Yang Chen’s unexpected reaction to request to make a phone call shocked everyone present.

What the hell does this fellow want to do? There’s no use even if he notified the army, so don’t even consider the police! One only needs to run for about fifteen minutes to cross the country’s border. No matter what request for help he makes, it’d just be to distant waters that won’t arrive to stop the fire!”

“He is Pluto?” Judy asked Broken Blade. She sized Yang Chen up, and seemed unsure.

Broken Blade nodded and said, “I have confirmed it, he is indeed Pluto. However, he’s been called Yang Chen ever since he returned to Huaxia.”

“How can one of the twelve gods of Olympus look like this? He doesn’t look like anything special.” Andy spoke with disbelief.

“Hey hey, I asked you to resume the signal, what are you chattering on about?” Yang Chen scoffed, he was getting impatient.

Broken Blade glared at him, “Pluto, you had better carry a more respectful tone, unless you want your woman to become a human vegetable!”

Yang Chen indifferently smiled, “We can talk about all that after my phone call.”

“Fine. Since you want to make a call so much, I’ll let you.” Punk was totally relaxed as he pulled up his sleeve to reveal his huge watch. There were various buttons on the watch, and after Punk pressed a few of them, he said, “I have lifted the electromagnetic interference in this area. You can make your call to whoever you want, I’m very curious as to what that can change.”

“Thanks.” Yang Chen leisurely dialed a number, and put it on speaker.

The phone rang once, and was immediately picked up.

“Yang Chen! Is it you? Where are you? Are you alright? When are you coming back!?”

This seemed to be the voice of a woman. It was full of anxiety, and many questions were immediately thrown.

Once this voice was heard, the expressions of Leaf and Broken Blade immediately changed!

Broken Blade’s reacted with panic and doubts, while Leaf reacted with surprise and joy, there were tears in her eyes.

“Little Qianqian, relax. I am quite far from your right now, but I think this matter should be settled pretty quickly. What you need to do is eat well, sleep well, and await my return.”

The recipient of the call was precisely Mo Qianni.

Confirming that Yang Chen was alright, Mo Qianni calmed down and agreed, “In that case, stay safe, Mom and I will wait for you to come back. She is also panicking, I have to let her know that you’re alright.”

“Haha, tell Mother-in-law not to worry, I will bring her some yak meat back!” Yang Chen playfully spoke as if there wasn’t anyone around him.

“Annoying guy, always joking about. I’m hanging up, return home early!” With that said, Mo Qianni hung up the call.

Confirming that it was indeed Mo Qianni, Broken Blade’s face turned pale. He was distressed by the fact that he didn’t understand what was going on, “You… she… how did she wake up!?”

Seeing Broken Blade’s expression, Judy and the other Blue Storm members were bewildered. Judy asked, “Broken Blade, what’s going on with you? Who was that woman?”

Broken Blade frowned, then turned his head to ask High Lama Dan Zeng, “Living Buddha Dan Zeng, did you give me the wrong drug!?”

“That’s absolutely impossible.” High Lama Dan Zeng didn’t seem to understand either, “If that lady was the one who took the poison, she’d be unconscious, and it’d be difficult for her to wake up again after ten days without the antidote. As far as I know, there’s practically nobody in this world who can cure that poison.”

Leaf and the others were also filled with doubt. They knew that the biggest reason why Yang Chen came with them was because Mo Qianni and her mother was poisoned and he needed the antidote. However, now that it’s revealed that Mo Qianni was safe and sound, why did Yang Chen put himself through all of that!?

“Do you feel like everything isn’t as you thought it was?” Yang Chen put his phone back in his pocket, and dully smiled towards Broken Blade, “Do you think that I still have any need to maintain respect towards you?”

Broken Blade swallowed his saliva, and calmed down. He confirmed that his side had an absolute numerical advantage, while there was practically only Yang Chen who could fight on the other side. Thus, he wasn’t too afraid, “Pluto, even if your woman is alright, don’t you dare think that you can break away from the eight of us.”

“Broken Blade, has the bargaining chip you used to threaten him lost its effect?” Judy seemed to understand a little of what was going on, and asked.

Broken Blade nodded, “But so what if it lost its effectiveness? Now that the victor has already been decided, he can’t change much all by himself.”

“You’re right. We were planning to fight him from the very beginning anyway. Now that it’s eight versus one, there’s nothing inappropriate about it.” Said Punk.

Yang Chen couldn’t help but ask with a smile, “Despite hearing what you guys are saying, I still don’t understand why you’re dragging me into this.”

“You need not feign ignorance. Fact is you know better than anyone what it is we want.” Broken Blade said with an evil smile.

“I think it’s better if you tell me.” Yang Chen shook his head and said.

“God’s Stone, we want the God’s Stone!” Broken Blade shouted.

When “God’s Stone” was mentioned, the eyes of the Blue Storms members and even High Lama Dan Zeng harbored intense desire. The way they looked at Yang Chen became filled with greed.

Those on Yellow Flame Iron Brigade’s side looked at Yang Chen with astonishment. They also seemed to know some information regarding the God’s Stone, but they didn’t know that the God’s Stone was in Yang Chen’s hands.

Vexed, Yang Chen scratched his head, “Why do you guys keep thinking that the God’s Stone is with me like those Japs?”

“Although there was no news of the God’s Stone after the old Zero was destroyed years ago, anyone who has researched that event would easily come to the conclusion that it’s in your hands. There’s also only you who understands the God’s Stone best that would know how to keep it.” Said Broken Blade.

Carlos evilly smiled, “Broken Blade, I didn’t expect that you planned to bring the God’s Stone back to the US along with the Buddha statue. Looks like before you’re trying to gain even more achievements before you depart Huaxia.”

“This is to represent my capability and loyalty to Blue Storm.” Broken Blade proudly smiled.

Chapter 208-2: I’m not human

“I can’t deny that I’m appreciating you more and more, Broken Blade.” Judy enchantingly giggled, “Pluto, it’s eight versus one, you have no chance of victory. I advise you to hand over the God’s Stone, if it isn’t on you right now, we absolutely have enough time to help you retrieve it, no matter where it is.”

Yang Chen tapped on the pockets of his jacket, and took out a small pill bottle. He walked over to Leaf and said, “Hold on to this for me, I want to eat it later.”

“What’s this?”

“Don’t ask, just hold on to it properly. I’m just worried that it might get ruined by accident.”

Yang Chen stuck the pill bottle into Leaf’s hands, then walked to the front of High Lama Dan Zeng and the other Blue Storm members and said, “There’s one thing I’ve wanted to say to Broken Blade ever since last night, but I held it in because there were too many things I didn’t understand. However, I can tell you now.”

For unknown reasons, Broken Blade felt a chill down his back. He stared fixedly at Yang Chen, and doubtfully asked, “What is it?”

“I, hate being, threatened, the most…..”

The moment he said that, Yang Chen’s body moved like lightning, leaving an afterimage. He had already moved from where he stood and charged towards Broken Blade!

Broken Blade already had his guard up, but he was still surprised by this terrifying speed which he couldn’t read. Forcing himself to see through Yang Chen’s movements, he saw that there was a hand about to grab onto his neck!

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Broken Blade raised both of his arms with the intention to block Yang Chen’s attack, but he didn’t expect that when his arms came into contact with Yang Chen’s hand, the bones inside them easily fractured like an egg!


Broken Blade miserably shrieked. Both of his arms broke at almost a ninety degree, while Yang Chen’s arm held onto his neck immediately after!

Everybody looked at this scene with astonishment for they weren’t able to react in time. The first thing the four Blue Storm members thought of doing wasn’t to help Broken Blade, and was instead to subconsciously move a few steps back. They nervously looked at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen lifted Broken Blade off the ground with arm, and Broken Blade was unable to breathe properly. Broken Blade’s face turned red, the pain from his shattered arms already put him into unbelievable pain. Even if he wants to faint, he’d just be awoken by the pain!

“Let me tell you a secret.” With his head lowered, Yang Chen said with a dull smile, “I was suspecting whether this whole plan was just you acting on your own initiative from the moment you used poison to compel me to help. This is because the leaders of the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade know very clearly that I hate being threatened the most, that can be called my biggest pet peeve. Furthermore, they also wouldn’t make such assumptions to my abilities like you did.

Previously, I intentionally let you threaten me because I wanted to confirm that this was all just a plan made by you, and that the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade wasn’t trying to wage war against me. Next, I inquired your members, and found out that communications with headquarters were only done through you. All intel, including the number of people Blue Storm sent was confidently declared by you. How could you receive intel about something that can’t even be detected!? These are all loopholes. For such an important mission, how could you be the only decision-maker? Now, it is apparent that I guessed correctly. The Yellow Flame Iron Brigade’s leaders aren’t so stupid as to use such tactics against me. Anyway, when it comes to ridding a treacherous pest for the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade, I’m very happy to help……”

Yang Chen began to tighten his grip, which made Broken Blade’s throat create noises like gears rubbing against each other. His eyes began to bulge, and became bloodshot.

“Other than telling you that I hate being threatened, I also want you to know that you’re way too annoying, I’ve wanted you dead for a long time.”


With the sound of his neck breaking, Broken Blade’s head tilted to a side, and he was dead.

From beginning till end, nobody dared to interfere with Yang Chen.

The Yang Chen of this moment wore a smile as if nothing had happened, but when they saw this image, it made it difficult for them to budge.

Hui Lin who was supporting the unconscious Abbess Yun Miao watched all of this and couldn’t help shutting her eyes, but she then opened a tiny crack, and she saw Yang Chen casually toss Broken Blade’s corpse out of the temple. His body landed right in front of the grievously hurt Cannon.

The expressions of those on Yellow Flame Iron Brigade’s side became more cheerful. Sky Dragon sighed in relief as well. The death of Broken Blade made them feel a lot of better, and the way they looked at Yang Chen now embodied reverence.

This man had considered so many things from the very beginning, and didn’t reveal any traces of it. In a way, he was a lot more terrifying than Broken Blade who meticulously plotted everything.

Yang Chen turned around and smiled at them, “Don’t look at me like this. You guys were in a position to be tricked, so it’s understandable for you to be tricked. However, I am someone who holds on to my grudges. Although you guys unknowingly became Broken Blade’s accomplices, I still wanted to let you guys suffer a little so that I feel better. Just look, Abbess Yun Miao who was creating the most trouble for me is hurt the most, hehe. But don’t you worry, you guys won’t die, the only one that deserves it was Broken Blade.

Sky Dragon and the others bitterly smiled. So that was why he remained seated by the doorway and just watched, he intentionally let them get hurt.

“Alright, it’s you guys’ turn.” Turning back to High Lama Dan Zeng, Yang Chen spoke with a demonic smile, “Hey monk, bring out the Buddha statue and obediently go to jail. It’s boring to stay on a plateau day after day, there’s no Buddhist nuns or Daoist nuns to be found there. If you sit in a plain prison, you might actually be more happy, since there are a lot of people pretending to be nuns these days.”

“Dan Zeng, do not hand over the Buddha statue! He’s alone, while there are seven of us, Broken Blade may have slipped up and died, but how could his power compare with ours!? Let’s join forces, there’s no need to fear him. This is the best chance to acquire the God’s Stone, we mustn’t let this slip through our fingers!” Carlos shouted.

Dan Zeng’s white brows furrowed. He put his palms together, “Sir Pluto, it’s difficult for a single person to change this situation, please do not force me to join forces with them to deal with you.”

Yang Chen’s smile gradually frosted over. His gaze seemed to become increasingly gloomy, as he softly sighed and said, “You guys don’t seem to understand. It’s true that a single person can’t change anything in this situation…… However… I’m not human……”

“I, am a god!”

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