bear to beat you? Well, other than that bunch of bad people who have been thrown out of the train.” Mo Qianni said with a smile.

Ye Zi looked at Yang Chen with reverence, “Big Brother, you’re really strong. I’ve never seen a man as strong as you in any of our villages.”

Yang Chen knowingly smiled. The strength he used earlier wasn’t much, if he actually used his true strength, this young lady might faint from fright.

“Ye-er, are you going back home?” Yang Chen had a good impression of this honest young lady. Although she was also a village girl, Ye-er’s looks were much more ordinary than Chen Rong when she just arrived at Zhonghai. However, she had the tenacity of a panther, which he admired.

Ye-er had recovered from nervousness, and seeing how amiable the two were, she opened up. She nodded and said with a smile, “Yeah, I live at Kunshan Village, I’d still have to walk a long way after getting off at my stop to return home. Big Brother and Sister, are you guys here for a vacation?”

“Kunshan Village!?” Mo Qianni’s eyes lit up, she was pleasantly surprised, “Yay! Ye-er, so you’re a fellow villager of mine!”

Hearing Mo Qianni’s words, Ye-er was stunned, “Big Sister, you’re also from Kunshan?”

“Yeah, I lived there when I was a child, but I went to Zhonghai to study and work, so this is the first time in over ten years that I’m coming back home. We’re truly brought together by fate!” Mo Qianni was incredibly delighted.

Ye-er was also filled with joy, “Big Sis, which side are you from? I live in the south part of the village, what about you?”

Mo Qianni sadly said, “Oh, so you’re from the south part, I’m from the north part. I guess you wouldn’t know the people from my family, you were probably really little when I left the village. But anyway, the two parts are just separated by a mountain top, we can still meet again after we return home.”

Suddenly bumping into a fellow villager was a happy moment for the two ladies especially after what happened earlier. The two had many topics to talk about, and began to chatter non stop.

Seeing how happy Mo Qianni was, Yang Chen was also put in a good mood.

When he first returned to Huaxia, he felt a strong sense of loyalty to this place, despite only knowing that he had Chinese blood in him,.

One could imagine how exciting it was for Mo Qianni to return to where she grew up and had many fond memories.

As Mo Qianni hadn’t been at Kunshan Village for many years, she urgently enquired about the many changes in Kunshan village. Before they knew it, they had already chatted for over an hour.

While chatting, it was revealed that Ye Zi hadn’t even finished middle school before she dropped out to sell their mountain’s local specialties at the city for her family. In the beginning, she went with her mother, but from the start of last year, she carried this burden alone.

Gradually, as she became familiar with Yang Chen and Mo Qianni, she began to call them Big Brother Yang and Big Sister Mo naturally.

As they chatted, it was only when Ye Zi mouth was dry and her voice was hoarse did Mo Qianni realize that they had chatted for too long. She apologetically handed over an unopened bottle of mineral spring water for Ye Zi to drink.

Seeing how Ye Zi was careful even when drinking water, Mo Qianni felt tender affection for her, like she was a mother caring for her daughter, “Ye-er, you’re truly brave. In a dangerous situation like earlier, the other men around didn’t dare to step up, yet you dared to pick up a shoulder pole to fight. Is this something your mother taught you?”

Ye Zi’s expression turned sour. She hardened her grip on the bottle cap, and shook her head. There seemed to be pain in her eyes as she said, “I… Once I saw those people, I can’t help it, I…… I hate them, I hate them so much I want them dead……”

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