Scratching the back of her head slightly, Shiro looked at her new hair with a slightly perplexed expression.

It wasn't that she didn't like it but that this meant troubles for her later on. The chances of her body changing more with each star earned were quite high as Shiro couldn't explain the growth.

[You like this hair? I wasn't too sure.] Shiro lied as she examined her hair.

"Un your hair is nice. It's rather unique with the white flares around the edges." Lyrica nodded as she made sure her nosebleed was gone.

Pulling out a handkerchief, she cleaned her nose a little.

[Well enough of that. Have you prepared yet?] Shiro asked.

"Prepared for the event?"

[Yeah. Faction recruitment starts in 2 days. You should prepare yourself since we want you to get into a decent guild. With a good guild, the mortality would be lower.]

"True. But I'm not sure if I can get into one. From the previous faction events, I know that there is an introduction then a total of 5 stages and a prize pool at the end." Lyrica said as they walked into the dorm. 

[Do you know how the event is going to be laid out this year?] Shiro asked as she wanted to test Lyrica.

"The introduction is basically the different factions showing off so people can decide which one they want to join. The intro includes different factions sparring with each other and competing in some fun events.

"The next stage or the actual stage 1, is the warrior's division. Every melee type adventurer participates in this event as the challenges vary every time it is held.

"Stage 2 is the mages division. Just like stage 1, every mage participated in this event.

"Stages 1 and 2 aim to thin out the crowd in for both mages and warriors alike. This would leave around a few thousand competitors in the event.

"Stage 3 is aimed at thinning the crowd even more. Most often, this is a battle royal. They'll be doing this part in the simulation so people can go all out.

"Stage 4 is a tournament of sorts. They'll reshuffle the remaining members and put them in several different blocks. Anyone who isn't top 3 is then eliminated.

"The final stage, stage 5, is where it's 1 vs 1 fights. The winner of each block will place in the top 10, 20, 25 etc depending on how many there are.

"The order is shuffled around so the potential 1st place may be the last place within the top 20. As for people under the top 20, they can challenge the higher ranks to try to get into the top 20.

"There are rewards for the top 10, top 20, top 50 and top 100. Last time they held the recruitment, they had C ranked items for top 10. The winner had a special C ranked item that boosted his potential up by several folds." Lyrica explained as they went to her room.

Sitting down on the chair again, Shiro crossed her legs.

[So are we going to be registered as adventurer's or under the school?]

"We'll be registered under the school when we join the faction recruitment. This is so that the school can have bragging rights if a big faction recruits one of our students." Lyrica said.

[I see. Oh before I forget, I'll be heading out again tomorrow. Only to get some accessories.]

"Mind if you take me along?" Lyrica asked.

[Sure. Though the shop name is a little out there, the private stock is definitely worth it. It's where I got both of our outfits.]

"Heh~ I'm more curious now. It's not every day you see such a good outfit too. Not to mention, it doesn't break." Lyrica said as she glanced at her outfit.

[We'll set off early tomorrow. Goodnight.] Shiro typed as Lyrica nodded.

Walking back to her room, Shiro frowned seeing another shadow.

Flexing her finger, a spike appeared and stabbed the shadow at the temple.

"Tsk. Stalker." Shiro frowned as she set a few traps around her room.

It took an hour before all the traps were laid out perfectly.

Shiro decided to message Aarim as well seen as though she had the chance.

[Shiro: Hey Aarim. Would it be fine if I visited your shop to commission for another accessory made from monster cloth?]

[Aarim: How much monster cloth do you think I have available?!]

Shiro was surprised seeing how fast Aarim replied.

[Shiro: I just want to commission a face mask that I can pull down. Black in colour.]

[Aarim: Hmm... sure. You know the payment right? Modelling again.]

[Shiro: I'm not too sure about this. I have a friend coming with me.]

[Aarim: You can just do the photoshoot together with your friend.]

[Shiro: I'll have to ask her tomorrow then.]

[Aarim: If she doesn't want to, I'll put it on a tab. You can come model for me when you have time.]

[Shiro: Thank you very much.]

[Aarim: no problems.]

Putting her phone aside, Shiro changed into her nightwear before sleeping.



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