"Mn….." Lyrica slowly opened her eyes as she felt refreshed after sleeping.

'Oh right! Shiro!' She thought as she instantly sat up.

She looked around and was surprised seeing Shiro at the desk with lots of paper around her.

Currently, Shiro had tilted her head back as it seemed like she was fatigued.

Noticing that Lyrica had woken up, Shiro grabbed a notepad and quickly wrote something down.

[You're awake.]

She looked over with a smile.

Lyrica was both shocked and surprised.

"You learned reading and writing in the time I was asleep?! How?!" Lyrica asked.

[Decoding. I matched my audio cues saying the words with the alphabet. I slowly decoded what each letter sounded like and memorised it.] Shiro wrote down as Lyrica couldn't believe someone could learn a whole language in the time she was asleep.

"Unbelievable…" Lyrica muttered.

[Is it really? We live in a world with Dungeons and monsters. I think learning language in a day isn't that shocking.] Shiro wrote down with a grin.

"I suppose so." Lyrica said as it made sense.

[So what lesson's do you have?]

"Lessons? I take swordsmanship, Close Quarter Combat and Dungeon Exploration." Lyrica replied as Shiro nodded.

[Then I'll take those lessons with you.] She smiled.

"Eh?! What about yours? Aren't you an Ice Mage?" Lyrica asked slightly fl.u.s.tered.

Shiro smiled as she flicked her fingers and a sword made from Ice appeared.

[Close Quarters Combat is important for a mage as well.] Shiro wrote down.

[That and also you've helped me greatly.]

"No, it's mostly because of your efforts. I didn't do anything." Lyrica shook her head as she didn't believe in her own contribution.

[Without your help, this would have taken much longer. Being able to recognise the language today will help me greatly.] Shiro wrote down as Lyrica became embarrassed.

[Since you've slept for the entire day, you want to go eat?]

"Eh? Ah! It's 8PM!" Lyrica said shocked as she held the clock.

[It'll be my treat.] Shiro wrote down.

"You really don't have to. I can afford it." Lyrica said looking at Shiro.

[If you don't let me do this, I will be angry.] Shiro frowned slightly.

"Fine…" Lyrica said as she quickly dressed up.

They walked towards the food court as Lyrica couldn't help but ask a few questions.

"Shiro, how come you don't have shoes or socks?" She asked.

[I woke up this way. It's doesn't matter though since it doesn't hurt.] Shiro replied.

"How did you manage to get to level 21 even though you're 13?"

[I kill monsters and level up obviously. That being said, how old are you?]

"Me? I'm 15 and only a level 10…" Lyrica said slightly depressed.

[No worries. Since we can explore Dungeons, I can help you level up quickly.]

"Why are you so nice?" Lyrica asked.

[You showed me kindness so I'll naturally reply with kindness.] Shiro smiled as they arrived.

They ordered some food and started to eat away.

Shiro only ordered a sandwich as she hid a few mana stones inside or else the sandwich would taste just like water. It doesn't fill her up either, only mana stone does.

Lyrica seemed nervous as she kept fidgeting whilst they ate.

[What's wrong?]

"Mn? Oh its just that this makes us seem like friends."

[Are we not though?]

"Eh? Um I guess but you don't want to hang out with me."

[How come?]

"Well… you might get looked down upon because you're hanging out with me. Everyone is at least level 13 plus when they reach the age of 15. Yet I'm still at level 10." Lyrica said.

"A genius like you who's reached level 21 at the age of 13 shouldn't be hanging out with trash like me." Lyrica sighed.

[Then what do you think about those people at a higher level? Some have a difference of 50 levels yet they're at the same age. Are they still trash?] Shiro wrote down.

"Of course not. They had the talent to reach such a high level after all." Lyrica replied.

[Then have you heard of those people who jump levels to challenge their superiors?]

Lyrica nodded as she proceeded to say;

"Experience can make up for the lack in stats."

[Then we just need to give you more experience. Not to mention, your class seems to be different from the normal starting class. Maybe it's because of your elven heritage, but it may need more EXP for you to level up once.] Shiro wrote down.

"It can't be." Lyrica denied.

"The class Elven Swordswoman is the basic class of every Elf who chooses to use the sword." Lyrica said as Shiro felt her smile twitch.

'This girl…' Shiro thought as she was denying herself a little too hard.

She remembers the Elven classes. At the start, they were basic classes. But later on, they become harder to class up compared to normal classes.

This is because everyone had a chance at obtaining the Special Class [Elven Sword Saintess].

Each type of weapon had its own [Saint] class. Examples being, [Elven Archer Saint], [Elven Axe Saint] and [Elven Dagger Saint].

However, there was only one shot at this Class Up and if they failed, they had to go with [Elven Grand Swordswomen]/[Elven Grand Archer] Etc…

The only reason Shiro knew about this class was due to the Elf in the [Light Bearer Hero]'s party.

She had the class and exhibited superior battle prowess than even the hero at certain moments in her life. Shame she died during a large battle that raged on for 5 days and 5 nights.

[Then why don't we work together? You can help me while I help you in the dungeon.] Shiro smiled.

"Eh? How would I help you?"

[I can't speak so there are some limitations in my life. Not only that, I don't know anything about myself. So having a friend stay with me helps a lot.] Shiro wrote down making up a reason.

Lyrica's eyes brightened up as she grabbed Shiro's hand whilst ignoring the cold.

'!!!' Shiro was shocked seeing her suddenly grabbing her hand.

"You can count on me!" Lyrica said as Shiro could only chuckle slightly.

After they finished their meal, they walked home with Lyrica feeling happier than ever.

Shiro shook her head with a smile.

But it was during this that an idea suddenly popped into her mind and a grin formed on her face.

Tapping Lyrica's shoulders, Shiro showed Lyrica her note pad.

[So you know how Elf's have longer life expectancy than humans? Wouldn't that mean you're currently a lot younger in human years? So you aren't under level, but rather you're looking at this using the wrong age system.] Shiro wrote down as Lyrica paused.

"That does seem to be the case…" She replied feeling embarrassed.

However, age doesn't really matter. The higher level you are, the more mana you have stored inside you. The more mana you have, the more it vitalises your body.

This made it so that you're able to live for much longer than normal. But Shiro won't tell Lyrica that since she had just managed to give her some hope.

[Therefore, you have no reason to feel down.] Shiro wrote as Lyrica nodded.

"You're right!" Lyrica smiled.

Returning back to their rooms, Shiro found a package next to her door.

'It's probably the uniform.' She thought as she took the package inside with her.

Inside the package was an assortment of clothes. A set for winter and a set for summer.

The summer uniform was a short-sleeved grey dress with a red bow tie. The skirt stopped around her knees as the uniform also came with black knee socks and shoes.

The winter uniform, on the other hand, was earmuffs, scarf and a long-sleeved white shirt with a black vest. It included a uniform jacket as it was also grey in colour. A separate skirt that reached her knees and black tights.

Folding up the winter uniform, Shiro placed the summer uniform ready for tomorrow.

Before sleeping, she checked her timetable for the lessons she's applied for.




-Close Quarters Combat

-Dungeon Exploration

She chose to apply for Magic as there may be some interesting concepts in this new world.

'The first lesson tomorrow is Swordsmanship. I have decent Swordsmanship but it can definitely improve.' Shiro thought before falling asleep.

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