"I’ll die if I don’t become handsome . "

When Seiji told them the name of his novel, he noticed that both Chiaki's and Mika's expressions changed slightly .

He was slightly embarrassed at this . Even though Seiji could proudly slap his chest and claim that his novel was an excellent story, he was still embarrassed about it .

"It’s quite an amusing name; I feel tempted to read it right now," Chiaki said with a chuckle . "I’m really curious about the contents . "

Mika also nodded energetically .

"It should be published in the Thunderbolt Literature’s next magazine, which will be released on—"

Before he could finish speaking, Seiji’s cell phone started ringing .

When he checked the caller ID, he saw that the call was from Editor Yoshizawa!

'Could it be . . . '

When Seiji received the call, his suspicion was confirmed . The editor had called him especially to notify him that the magazine with his story being published in it would be released tomorrow .

After he finished the call, Seiji immediately relayed this news to the two girls .

"What a coincidence! We were just talking about this subject when your editor called you . " Chiaki smiled . "I’ll get up early tomorrow and buy a copy of the magazine to check out just what you wrote, Seigo . "

Mika also had an expression of anticipation .

Seiji smiled, and his eyes burned with a proud light . "I’m confident in my own story, and I hope that you guys will like it . "

To Mika and Chiaki, his current expression made him seem like he was shining with the brilliant light of charisma .

"What about the current story you’re writing together with your adopted younger sister Kagura-san? What’s the name, and what’s it about?" Chiaki asked .

"About this . . . " Seiji averted his gaze . "The name will be ‘Brother Monogatari,’ and it’s about a brother and sister dealing with demons . "

"Brother Monogatari?"

A brother and sister fighting against demons?

Chiaki and Mika exchanged awkward glances with each other .

Chiaki lowered her voice . "This . . . could it be a story about the real life of you and Kagura-san?"

It really seemed so to her .

After all, Seiji and Shika Kagura both had "mystical" powers, and the two adopted siblings indeed could be fighting against demons . . . this already sounded like a fantasy story!

"Of course not! I wouldn’t write about something from my real life . " Seiji waved his hand in denial .

"I suppose so . But . . . " When Chiaki considered it more closely, she felt that the situation was somewhat strange .

An actual magical ability user writing a fantasy story . . . would his story count as non-fiction or fantasy?

The tomboy was struggling with internal conflict; she wanted to remark on the strange situation but was lost on how to go about it .

Not long after, the bell that signified the beginning of the next class began ringing .

. . .

When Seiji returned home after school, he saw a brand-new living room .

High-quality tatami mats had been placed all over the floorboard, and some renovations were also done to the walls and ceiling . Together with the newly installed furniture, it seemed simple and beautiful . It gave the room the atmosphere of a family dwelling .

High-quality tatami mats had been placed all over the floorboard, and some renovations were also done to the walls and ceiling . Together with the newly installed furniture, it seemed simple and beautiful . It gave the room the atmosphere of a family dwelling .

The renovation company did an excellent job, as expected of a company personally recommended by the landlord .

Seiji sat down by the table, and Shika brought out a teapot and some teacups, sitting down beside him .

The black-haired beauty sat down on a tatami mat, placed the cups, and began pouring tea .

This scene was so beautiful that Seiji was slightly startled He only regained his senses when Shika handed a teacup to him .

He took the teacup, had a sip, and felt the warm and slightly bitter tea run down his throat .

'Mmm . . . it's pretty good . '

Seiji and Shika enjoyed their tea for a while in silence . Then, Seiji laid down on the tatamis and tried rolling around on them .

Shika imitated him and also rolled around . Both of them exchanged glances and laughed as they lay on the mats .

The black-haired girl rolled over to Seiji’s side, and Seiji offered her his arm as a pillow . Shika laid her head on his arm and closed her eyes .

Seiji watched his adopted sister’s face for a while, before closing his eyes as well . Without saying anything, the two of them napped like two idle cats .

Nighttime .

Seiji stretched; he'd just finished another chapter of "Brother Monogatari" and had decided to stop for the day .

He felt that resting was necessary . Last time, he was so engrossed in writing that he accidentally pulled an all-nighter, which he didn’t enjoy .

He also wanted to relax after concentrating for so long on writing . Seiji went to the living room and poured himself a glass of water .

After he finished off most of the water, he simply sat down quietly on the tatami mats for a few minutes to help his brain to relax after working so hard .

'Should I continue writing?' he wondered .

After a few moments of internal deliberation, he decided on a change of pace; he would practice his [Astral Vision] .

After a few moments of internal deliberation, he decided on a change of pace; he would practice his [Astral Vision] .

So, Seiji simply laid down on the tatamis and began practicing . Yesterday night, he'd finished reading the material on [Astral Vision], and his system indicated that he had reached 100% progress for the [reading a manual] requirement .

The difficult part of this spell was concentrating his Mana on his eyes . If a person didn’t have good control of their Mana, this would be impossible . To make a comparison with a certain game from his past life, Seiji felt that the [Body-Strengthening Technique] was akin to "awareness" of Mana, while [Astral Vision] relied more on "mechanical skills" to use Mana .

He needed patience and refinement . His body relaxed and his mind calm, he concentrated on perceiving and controlling the Mana .

Satisfied that he was sufficiently connected with the surrounding Mana, he took the opportunity to activate the power in his eyes with an incantation and his eyes shot open .

There was a red flash in his eyes—[Astral Vision], activate!

His vision sharpened, and everything in his field of vision glowed faint red, but his vision returned to normal after only a few seconds .

It was still no good . Seiji was aware that it wouldn’t be this easy to succeed and that he still needed to practice .

‘I should chat with Shika about this and have her teach me . ’

He rose to his feet and went to knock on his adopted sister’s door .

. . .

The next morning was a special day for Seiji .

The weekly edition of Thunderbolt Literature’s magazine was publishing Seiji’s story I’ll Die If I Don’t Become Handsome on this day .

He got up early to purchase a copy and read it together with Shika during breakfast . Seiji felt inwardly satisfied at seeing his own original work being published on paper .

This was just the beginning . This was only a short story published in a magazine, and his next goal was to publish his own full-length light novel!

It was a light novel that he worked on together with Shika, one which would have an exquisite cover and excellent insert art .

Seiji and Shika both wished to see this in the future . On the way to school, Seiji showed the magazine to Mika .

Kaede asked what was going on when she saw this, and she showed interest after she learned about it . She promised to purchase a copy to show her support, and Seiji thanked her for this .

Seiji and Shika both wished to see this in the future . On the way to school, Seiji showed the magazine to Mika .

Kaede asked what was going on when she saw this, and she showed interest after she learned about it . She promised to purchase a copy to show her support, and Seiji thanked her for this .

When they arrived at school, they saw that Chiaki was already in the classroom reading the same magazine .

When Chiaki saw Seiji, she gave him a big thumbs-up .

"I haven’t finished reading yet, but I think you’ve written really well so far . " The tomboy smiled as she gave him her review .

Then, she kept on reading .

Mika also sat in her seat and read her borrowed copy of Seiji’s magazine; she seemed to be very enthused .

Class time .

Seiji ignored the content of the teacher’s lesson and secretly worked on his novel .

Suddenly, a system notification popped up in front of him—

[Your written novel has been officially published and truly liked by one hundred readers . The [novel rewards] option has been activated under your [rewards] option, and you can now be continuously awarded points and items as more and more readers truly appreciate, praise, and support your novels . ]

Seiji's eyes widened in surprise . ‘Wow, this is . . . ’

He hurriedly opened up his system and checked the new option .

First, he noticed that he'd received four reward points .

And right as he was looking at it, this four changed into a five!

The system said he would be continuously awarded . . . so this was like income, not a one-time deal! The more readers that liked his novel, the more points he would receive .

And there were item rewards as well as points .

Seiji took a look at the first item reward; it was called [Random Draw Shard]!

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