[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 16->18

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 1900/1900

MP: 3550/3550

STR: 32

VIT: 27 (+15)

INT: 55 (+40)

AGI: 50 (+15)

DEX: 17

DEF: 10 (+9)

Unassigned Points: 0

Balance: 9200 USD

Equipment: (Tap to display)]

This was her stats after a day and a half of hard work. While the mutation brought higher level Fire-based monsters, they were still under level for Shiro.

"Continuing to hunt these mobs would take forever to level up again." She muttered.

She was currently chewing a few Mana Stones as the fire attributed ones tasted like strawberry.

Making her way to the obelisk, she saw the guardian.

[Fire Spirit Golem – LVL 15 – Elite Class]

The Fire Spirit Golem stood at roughly 2.5 meters tall. Made from dark brown rock, it had fire flaring out from every crack on its body.

"Elite Class? Should be a challenge." Shiro said while she chewed on the stones.

Spreading her palms, electricity and metallic effects sparked as they started to twine together.

"My mana has reached enough for me to make use of my dagger creation. Though not as intended, it should work like a charm on you." Shiro said with a grin.

Two daggers formed in both her hands as they had neon blue veins travelling down the blade. The Daggers took 1000MP each which would be fine if she was higher level. But right now, each dagger was just a little under a third of her total MP.

[Nano Crafted Ice Dagger (Blue) – LVL 18

+10 Piercing

+10 Sharpness

+10 Ice Element

Durability – Until stored MP runs out

MP – 1000/1000]


The Golem cried out causing molten rocks to separate from its back and shoot towards her.

Sidestepping some of the rocks, Shiro frowned seeing her HP drop a little due to the slight AOE(Area Of Effect).

[HP: 1750/1900]

As the two large boulders shot towards her, Shiro twirled both daggers in her hands before throwing them towards the rocks.

When the daggers hit the rocks, Shiro clenched her fist as Ice started to spread outwards from the daggers.

During her time hunting the Fire element monsters back on the first floor, she had managed to combine both classes together in some instances such as now.

When crafting the Dagger, Shiro inserted Tier 1 magic in the centre which made the Dagger akin to a grenade that can be detonated at any moment she wants.

The sudden contrast of temperature created through her Ice caused the boulders to explode due to Thermal Shock. As the boulders exploded, Shiro flexed her fingers causing the daggers to fly back into her hands as if they were magnetised.

Running towards the Golem with narrowed eyes, she threw one of her daggers at the face.

Seemingly understanding the danger the daggers possess, the Golem made a small rock to counter the dagger.

Shiro took its reaction into account as her second dagger shot towards the leg.

Stabbing the leg of the Golem, Shiro didn't combust the dagger but instead used it as a foothold.

Jumping up, she grabbed the first dagger then twisted her body before she stabbed it into the Golems chest.

Combusting both daggers, the force sent the Golem stumbling backwards as Shiro landed lightly. She quickly scanned her own HP and MP to see how they were holding up.

[HP: 1450/1900]

[MP: 1150/3550]

Shiro frowned at the damaged she took to her HP since just being near fire caused her HP to drop a little every second. It was one of the negatives due to her being a Snow Girl.

Seeing the Golem stand once again albeit with visible damage on its body, Shiro couldn't help but lament the fact that she can't see its HP.

Flicking her wrist, both daggers reappeared in her hands.

[MP: 490/1000]

[MP: 410/1000]

She sighed slightly at the remaining MP in each of her daggers but decided to make due for now.

The Golem stood up tall as it brought its arms above its head.

Slamming both arms down, Shiro quickly jumped upwards to avoid the tremors as she threw the daggers at the Golem's arm joints.

The Golem's arms solidified causing the daggers to bounce off. Opening its mouth, fire element surged towards it and a ball of fire was being created.

"Ah right. A breath attack." Shiro said as she remembered most Elemental Type [Elite Class] or higher monsters were capable of breathing out a breath of their respective elements.

Quickly utilising the float passive of Snow Girls, she avoided the fire breath.

Her breathing fluctuated due to her being so close to the fire. Conjuring up some Icy Mist to cool her down, Shiro panted while she landed hard on the ground.


[MP: 700/3550]

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue as she stood up.

The Golem clamped its mouth shut whilst it glared at her.

She walked towards the Golem before slowly increasing her speed into a full-on sprint. With her AGI reaching 65 points, she was three times as fast as an average human a.d.u.l.t.

The daggers unhinged themselves as Shiro caught them in mid-air. Turning her body without slowing down a single bit, she threw the daggers back into the face of the Golem with increased momentum.

Making three Ice Spears, she threw two which locked down on the Golems legs whilst the last one hit the cranium.

The force caused the Golem to open its mouth as the two daggers entered inside.

"Goodbye~" Shiro grinned as she detonated the daggers. This time she made sure the daggers would use every last drop of MP stored inside them to give the Golem a devastating blow.


The explosion of Ice shot into the air causing Shiro to whistle at the impact.

The fire that came from the Golem died down, signalling her about the Golems death.

"Hehehe~ Loot loot my loot~" She sung lightly as she jogged towards the body of the Golem.

Rummaging through the rocks, she found the Mana stone the size of two fingers.

Lifting the stone above her face, she peered through the stone as it seemed like the stone held a ball of fire inside.

Unable to contain her grin, she threw the stone into her mouth and smiled blissfully at the taste.

The stone had a sweet outer shell with the taste of oranges. Once you get past the outer shell, a jelly-like inner area welcomed her as a burst of flavour exploded in her mouth.

Giggling slightly, Shiro enjoyed the Mana Stone slowly whilst she collected her bounty.

[Fire Giant's Shield (Green) LVL 15]

[Fire Spirit's Ring (Blue) LVL 15]

[Fire Giant's Greaves (Green) LVL 15]

[Fire Giant's Guard (Green) LVL 15]

[Fire Giant's Titanus Cleaver (Blue) LVL 15]

[Fire Source Stone x10]

[Fire Stone Dust x42]

[Fire Giant Essence x1]

[Red Gem x3]

[2000 USD]

"Oh my, three green drops and two blue drops. You are one fat sheep big guy." Shiro said looking at where the Golem once stood.

She didn't need the Shield so she recycled that. Inspecting the other pieces, she couldn't help but grin when she saw the ring.

[Fire Spirit's Ring (Blue) LVL 15 - Ring

+20 INT

+10 DEF

Skill – Fire Spirit Blessing

Fire Spirit Blessing – Activate to receive a 20% increase to magic damage and 20% fire damage.

Duration – 20 seconds

Cool Down – 2 Minutes]

[Fire Giant's Greaves (Green) LVL 15 - Legs

+15 DEF

+10 STR

-15 AGI]

[Fire Giant's Guard (Green) LVL 15 – Arms

+10 STR

+5 DEX

-5 AGI]

[Fire Giant's Titanus Cleaver (Blue) LVL 15 – Greatsword

Requirements – 40 STR

+20 Sharpness

+15 Fire Element

+5 Ignore Defence

+5 Heavy Damage

-20 AGI

-5 Attack Speed

Skill – Fire Giant Empowerment

Fire Giant Empowerment - +100% strength, +50% damage, -80% speed

Duration – 1 minute

Cool Down – 5 minutes]

"Hmm… Everything apart from the ring is pretty much unusable for me." Shiro muttered. Recycling everything except for the Ring and Greatsword since the sword itself may have some uses later, she equipped the Ring and checked her stats.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 18->19

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 650/2050

MP: 300/4550

STR: 32

VIT: 27->30 (+15)

INT: 55 (+60)

AGI: 50 (+15)

DEX: 17->19

DEF: 10 (+19)

Unassigned Points: 5->0

Balance: 11,200 USD

Equipment: (Tap to display)]

"1 more level and then I'll reach LVL 20. I wonder what's the Class Up after Snow Girl…" She muttered as she reached out for the obelisk.

Teleporting back to the 2nd floor, what was a snow forest now became a scenery of fire and burnt trees.

"I'm back~ Miss me?" Shiro called out with a smile.

There was a bear in front of her and it was a LVL 7 Empowered Fire Bear.

Sending out a single Ice spear, she killed the bear easily.

  • 14
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