"Heeeh~ so the boss is a giant Dinosaur with wings huh?" Shiro said whilst craning her neck up to see the boss.

While she was marvelling at the boss, the trio behind her was in shock since they were making eye contact with the monster.

It was as if it was contemplating about how it should eat them.

"Welp. Let's clip its wings first." Shiro grinned.


Snapping her finger, a giant two fold magic circle expanded out from under the boss.


Two giant hands made from ice shot upwards and grabbed the monster's wings.

Cracking sounds could be heard as the wings were being crushed.

"Don't just watch ok? Do feel free to attack." Shiro chuckled whilst looking over her shoulder.

"R-right. Let's go." Lyrica nodded.

While the duo dashed forward to attack the boss, Shiro stood near the back using her swords and glacial magic to support them.

Silvia was speechless seeing the support Shiro was giving the duo. Even without them saying anything, she was able to protect them at the perfect moment along with parrying the monster with her ice so that an attack would miss.

'Wow…' She thought in awe.

"The key thing about being a support is observation." Shiro said, taking this moment to educate Silvia a little.

"While a normal party would have people calling out for support, by the time they call out, it would be too dangerous. Therefore, it's the healer's job to look at every party member and attend to them when needed.

"Plus, there should also be a sense of trust between the party and the support. The reason as to why the two of them don't call out for support is because they trust their backs to me. Unless they need something such as a blessing from you, they would focus on the boss." Shiro smiled.

Silvia nodded her head since she understood this fact. But for them to trust her so intently, it was something rarely seen.

'It must be because she has the power to back it up. She gives them a sense of safety…' Silvia thought to herself since that was what all healers should aim for. Giving their party a sense of safety.

Whilst providing support for the duo, Shiro smiled when she found an opening.

"Blessing." Shiro called out as a golden glow encased her body.

Raising up her right hand into the air, Shiro twisted her wrist and created a two fold magic circle. Her swords flew upwards and gathered in the centre with a dark purple aura around the blades.

Calamity's Will!

Corruption spread out from the blades which caused Silvia to pale.

Since she was a healer, she was more sensitive towards elements that erased life. However, even though she had come into contact with elements which caused her unease, she never felt anything as repulsive as what was being emitted from the swords right now.

The magic circle started to construct a glacial trident in which the swords started to embed themselves into.

The light blue colour of the ice suddenly turned dark purple.


Swiping down her hand, Shiro gritted her teeth feeling the resistance from needing to control the trident.

However, before the trident could hit the boss, a blinding light covered their eyes.


When they opened their eyes again, they saw Shiro's glacial trident embedded into the dungeon door.

Mutters could be heard around them as they looked around.

"Che, so the dungeon mutated huh? Who's the unlucky one." Shiro clicked her tongue and retrieved her swords.

[Self Made Skill Recognised. Awarding 200 free stat points.]

'Lucky.' Shiro thought with a smile.

As for Silvia, after hearing Shiro say the words 'Dungeon Mutated', her body shook slightly from the memory of their experience from the dungeon mutation.

"Is this what happens when the dungeon mutates and we're not the ones affected?" Lyrica asked.

"Yeah. When a dungeon mutates, anyone outside of the affected party is expelled out of the dungeon until either the party dies, conquers the dungeon or higher level adventurer's force the door open and rescue the affected party." Shiro shrugged.   

"Huh, interesting. So what shall we do now?" Lyrica asked.

"Well we can either wait till the dungeon opens again or we can leave."

"Let's wait." Madison suggested since she wanted to tank against the boss a few more times to improve her technique.

"Alright." Shiro nodded. In the meantime, she was going to check out her new skill.

Since she didn't suggest a name, the system randomly generated one for her.

[Frozen Hell – Calamity Trident]

A corrupted spear that will eat away at anything it touches.

Cost: 50,000 MP

Duration: N/A

Cool Down: 5 minutes

'Calamity Trident… Hmm, this is no doubt one of my strongest skills now. Frozen Slumber is an AOE while Calamity Trident is a single target. With these two, I have both crowd control and boss killers.' Shiro thought with a smile.

Since she had gained an additional 200 stat points, she allocated them all into her INT.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Title: Shadow Empress, Proficient Monster (231/500 Humans Killed), Fratricide, One Woman Battalion, Creator of the Frozen Hell Series (Incomplete), Ice Princess.

Level: 46

Class: Snow Girl★★★★★, Nanomancer

HP: 220,250/275,000

MP: 272,200/584,320

STR: 1400 (+100) <+375>

VIT: 1800 (+200) <+500>

INT: 3500 -> 3700 (+550) <+1,062>

AGI: 2200 (+450) <+662>

DEX: 2000 (+100) <+525>

DEF: 600 (+100) <+175>

< > = Title Bonus

Unassigned Points: 200 -> 0


Ice -> Glacial – Tier 2

Lightning – Tier 2

Metal – Tier 2

Shadow – Tier 2 (Augmented with Calamity's Will)

Balance: 500,400,000 USD

Equipment (Tap to Display)

Skills –

Snow Girl ★★★★★:

Tier 2 Glacial magic, Passive Regeneration, Blessed by Ice, Faded Snow Movement, Glacial Aura, Glacial Touch, Glacial Breath. Ice Field Affinity, Cold Illusion


Nano Tech Engineering Tier 2, Bow Creation, Shield Creation, Melee Weapon Creation, Armour Creation, Hand Cannon Creation, Shotgun Creation

Frozen Hell Series

Frozen Slumber, Azure Hell Fire, Calamity Trident

Ancient Healing Arts:

Fire of Life


Mini-map, Inspection, Disguise, Mana Barrier, Lightning Magic (Tier 2), Metal Magic (Tier 2), Shadow Magic (Tier 2), Combust.

Shared Skills (Yin):

Shadow Buff (Tier 1), Ice Chain (Tier 1), Shadow Cloak (Tier 1), Shadow Talon (Tier 1), Rift Walker (Tier 1), Absorption/Redirection (Tier 1), Shadow Affinity (Tier 2)]

With her MP passing the 500k mark, she had unlocked the next skill of her Nanomancer class.

Shotgun Creation.

No doubt the weapon with the shortest range out of her arsenal but one of the most powerful.

Glancing at the requirements to use her Shotgun Creation, Shiro clicked her tongue since a single shotgun required 100k MP to create. Not only that, each shot took a minimum of 25k MP.

"Tsk, it seemed so cheap before as well." Shiro muttered in annoyance. When she was in her peak, 100k MP was nothing to her.

However, 100k right now was almost 20% of her total MP.

"Mn? What's cheap?" Lyrica asked curiously.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Shiro smiled and waved it off.

'I'll give the skill a try when I'm alone.' She thought to herself before browsing on her phone for any recent news.

Unfortunately, since the slums operation was so big, it dominated the news. With titles such as 'Slum factions eradicated' or 'Cairosa finally released from the cancer known as the slum factions', it was hard to find anything else worthwhile.

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