Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

It was considered a mystery why Seigo Harano was so strong .

Regarding the incidents involving him at the tennis club and basketball club, that could be still attributed to having overwhelming stamina . However, the fact that he single-handedly defeated the entire karate club by himself had far surpassed what could be explained by having excellent stamina . That was overwhelming strength as if he was a dragon, which was how he obtained the nickname of "Magic-devouring dragon . "

Yukari had personally witnessed his astonishing strength at the doujinshi convention… his cosplay "swordfight" had seemed too realistic and amazing . It was obvious that it was out of the ordinary .

Many students in Genhana High School had discussed amongst themselves the reason for his strength before . They guessed various things such as whether or not it was related to his family background or if he had a hidden identity, such as being a former child soldier mercenary, special forces operative, assassin, and so on .

The fact that he never joined any sports clubs in the end was something that was attention-inducing as well . Although Seigo gave an explanation for not joining any sports clubs, people found his explanation difficult to believe and interpreted it as him wanting to keep a low profile .

And now, Yukari Asamiya learned the truth .

Seigo Harano was no ordinary person . He was a Spiritual Ability user!

Due to being a Spiritual Ability user, he had more power than ordinary people . Due to being a Spiritual Ability user, he didn't join any clubs in order to avoid drawing too much attention… everything made sense now!

Seiji was rather astonished that Yukari believed him so easily . He even impulsively wanted to ask her why she believed him so readily .

But, he suppressed this unnecessary impulse of his . After all, it was a good thing that she was willing to believe him .

"I'm happy that you're willing to believe me . " Seiji smiled . "To be honest, I was hesitating whether to tell you or not . Now, it seems like I made the correct decision . "

"Thank you for being willing to tell me your secret . " Yukari smiled back at him .

"You probably think that this is all really sudden . There's a reason for this . Last night…" Seiji gave her a rough explanation of the Midnight Spell and the situation with the night of one hundred demons, along with his own opinion of what was going on . "…Although I'm not certain whether or not it will happen again tonight, I'm rather worried . You could call it an ominous premonition . Although my power is limited, I still want to do what I can to protect all my friends within my power . And so, I came up with the idea of personal barriers…"

Yukari silently listened to his full explanation .

"Thank you for being so worried about me," she told him softly while looking into his eyes . "Now, I'm feeling like it's a wonderful thing that I fell in love with you . "

Another direct attack!

Seiji felt that it was difficult to face her gentle expression head on, and lowered his head to sip on some more tea to conceal his embarrassment .

Yukari could tell that he was embarrassed, which gave her a warm feeling inside .

There was a moment of silence between them .

"Barriers mean that things will certainly be safe, while without a barrier, there's only a risk, not certain danger, right?"

"Yes . "

"In that case, I choose not to use a barrier," Yukari told him .

"…Is it because it's too expensive?"

"Indeed . Although you said that you'd pay for me, I don't wish to trouble you to such an extent . " The purple-haired girl smiled . "We're only 'friends,' and I shouldn't have a friend pay so much money for my sake just because there's the chance of danger . "

Seiji was rendered speechless .

He wanted to say something, but she said something first, "Of course, if you want to take care of me as your girlfriend, that's another matter . I'd happily use your money . "

"What are you saying…" Seiji swallowed down his original sentence as he revealed a helpless expression .

"I like the way you do things—telling me directly so that we can discuss things together rather than hiding things from me and secretly purchasing a barrier for me," Yukari continued . "While that can be termed as gentle, that's all it is . Perhaps some girls will really like that, but I'm not that type . Compared to that type of gentleness, I prefer this type . "

Seiji looked at her .

"If I don't give you the money and lend it to you instead… won't that work then?"

"If there's certain danger, then I wouldn't hesitate . But, you said that the danger's only a possibility . "

"Although it's only a possibility, it's quite dangerous if you really do meet with a demon . "

"It's just a demon . I can take care of it with just my imposing manner!" The purple-haired girl raised her head proudly .

Seiji was rendered speechless .

"Just joking . If that really happens, then I'll have to ask you for help . " Yukari chuckled . "At such a time, please come and save me as soon as you can, Mister Hero . "

"Yukari Asamiya-san…"

"Are you thinking that I'm rather troublesome now? That's right, that's just how I am . Please take good care of me!"

Seiji could only sigh at this .

Although he indeed found it somewhat troublesome, he could still understand . After all, this was her way of being reserved as a girl .

"If you meet with any demons, call me for help immediately . " This was all he could say .

"Yep, if I'm really that unlucky, I won't care about anything else and I'll call you immediately . " Yukari then blinked . "Since you told me your secret, let me tell you one of my secrets as well . "


"Come closer, and give me your ear . "

Seiji was somewhat mystified, but he did as she requested .

"My secret is…" The purple-haired girl got closer to his face and whispered in his ear .

*Pucker . *

There was a tiny sound .

Seiji felt something warm and moist, which caused him to pause in surprise .

His face turned red after he realized what just happened to him .

"Heehee, ambush successful~"

Yukari's delighted voice sounded next to him .

Seiji looked over to see that the purple-haired beauty was blushing and her eyes were watery . She had a soft and seductive smile .

"This is a girl's secret deposit, Mister Hero . "

Only a long while after Yukari left did the heat on Seiji's face finally dissipate .

He had been kissed! Kissed! Kissed!!

It was already tremendously fortunate that Sergeant Haruta wasn't instantly defeated by such an astonishingly heavy cannon attack .

"What an amazing deposit…" Seiji sighed to himself in sincerity .

After he finally calmed down, he called Kaho and learned that she had gone to another city together with her family to visit relatives .

Since she wasn't in this city, there probably wasn't anything to worry about .

Seiji chatted a little with Kaho before ending the phone call .

He took a sip of his tea and thought of the Fuuma Family as he looked at the exquisite tea set that came from them .

He was somewhat worried… so he gave a call to Airi Fuuma .

Seiji learned that her entire family had returned to their hometown on New Year's Eve and wasn't staying in this city at all .

Rather, Airi was concerned about her Seigo-senpai, since she had heard the news about demons appearing in the city .

Seiji thanked her for her concern and wished her a happy New Year's .

After finishing the call, he laid his head down on the kotatsu .

Now, all he could do was wait…

After dinner, Seiji received a phone call from Shizuka Saran . They agreed to meet in a private room at a coffee café .

When he arrived at the agreed-upon location, he saw a woman wearing a gray jacket and long pants . She also had headphones and a white breathing mask on . The only physical characteristic of hers that she revealed was her light green eyes .

"Hello, are you Saran-san?"

The woman nodded . "Please take a seat, Harano-san . "

Seiji sat down across from her as she took out a black briefcase and placed it on the table . She opened it up and showed Seiji what was inside .

Inside the briefcase were numerous light-yellow talismans with black ink . Each talisman was embedded with a crystal in the center that was roughly the size of a finger .

"Everything you wanted is here, including an instruction booklet on how to use these," Shizuka told him in a soft voice . Then, she took out a card reader and pushed it towards Seiji .

Seiji took out his bank card and swiped it to pay her with .

Shizuka's card reader printed a receipt for him .

"That concludes our deal… thank you for your business . "

Shizuka Saran pushed the briefcase towards Seiji, put the card reader back in her purse, and left .

After watching her leave, Seiji looked towards the briefcase again .

The neatly stacked talismans in the briefcase had an out-of-the-ordinary quality to them . The white and yellow crystals within the talismans were sparkling slightly .

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