"Fuu…" Breathing out, Shiro walked towards the corpse.

Climbing into the hole she created, she harvested the D ranked mana stone.

" [Collect] "

Once again, the loot was subpar in Shiro's opinion.

However, if the other adventurers were to know this they'll want to strangle her since they would kill for her loot. They weren't like her who could create suitable weapons when she wished.

Recycling the equipment except for a few, Shiro patted Yin's head as she looked up.

"Not far from the top now." Shiro said.

With the pace she was going at, killing the boss 20 times should be roughly a day or two's worth of effort outside of the Dungeon.

Inside the Dungeon, however, it would equate to roughly 30 to 50 days.

Climbing higher up the mountain, the next mobs were similar to the Yeti Berserker. They all looked like bipedal bulls that had white fur.

"Wait… Actually, I have an idea." Shiro muttered as she placed her palm down.

A giant sheet of Nanobots spread out as Shiro frowned seeing the surface area only being 10 meters squared.

'Compression system, piston propulsion system, retraction system, sensory system…' She thought as the trap was slowly being made.

Looking at the trap which bolstered 4 spikes for every meter squared, Shiro grinned while she covered the trap with snow.

She waited for her MP to recharge before taking action. Making a bow in her hands, she aimed it up and shot a flashbang arrow.


The arrow exploded into a ball of light as the Yetis had to cover their eyes in pain.

Due to the nature of snow, they reflect light very well as they could cause blindness if not careful.

While the Yetis were used to the light shining off the snow, they couldn't stand the sudden burst of light caused by Shiro's arrow.


They roared out as their eyesight slowly recovered. When they saw Shiro, they glared at her in anger.

Shiro had a slightly sadistic smile on her face as she gestured for them to come with her finger.


They roared in sync as they stormed towards her.

However, the moment they stepped on the trap, a laser sight appeared and aimed at Yetis.

When it locked on, the spears shot upwards before expanding like a Venus flytrap. Sharp spikes decorated the inside of the trap as it slammed shut on the Yetis.


Their screams reverberated in the mountains as they soon died out not too long after, returning the silence back to the mountains.

Looking at the sight in front of her, Shiro couldn't help but giggle as that one trap allowed her to kill 8 of the Yetis.

Regenerating her mana, She walked towards the final boss.

As she continued to kill the Yetis, she couldn't help but notice the fact that the Yetis were decreasing in numbers the higher up she went.

'I hope it's not another god damn species again.' Shiro cursed as she was still a little annoyed from the millipede from last time. In a Dungeon of ants, a millipede was one of the obelisk guardians.

When she arrived at the highest point, she crouched down to make herself smaller and peeked towards the boss.

The boss was sniffing around as Shiro narrowed her eyes seeing the boss's appearance.

The boss was unlike the other Yetis. Instead of white fur, he had black and blue fur. An appearance which made Shiro question whether or not it could even hide in the snow.

His other features include a total of 4 muscular arms that seemed like they could snap a car in half just by tensing themselves.

[Titanus Yeti Ravager LVL 30 – Boss]

HP: 800,000/800,000

MP: 200,000/200,000

'Hmm, I should probably restrain his arms first.' Shiro thought as she looked over to Yin.

"Little Yin, lock up his arms please." Shiro whispered as she made a bow.


Ice Chain wrapped around the ravager as Shiro pulled back on her bow.


The moment he roared, she let go of the arrow.


The arrow exploded in the mouth of the Yeti as Shiro nocked another arrow.

Pulling back, Shiro split the mana arrow in two and fired them both.

Flexing her fingers, Shiro controlled the arrows to shoot at the Yeti's temple.

The temple is one of the weakest parts of the skull, allowing Shiro to penetrate the skull without as much force.

Grabbing her bow at the handle, Shiro twisted them and separated it into two swords.

The ice chain started to break apart as Shiro used her ice chain skill as well to lock the boss down longer.

Quickly making a skill chip, Shiro made an ice ramp towards the boss.

Jumping up, she aimed at the boss's arteries and slashed with several skills combined.

[Blood Rush]

[Momentum Multiplier]

[Increase Power]

[Increase Sharpness]

[Razor Edge]


The cuts severed both arteries as blood flowed out in huge quantities.

With large monsters like the ravager, their blood circulation would be fast seeing as they would need large quantities of energy to move their hulking bodies.

However, the main point as to why Shiro aimed for the arteries was due to the fact that with such a heavy amount of blood loss, the health would drain much faster.

The boss glowed with a blue light as Shiro only furrowed her brows.

"You and your god damn Rejuvenation." Shiro cursed as she waited for a moment.

As the shield wore off, Shiro plunged one of her blades into the ravager's mouth.

Quickly jumping backwards, Shiro avoided the grasp of his hands.

Clutching her hand, the sword exploded in the ravager's mouth.

Making herself another sword, Shiro dashed towards the ravager's legs.


The cuts appeared around his heels as Shiro severed the tendons.

Jumping up, she twisted her body and sliced at the shoulder tendons.

However, the arms suddenly bent abnormally as they reached out for her.


Shiro quickly made a pillar of ice from the bottom of her feet, pushing her away from the arms.

Looking at the arms that could bend back on itself, Shiro frowned in disgust.

Drinking a mana potion, Shiro made a bow and nocked a nanotech arrow.

Pulling back the string, she dashed around the ravager.


Ice spike were created in the ravager's hands as he threw it towards her.

Yin Style Phantom Arts: 1st Phantom + 2nd Phantom.

In addition to the first and second phantom, Shiro activated Faded Snow Movement as well, boosting her speed further.

A blizzard started to pick up as the ravager narrowed his eyes.

Making four swords, one in each hand, he started to swing around him.

"Don't bother. I'm going ranged combat for a reason." Shiro called out as she was already above him.


She shot her arrow downwards towards the ravager.


The arrow shifted into a giant bladed net. 

Wrapping around the body of the ravager, the blades dug deeper into his skin the more he struggled.

Flexing her fingers, Shiro caused the blades to rotate.


The ravager roared out as blood continued to flow.

Nocking two arrows, Shiro aimed for the arteries once more.

For a boss like the ravager, the best way would be to let it die slowly on his own.

Now that the tendons and the arteries were destroyed, she didn't need to do anything else.

Jumping up onto a platform, Shiro sat down and watched the ravager coldly. Her bow was ready to fire should the ravager attack her.

 After 30 minutes of struggling, the ravager died and collapsed weakly.

Dismissing her bow, Shiro collected her loot.

"Che. Nothing useful." Shiro muttered as she made her way back down the Dungeon.

Now she had to repeat this 19 more times for her star up requirement to be met.

  • 14
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