Later that night, Seiji told Hisashi Juumonji about how "Romance of Ice and Fire" had agreed to join them and set up a chat group, adding all three of them as members .

"It's great that Ice and Fire Sensei is willing to join us! Could I ask how you found Idle Fish? And why was it that you agreed to join us?"

"No need to use honorifics; you can just call me Ice and Fire," Yukari typed in the chat group . "I'm actually real-life friends with Idle Fish and knew that he was the author of Become Handsome . When you told me that the game scriptwriter would be the author of Become Handsome , I was astonished and told him about the fact that I'm actually an artist . After discussing it with him, I felt that it would be interesting to create a game together with you guys, so I agreed to join in . "

"I see . . . such a subtly wondrous connection of fate!" Hisashi exclaimed .

"Indeed, I was shocked to find out that my friend was the artist Ice and Fire; I never expected someone right beside me could turn out to be a potential collaborator," Seiji typed . "I chatted a lot with Ice and Fire at lunch today, and here's what we came up with for the game's storyline . . . "

Seiji explained what he and Yukari came up with during lunchtime to Hisashi .

"Two traps secretly competing against each other . . . this definitely sounds interesting! I give my full support to this story!" Hisashi even added several emoticons with excited expressions . "Please go ahead with this storyline! Let's also add suspense and novelty to make the story even fiercer, deeper, and impactful!" Hisashi then added a few hot-blooded passionate emoticons .

"Suspense is a definite yes, but as for novelty . . . "

"I object! I don't wish to draw bloody scenes, and I've never drawn them before . "

"Isn't it good for artists to try topics they've never practiced before, Ice and Fire Sensei? Also, it can even be an advertisement for the game: we can promote it as 'a new, unprecedented genre fro Romance of Ice and Fire; she aims to surpass her limits!" Hisashi was clearly very passionate about this topic .

Yukari fell silent .

"Sweet Pig, no need to be so forceful with your requests . Perhaps Ice and Fire will want to try new things in the future, but not now," Seiji typed . "I think that just adding suspense will be fine and that adding novelty is slightly overboard . "

"If Idle Fish says so, then I'll retract my request . My apologies, Ice and Fire Sensei . "

"No, Sweet Pig-san," Yukari responded, "you didn't say anything wrong . Artists should challenge their own boundaries without fear . But . . . now is not the right time for me . I don't have any interest in drawing such a style . "

There was a brief moment of silence in the chat group .

"So the storyline's basically decided now, and the keywords are trap, school, artifact, romance, competition, and suspense . . . I'm going to start working on the game script after finishing the novel that I'm working on," Seiji said . "Ice and Fire, why don't you start thinking about the character appearances and draw a charismatic main character . "

"Got it . "

"Then this humble one shall continue searching for people," Hishashi said . "We still need to find a music composer for our game . Also . . . should we get an office for ourselves?"

An office . . . Seiji blinked at this proposal . "Ice and Fire, what do you think?"

"I . . . think it won't be necessary . "

As he expected, she didn't want to reveal herself .

"I think it's unnecessary as well . Let's forget about the office, then . "

"This humble one simply wanted all the team members to be together and happily work in the same room . . . but if neither of you are interested, it's fine . " Hisashi sent an emoticon of regret .

"Actually, I'd also like an office, but Ice and Fire doesn't want to expose their true identity; please understand . " Seiji secretly sent a message to Hisashi . "Also, don't expose the fact that this artist is currently a student at Genhana High School . "

"Got it! No worries, Seigo . "

"Got it! No worries, Seigo . "

. . .

One day later .

Seiji typed out the last word of Brother Monogatari's final chapter .

After the final period was added, he stared at the screen for a long while before finally removing his hands from the keyboard, stretching, and letting out a huge sigh of relief .

It was complete!

He'd finally finished writing this story!

Seiji felt a sense of satisfaction and achievement comparable to running a marathon after completing his draft .

He scanned over it one more time to confirm that there were no obvious errors like missed words before calling Shika over .

Shika sat down in front of the computer and began reading the story . Her eyes grew brighter and brighter as she immersed herself in the story .

Seiji watched her for a little while before walking to the living room and pouring himself some tea . He picked up a light novel that he hadn't read yet and started browsing through it casually .

After being busy for so long, he could finally relax and take a break .

Half an hour later, when Seiji was about to refill his tea, his cell phone rang .

He checked the caller ID and saw it was an unfamiliar number . After a brief pause, he took the call .

"Hello, who might you be?"

"Hello, who might you be?"

"Good evening . Is this Seigo Harano-san?" a slightly raspy voice asked on the other end . It sounded like an old man's voice .

"I am . "

"Sorry for bothering you in the evening . My name is Shouzou Amami; I'm Hoshi's, Rion's, and Kotomi Amami's grandfather . "

Hoshi and the twins' grandfather!?

Seiji was rather surprised .

"Harano-san, are you currently busy?"

"No, not at all . "

"Then allow this old fellow to say a few words," said the elderly man named Shouzou . "I sincerely thank you, Harano-san, for helping that child Hoshi . "

"I should have given you my gratitude long ago, but I was preoccupied with various affairs, which was why I took so long . Please forgive me for the delay . "

"No, there's no need; I just did what I should have," Seiji told him sincerely . "Hoshi . . . and the owner . . . ah, I mean Rika Amami-san, they've already thanked me . There's no need for you to thank me so formally . "

"Their thanks is their thanks, my gratitude is my gratitude," Shouzou said in a serious tone . "In the end, this is all because I didn't teach my son properly, which caused such an incident . It's my responsibility . Thanks to Harano-san, this incident was resolved . I'm feeling the painful effects of my own mistake, and I'm sincerely grateful to you . "

"In order to personally express my gratitude, I'd like to invite Harano-san over to my humble residence for dinner tomorrow night . Would you happen to be free then?"

" . . . I am free . "

"Then I shall wait here to welcome you tomorrow . "

" . . . I am free . "

"Then I shall wait here to welcome you tomorrow . "

"I really feel like it's not necessary to be so polite . . . "

"By all means, please attend," the old man said sincerely .

After that, he gave Seiji a time and place . Seiji could only record it .

After repeating once more that he would await Seigo Harano's arrival tomorrow night, Shouzou Amami hung up the call .

He was rather polite and formal for the call's entire duration .

The incident with Hoshi was about a month ago now, and Seiji thought that it was completely over with . He didn't expect to receive the gratitude of an Amami family elder as well as an invitation to dinner .

He truly felt that this all was unnecessary, but since it was an invitation from an elder who meant well, he believed he should accept .

Tomorrow night at seven o'clock . . . should he bring over some presents?

Seiji mulled it over . Then, he checked his contact list and called someone .

That person picked up immediately .

"Good evening, Senpai!"

"Good evening, Junior," Seiji greeted . "I just received a phone call from your grandfather . "

"Eh . . . Eh!?" Hoshi choked out a sound of astonishment .

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