During lunch break .

Chiaki shot him a condescending look . "How did it feel to sleep together with a tender and sweet loli?"

"I knew that you would ask this question . . . " Seiji sighed before changing his expression to a serious one . "Of course it was amazing!" He flashed them a big thumbs-up as he praised the experience .

*Slap!* *Slap!*

He was slapped on both his left and right cheek .

"Eh? My hand involuntarily moved by itself . "

"Same for me . I only noticed that I had slapped after I already finished . "

Chiaki and Mika both acted as if what they had done was inconceivable . Seiji was rendered speechless .

"I already expected to be slapped when I said that, at least by Mika . Chiaki, you don't have the right to lecture me, I'd think?"

'Haven't you 'tasted' many tender and sweet lolis yourself?' He looked at her with that query in his eyes .

"I've never slept together with any elementary school boys," the tomboy replied .

Seiji was unable to find any comebacks to this . After all, what they did was indeed different .

"I really didn't do anything," Seiji said, sighing . "Of course I wouldn't have done anything either . We merely slept together . If I did anything on top of that, Shika-chan would probably be the first to kill me . "

"You're right about that . Kagura-san had such a serious expression in her eyes . " Chiaki took a bite of her lunch . "With her keeping a tight guard on you, I suppose I can relax . "

"You should trust in my moral character more . "

"Your moral character was placed into doubt right from the moment you agreed to sleep together with an elementary school girl . "

*Schtick!* Seiji took a direct arrow shot to his forehead .

"She's only a child, and besides, she'll probably want to sleep by herself after a while," Seiji said, sighing once again . "And in the end, she won't live with me forever . "

"That's what you say . . . " Chiaki gave him a meaningful look . "But even if she's only a child, she's still a 'girl . '"

" . . . And what does that mean?"

"Nothing in particular . " Chiaki continued eating her lunch .

A moment of silence fell between them .

"Um . . . How's Amami-sensei doing now?" Mika asked .

"Pretty good," Seiji answered . "After her terrifying memories were sealed, she stopped having nightmares . Her androphobia has greatly improved as well, and it seems likely that she'll be completely cured soon . "

"That's wonderful . Sensei suffered so much… I hope that she gets well soon . "

"Yep . We still don't know how to dispel the mysterious power that caused all this, but . . . when there's a will, there's a way!" Seiji said resolutely .

"That mysterious power . . . just what could it be?"

"I don't know . Since we don't know, we just call it the mysterious power . But the President did mention something—" Seiji looked towards Mika—"she said that it resembled your mysterious Spiritual Creature . "

"Eh?" Mika was surprised to hear this . "Like . . . Mashiro-chan?" she asked with a dazed expression .

Seiji nodded . "Yep, the President said that they feel similar . . . in the way they work . Of course, it's obviously not the same thing as Mashiro-chan .

"But since the President intuits that they're similar, then could Mashiro-chan actually have some sort of secret connection to this mysterious power? And if there is a connection, then Sakura-san who gave Mika Mashiro-chan might know something about it . Also, having Mashiro-chan come into contact with Sensei or Reo-chan might cause something to occur if that's the case . "

Mika didn't respond to this .

"I'm not asking for you to take Mashiro-chan out for an experiment . You just need to pay attention to the fact that this could be possible," Seiji told her . "It's best if we could meet Sakura-san and ask her about this, but she hasn't been showing up recently . If she does appear before you, remember to ask her about it, Mika . "

The pigtailed girl nodded .

"The President infers that the mysterious power is activated or affected by the holder's strong emotions or willpower . I agree with her inference . "

"Another way of putting it is that as long as Sensei and Reo-chan remain calm during their daily lives, they'll be able to live just like normal without any problems . "

"Sensei is a mature adult with a strong resolution . She shouldn't have any problems because she can consciously control herself . "

"As for Reo-chan . . . She's still just a child and might not be able to control herself as well . If another accident occurs, Shika-chan and I should be able to suppress her . After some time passes and her condition stabilizes, everything should be fine . "

Another moment of silence fell between them .

"I'm pretty curious about how you guys spent so long in the soul realm," Chiaki said abruptly . "Can I ask what it felt like?"

"Now that I think back on it, everything's rather hazy . It's just like how you wake up after a dream . I can only remember the most important things and moments . " Seiji rubbed his chin . "As for what I felt at the time . . . it was just like daily life, except for the fact that I knew it was all fake . It was a rather subtle feeling . "

"Oh . . . " Chiaki thought about something that caused an ambiguous smile to pop up on her face . "Then, some good things must have happened while you were cohabiting with Amami-sensei?"

"I wasn't cohabiting with her; I was simply living together!"

"Don't mind the small details~ Hey now, something must have happened, so share it with us~"

"It's absolutely crucial to use the right word! Even if it's only a dream!" Seiji continued to act serious about the correct word to use .

"Fine then, let's just call it living together . Share your benefits with us, handsome~ Don't you say that nothing actually happened . " Chiaki acted as if she were a perverted male .

"I did enjoy some benefits, since Sensei's figure was actually even better than it appeared on the outside, such as . . . "

*Slap!* *Slap!*

"My hand moved again, but this time it was intentional . " Mika swept over them with cold eyes . "Please don't discuss such a topic during lunch . "

"Yes ma'am . . . " Chiaki rubbed her head . "In that case, Seigo, let's discuss this topic in more detail later over the phone . "

"It's not alright to discuss it later either!"

Lunch passed by with fun times for all just like this . Only when they returned to the classroom did Seiji recall to ask Chiaki about Hiroshi Fuuma .

"Fuuma-san? I haven't seen him come to the study group in the two days that you were gone . Nor did I hear anything about him . " Chiaki blinked in surprise . "Why are you suddenly asking about him? Is something the matter?"

"Not much, just that . . . " Seiji told her about how Hiroshi was almost hit by a car and that he saved Hiroshi and took him home . He decided to keep the incident involving Airi private for the time being . " . . . I feel like something's off about his condition, which is why I'm a bit concerned . "

"Oh . . . do you need me to ask about him for you?"

"You don't need to make such an effort . It's fine as long as you haven't heard any rumors . "

'It'll be fine if there are no rumors; there's no need to worry too much . ' That was what Seiji believed .

More final exams were waiting for them in the afternoon . The sounds of sighing were even louder after the exams concluded compared to this morning .

"It's all over . " Mika, who had collapsed on her desk again, now had an even higher-level expression as if her whole life had been a waste .

Seiji could almost see the manga-like scene of her soul escaping from her mouth . . .

"It did feel a bit more difficult than this morning," Chiaki said . "I think I might have difficulty getting eighty points…"

"Yes, it was a bit more difficult," Seiji agreed . The questions were certainly trickier .

Well, he still didn't feel like they were anything much, but it was evident from everyone else's reactions that perhaps they didn't do as well .

"It seems that you're going to have makeup exams, Mika . " Chiaki had a sympathetic expression .

"I don't want to . . . " the pigtailed girl muttered .

"Before the test results are out, there's still no saying," Seiji told her . "Getting depressed now won't be useful at all . Be spirited, and don't think too much into it . Do your best on the remaining subjects . If you really must think about it, you should at least think instead about what you want to do after the tests during winter vacation . "

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