Leaving the building, Shiro looked around for a short moment before jumping up towards one of the taller buildings. 

However, mid-flight, she had received a text regarding her third and final purchase. 

[???: Hello miss Shiro, as the winner of the Mana Springs permission, the Ospar family will conduct this transaction at the family mansion. Since this is a permission pertaining the access of our mana springs, we'll send you an exact date soon.] 

Reading the text, Shiro only raised an eyebrow. 

'I was wondering why they never gave me anything regarding this. So the Ospar family did this transaction personally.' Shiro thought to herself. That being said, it was a spur of the moment decision after all. She wasn't even sure if this will heal her mana links. 

Sitting down, Shiro pulled out the skill stone as she planned to create the cold fire before the fighting actually started.

[Skill Stone: Combust]

Create a wisp of fire in your palms that is completely under your control.

Cost: 500MP/second

Duration: N/A

Cool Down: N/A

Activating the skill stone, Shiro watched it crumbled into dust.

"Let's hope this works." She muttered as she flicked her index finger upwards. A bright orange flame lit up on the tip of her finger.

"Sss!" Shiro winced slightly as she quickly put the fire out.

Frowning at the fact that her fire was still damaging her, Shiro couldn't help but sigh at the fact that she had a 25% vulnerability to fire.

Sighing slightly, she started to work on creating the cold fire. Narrowing her eyes, she started to filter out the Helium in the air so that it would be the fuel to her fire.

Unfortunately for her, the air surrounding her only had a small amount of Helium. However, that was enough for her since the moment the skill was registered, it would take her mana instead of Helium.

After a short moment of visualisation, Shiro took a deep breath and snapped her fingers.

A blue flame lit up on her finger as a grin crept up on Shiro face. Unlike the previous flame, the blue flame didn't harm her at all. It was even slightly cool to the touch.

However, that flame only lasted a short moment before fizzing out.

"Hmm… seems like just making the flame isn't enough to register it as a skill. I'll need to actually make it viable for battle before the system register's the attack as a skill." Shiro muttered as she held out her hand. Since the flame needed Helium to take form, Shiro needed a large quantity of Helium.

Metal and lightning sparked for a short moment as she narrowed her eyes and sped up the construction process.

Once the item finished its construction, Shiro held a cylindrical container.

[Helium Filter]

The item would help her constantly filter out Helium from the surroundings while she was busy. Placing the container on her waist, she connected it with a clip make from nanotech.

'Hopefully, I should be able to gather enough Helium to make a spell out of it.' Shiro thought to herself as she pulled up her face mask.

Glancing at her white hair, Shiro couldn't help but notice how much it shines under the moonlight. Furrowing her brows for a moment, she made created a hood, chest armour and some arm guards to help hide her identity. 

In addition to this, she also activated her disguise skill and edited what people would see when they saw her.

[??? LVL ??? - ???]

'Perfect.' She smiled to herself. Plus, with the construction of her hood, Yin had managed to have a new home. While it wasn't as comfy as the old hood, due to the fact that it was made from metal, it was good enough for Yin.

Her goal for participating in tonight's war was simple. Rob a few people for a few items she had her eyes on during the auction. Most of these items were enhancement potions and other consumables that would help give Lyrica and Madison some extra protection while they were off dungeoning without her. Now that her level had propelled to 43, she was 8 levels above them.

With such a difference, it would do more harm than good if she were to go to dungeons with them. That being said, it was only limited to dungeons. If they were to go into raids or excursions outside of the dungeon, she would join in since the monsters outside the dungeon were much stronger than the ones inside the dungeon.

Crouching on the roof of her building, she narrowed her eyes whilst she scanned the surroundings for enemies.

'Hmm, there are quite a few level 60's around here. From what I can see, most of them belong to the Casadan Family and the Sermak Family.'


As if signalling the start of the war, several figures rushed out of the auction house and dashed towards their respective families.

Bright orange orbs exploded into life above them as Shiro realised that Alura was immediately casting Hell Fire Bombardment.

Lox gritted his teeth for a moment before flicking his arms upwards.

Magic circles appeared around him as lightning dragons could be seen clawing their way out of the magic circles.


The dragons collided with the fireballs and exploded into a multitude of colours in the sky. Just from a simple glance, one could tell that the dragons had been completely suppressed.

'Mn, the power of the Hell Fire Bombardment is as strong as I remembered it to be.' Shiro thought whilst the floor could be seen slowly freezing around her. Cooling herself down, she couldn't help but applaud Alura for her control over fire. Even with her distance, she could still feel the intensity of the flames.

Without good visualisation and control, that kind of output would be extremely hard, nearly impossible in fact. Not to mention, Alura had cast it without too much trouble showing her talent as a fire user.

However, Lox wasn't to be left behind either since he was able to conjure up beasts of lightning one after the other without too much delay.

Since he couldn't surpass Alura due to her power with the Hell Fire Bombardment, he was going to overwhelm her with quantity.

With the two young leaders of each family duking it out, the other members weren't to be left behind.

Looking at the different types of skills flying through the air, Shiro couldn't help but marvel at the fact that it looked like a fireworks display.

Minutes passed as the casualties shot through the roof. Not only that, but the fight was slowly moving away from the auction house, allowing the other winners of items to leave quickly while they could.

[Thomas LVL 50 – Berserker]

Seeing one of her targets run out of the auction house, Shiro narrowed her eyes and dashed after him.

Yin Style Phantom Art's: 1st Phantom + 2nd Phantom + Faded Snow Movement.

Catching up with the adventurer, Shiro grabbed the back of his neck and slammed him into the ground.

Sitting on his back, Shiro grabbed both of his arms and had her foot pressed against the back of his elbows so that she could break them quickly if she needed.

Holding both arms with her right hand, she typed out her message with her left hand and showed him the phone.

[Hand over the items you've won at the auction.]

Reading the message, Thomas only gritted his teeth as he tried to break out of her grip.


Breaking both of his arms quickly, Shiro flipped off his back and landed softly. Flicking her wrist, she instantly created Harbinger's Song and aimed the gun at the man's head.

"Heh, we both know guns don't do shit anymore!" He shouted out whilst lunging at Shiro. Activating several skills that bolstered his defence and strength, his body increased in size as a red glow encased him.

Shiro only glanced at him coldly and pulled the trigger.


The bullet shot towards Thomas and completely destroyed his head.

"Headshot." Shiro muttered and disassembled her hand cannon. Walking over to the headless corpse, she collected the loot.

'Hmm… that's quite the inventory he had. Not too bad.' She thought with a nod before parkouring up the side of the building.

Looking at the destruction caused by the two families, Shiro couldn't help but applaud at the fact that they managed to not involve any bystanders.

Not only that, but it seems like most of the houses were already empty.

'Seems like they've long evacuated.'

Shaking her head, she looked around for the second adventurer she had her eyes on. The item he won were several spell scrolls that contained high tier D ranked spells.

If she got her hands on them, Lyrica and Madison would have a better chance to finish off a high level boss should they need it.

However, the moment she found her target, she saw that he was being pursued by a two level 50's.

"Well two more victims doesn't change anything."

Crouching down for a short moment, she put strength into her legs and ran towards the trio. Making two Harbinger's Songs, Shiro also created suppressors on the end of the barrels.

Jumping off the roof of her building, she grinned and aimed both guns towards the level 50's chasing her target.

Suddenly feeling a sense of danger, they looked up to see a girl falling towards them with two guns pointed at their heads.


Two suppressed gunshots rang out as she killed the two with ease.

Grinning at the power behind the two hand cannons, Shiro pivoted on her foot and turned towards her target.


Ice shot towards him as it froze his leg.


With her target frozen in place for a short moment, Shiro was able to shoot him on the back of his head.

Disassembling the dual hand cannons once more, she collected the loot before leaving the area.

While there was the choice of earning more loot, she knew that it was better to quit while she was ahead.

Rift Walker.

Her body immediately disappeared from where she stood.

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