Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

"I wasn't defeated, I was just careless . "

The minotaur boy really wanted to say this . Yet, saying this out loud wouldn't have any effect except for making him seem like a sore loser . He would become nothing more than a joke in the dog-head girl's eyes .

His opponent was far stronger than expected . He could only admit this .

"Your technique was truly astonishing . May I ask how you learned it, Mister knight leader?" the dog-head girl inquired Seiji .

The minotaur boy really wanted to know the answer to this as well . However…

"I apologize, I don't wish to answer . "

Well, she already expected that he wouldn't answer .

"With such power, you're even more suited for joining us than I originally thought…" The dog-head girl paused for a moment . "No, honestly, it's me personally that wants you to join us . "

"Why's that?"

"Because I want you . " She suddenly switched to speaking in a seductive tone .

Seiji and Mika were both astonished by this sudden tone .

"I wish to become companions with someone who possesses such a strong power like yourself . I'd also be more than happy to develop our relationship in an intimate manner . " The dog-head girl chuckled . "Although it may sound like bragging, I'm actually quite beautiful, along with being skilled at cooking, singing, and dancing . I believe I count as an excellent girl… why don't you consider it, Mister knight?"

Seiji and Mika were both rendered speechless .

The minotaur boy harrumphed coldly .

"Is there something you wanted to say, minotaur boy?" The dog-head girl looked toward him .

He merely chuckled coldly .

"Everything I said was the honest truth . Stop acting strange and spoiling the atmosphere . "

The minotaur boy chuckled coldly yet again .

"I just helped you out . Even if you don't accept my help, please at least maintain the most basic amount of etiquette . Otherwise, I'll be teaching you the consequences of angering a lady . " The dog-head girl's voice suddenly became cold .

The minotaur boy sank into silence before he turned his head away .

After having suppressed the interference, the dog-head girl turned again to the handsome boy across from her .

"Allow me to note that I've never had a boyfriend before and that I'm actually a virgin," she said in a seductive tone . "Not only that, I'm personally interested in cosplaying . If my future boyfriend is sexually interested in cosplay, I'd be more than happy to indulge . "

Seiji revealed a rather subtle expression upon hearing this female stranger wearing a dog mask saying such a thing to him .

Mika's expression was identical to Seiji's . She wanted to say something but had no idea what to say right now .

The scene fell silent for a moment .

"Miss dog-head girl… thank you for your kind intentions," Seiji finally responded . "I believe that you are as you described yourself, a wonderful girl… but I truly don't wish to haphazardly join an organization that I don't know very much about . "

"I understand your concerns, but there's actually not that much to worry about . Joining us will be highly beneficial for you . I can definitely promise this . "

"…Sorry, I'd still like to maintain my resolve . "

The dog-head girl tilted her head slightly .

"How regrettable… I truly wished for you to become my companion or a candidate for being my boyfriend," she said in a tone that sounded like she truly regretted this .

"I'm honored," Seiji responded politely .

The dog-head girl chuckled once .

Then, she lifted her head towards the water in the sky .

Seiji also looked towards that direction and saw that the large school of red-gilled white fish was approaching!

"It's time to send the two of you off, then . Please remember to keep our secret, my dear two knights . "

The dog-head girl took out a black object and held it in her hand .

Seiji was unable to see clearly what that object was . He only saw that this object gradually started glowing red . The redness soon intensified to a blinding degree .

The dog-head girl tossed this glowing object down onto the ground, where it flashed and formed into a bright red circle with many streaks of light swirling inside it, as if it was a whirlpool .

"You can leave this place simply by stepping on this . Please hurry . "

Seiji glanced over at Mika before he prepared himself and stepped on the circle .

His vision instantly became bright red as everything around him spun . He could hear faint sounds as his consciousness became hazy… and then everything suddenly became clear again .

He immediately discovered that he was by the river, at the same location where he entered the Inner World from .

He really did exit the Inner World!

Right after that, there was a red flash and the silver-haired girl appeared right next to him in midair .

Mika had come out as well .

"Seiji… we're back?"

"Yeah, we've returned to reality… the world has gone back to normal," Seiji smiled .

Mika smiled as well . She was quite glad that the two of them had made it back together safely .

"You were hit so many times just now… are you alright?"

"It's fine, it only hurt a little . I only need to use some basic healing magic on myself . "

"Those two individuals… just who were they?"

"They're members of an incredibly powerful mysterious organization… I think . "

Seiji explained about the Soul World faction to Mika .

"Those two people were quite strange . But, I didn't feel like they were evil . "

"I think so as well . Still, we've only met them once… no, we didn't even see their real faces, so it's difficult to say . "

Several seconds of silence passed .

"Were you moved by what that dog-head girl said earlier?" Mika asked him while looking right into his eyes .

"Of course not," Seiji decisively denied it . "It would be strange if I was moved by the words of a female stranger who wore an animal mask covering her face!"

"She had an excellent figure… perhaps she's a super beauty once you take off that mask . "

"Even if she's as beautiful as a goddess, it's meaningless without being able to see . Besides, even if she is a real beauty, I wouldn't have joined her side . "

"Who knows for sure?"

"Of course I know for sure," Seiji said while looking back into her eyes . "That's because there's already a super beauty right next to me . "

Mika was thrown onto cloud nine by this .

Her face immediately started blushing from such a direct attack .

That wasn't all .

Seiji reached out and grabbed her hand .

"This time… it's wonderful that you're alright," he said sincerely .

"Seiji…" Mika currently wasn't only blushing red, her heart felt incredibly warm and sweet as well .

"Let's return home, Mika . " Seiji gently smiled .

"Yeah…" The silver-haired girl displayed an incredibly blissful smile .

Only, she suddenly realized the current form she was in .

"How am I supposed to return home looking like this?"

"Er…" Seiji finally realized this problem as well .


"Do you need to take a rest?"

The dog-head girl asked the minotaur boy after they dealt with the large school of fish monsters that attacked them .

"No need," the minotaur boy replied .

"Don't force yourself . I bet you're feeling quite unwell right now . We have plenty of time for you to take a rest . "

"I said I don't need to . "

"Sometimes, a man acting forceful will make a woman like him . Sometimes, it's the opposite . And right now, you're the latter . "

"I don't care what you think of me . "

"Don't say it like I care about what you think . What I like are men that are just like the 'knight leader' from earlier . "

The minotaur boy fell silent .

"Don't think that I was lying . Although I wasn't being completely serious with him just now, I didn't lie, either . " The dog-head girl lifted her hand and removed her mask in order to catch a breath of fresh air, exposing her jet-black hair and incredibly beautiful appearance .

Her face was one that countless people on Sakura Island recognized .

Seiji and Mika would have recognized her as well if they saw who she really was . They would have definitely been astonished .

"He possessed such power, was so handsome, and had a nice personality as well… I think we'd get along excellently," the black-haired beautiful girl spoke in a much gentler tone from earlier .

This was her true voice . Her earlier words had been disguised by a voice changer in the mask .

"You're really too casual . "

"Not at all . I'm a lady . " The girl's mouth arced upward . "Although he rejected me, I won't give up on him so easily . "

"…Just what do you intend to do?" The minotaur boy looked at her .

"First, get to know him, and begin by being friends… I don't care even if he has a girlfriend already . "

"You're willing to become his mistress?" The minotaur boy's tone of voice changed .

"I said that I'm going to begin by being friends . I'm not going to think right now about what will happen in the future . If he can successfully conquer me, then I'd be willing to become his mistress . " The black-haired beautiful girl chuckled lightly .

The minotaur boy fell silent .

If the fact that this girl before him was willing to even potentially become someone's mistress would surely become headline news in Sakura Island if it was known .

That was because this girl was Miyuki Sakuraku, the national idol of Sakura Island!

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