[What I need is a level 25 and two level 30 set armour, a level 25 and level 30 pair of swords and shields.] Shiro typed out.

"Now normally I would have probably done everything separately but just for you, and the fact that ass plates are driving me insane, I'll do it all in one go. Describe them to me." Helion said as he pulled out a notepad and pencil.

[For the armour, the level 25 must be defensive orientated as it is meant for a tanker. However, it must also hold some attacking capabilities since she is a mix tanker. She can act as both attack and defence. For level 30's, one of them should be a mix like the level 25 and the other one should be only speed and power focused. As for the sword and shield, just make them as best you can with both attack and defence in mind.]

"Hmm, so I'm guessing that one is for the Madison girl and the other for the elf? I'm honestly surprised that you're already asking for level 25 and 30 armours for them." Helion said as he started to sketch.

[Well I took them to a level 30 dungeon and levelled them up.]

"Hahaha, that's just like you. Taking them into a dangerous dungeon to level up." Helion chuckled.

Finishing his sketches, he showed them to Shiro.

"How is this? If I started to make them now, it'll take me around a day or two to make them all." Helion said.

[We're not in too much of a hurry so it's fine. How much do I have to pay?]

"The ass plate business boom gave me more than enough materials and money to last me a few months. Don't worry about it.

"And before you say anything, just know that this business boom is due to a certain… tendency of yours." Helion said before Shiro could reject his offer.

[Fine. Just text me when the items are done.] Shiro typed out.

"Alright. Just give me a second." Helion said standing up.

Walking out of the store, he saw the queue of people waiting and could only give up on this business opportunity.


Closing the shutters, he ignored cries of injustice.

"Well, I should make a start on the armours now." Helion said with a smile. 

[I'll leave you to it. See you later.]

"See ya Shiro."

Leaving the store, Shiro made her way back to the dorms.

Returning to her room, she sighed seeing a certain figure floating near the window.

Giving Shiro a wave, Nan Tian gestured at the window.

Pulling up a chair, Shiro sat down with her legs crossed. Resting her head on her hand, she pulled her phone out and started typing one. Letter. At. A. Time.

[You should be able to open that window yourself right? Why are you waiting for me to open it?] Shiro asked.

"Well, I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't wait for your permission would I?" Nan Tian chuckled while opening the window.

[And you stalking a little girl is being gentlemanly?] Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Well... if you put it that way, then it's not gentlemanly at all. But unlike a certain someone, I don't watch you while you sleep do I?" Nan Tian laughed.

[Urg. Both you and him are the same in my eyes. Stalker to the bone.] Shiro rolled her eyes.

"But would you rather a gentlemanly stalker or a creepy stalker?" Nan Tian asked as he sat on her windowsill.

[Like I said, both are the same in my eyes. But enough about your creepy tendencies. Tell me, what are you here for?] Shiro asked.

"What am I here for? Hmm… would hanging out with a friend need a reason?"


"Tsk. Fine, let's just say you should be careful. This city might take a beating in a few days and that might even be the best case scenario. In the worst case scenario, it may start as early as tomorrow."

[Take a beating?]

"What I mean by that is a group known as the Black Monarchy has a ritual being set up in this city. As for the contents of the ritual, I have no idea." Nan Tian said with a serious face.

[Black Monarchy? Sounds edgy.]

"Hahaha, yes. Yes it does." Nan Tian laughed. He found it amusing how she wasn't focused on the city-wide threat but instead, the fact that their group title is edgy.

"You aren't curious about the ritual they are holding?" He asked.

[I am. But, what can I even do? If they're planning a ritual in this city, then it's not something a level 35 like me can stop. The most I'll do is give my friends a warning about it and nothing else. Plus, with you and other factions in the city, we should be relatively safe.] Shiro shrugged.


[Also, can't you pinpoint their location? If you look at the ritual areas you've discovered so far, you can reverse draft a ritual diagram and find out the activation sequence. Disrupt that correctly and you stop the ritual.]

Nan Tian was taken back by her line.

"But how would you even know what kind of ritual they're planning." Nan Tian asked curiously. He had his own idea but was curious to what Shiro had thought about it.

[Well it's kind of obvious. Once you find a few of the base nodes, you'll be able to reverse guess the type of ritual. First off, you need to know the types of rituals. The most common ones being an attack, defence, summon/sacrifice and totem rituals. Let me ask this first. How big is the ritual and how long has it been since the start of their preparation?] Shiro asked.

"I'd say it covers around 60 to 70% of New York City and that they've probably started for almost a month I would guess." Nan Tian replied.

[Well then it's a totem ritual.] Shiro rolled her eyes. If was very easy to guess what type of ritual based on prep and the size of the ritual.

With the size being 60 to 70% of the city with a preparation of 1 month, then the only option would be totem ritual.

"Why totem? Why not attack ritual?" Nan Tian asked curiously.

[Well, since you've discovered tracks due to your estimates, it means they also know. If an attack ritual really took 70% of the city, the materials required would be astronomical. Not to mention, the conditions of an attack ritual is stringent and with you in hot pursuit, they wouldn't be dumb enough to continue with such a strict ritual. Therefore, it could only mean it's a totem ritual.]

"If it is as you say, then the only problem left is what kind of totem they're making." Nan Tian sighed as he leaned back.

[So why are you telling me this?]

"Like I said, it's to warn you. Get your friends out of the city or something before anything begins."

[Urg. Read carefully would you? I wrote WHY. So give me your reason as to why you are warning me.]

"Hmm… you can guess yourself." Nan Tian replied.

'I can already imagine this asshole grinning…' Shiro thought, pulling an annoyed face.

Seeing her face, Nan Tian took it as a cue to stop for now.

"Well, since I did what I wanted to do. I'll leave for now."

[Before you go. Does the governor of this city know? And if so, are they planning an evacuation procedure?]

"Yes, they do. And the evacuation procedures are underway."

[Alright, you can go now.] Shiro waved her hand dismissively.

"Ai… so hurtful to your future sect branch master." Nan Tian sighed with a shake of his head. Flickering away, Shiro only rolled her eyes.

There wasn't any point to warning Lyrica and Madison about the ritual. The only thing it'll do is serve to add stress. 

With the 'higher ups' already planning everything out, Shiro decided that she shouldn't meddle with it and add more variables to their plans. 

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