Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

"Hahaha… hahahahaha!!"

After remaining silent for a while, the dog head mask girl started laughing out much louder than her gentle chuckles from before . This handsome boy who pretended to have such deep emotions was just too much for her .

"What is this… haha… where did you quote that from… hahaha… truly amusing…"

'Of course it's amusing as I quoted it from a classic in my previous world,' Seiji thought to himself . He felt even more respect now for the comedy king who created this quote 1 !

"What is this from? A movie or a television show? Or an anime?" the dog head mask girl asked again after she finally managed to stop laughing . "You couldn't have possibly come up with that on the spot?"

"I saw it in a movie from Huaxia, although I forget which one it's from," Seiji told her .

"A Huaxia movie…" The dog head mask girl paused for a moment . "Excellent sincerity, Mr . Knight . "

"Thank you . As long as it pleases you . "

"I was even moved for a moment there, although it was because of comedy, not love . You put on such an excellent performance . " The dog head mask girl chuckled . "You have excellent talent for acting . Perhaps we could even make a film together . "

"…Miss Dog Head Mask is actually an actress?" Something flashed in Seiji's eyes .

"I told you before that I'm interested in cosplay . However, I'm not exactly an actress . " The dog head mask girl lifted her hand and slowly took off her mask .

The night breeze blew past and caused her beautiful black hair to flutter in the wind . Her incredibly beautiful appearance seemed just like the silver moon in the sky, pure to the point of being holy .

To his surprise, Seiji instantly recognized who she was . He couldn't help but widen his eyes .

"Miyuki Sakuraku!?"

She was the beautiful national idol singer of Sakura Island who countless citizens loved!

"Ding dong! Aren't you pleasantly surprised, Mr . Knight?" Miyuki Sakuraku now spoke differently in a cuter and gentler voice than before . "The mysterious girl that you had fun chatting with was actually a first-rate super popular idol! Aren't you delighted?"

"…Indeed," Seiji muttered as he regained his sense . "This is such a pleasant surprise . "

"I can even give you my autograph and take a selfie together with you . "

"…Thank you so much . "

"If you're so happy, you should show it more! Please give me another performance to express your feelings!"

"My acting ability is still on cooldown . I can't use it yet . "

"Then how about singing a song for me!"

"I don't have the courage to sing in front of the best singer in all of Sakura Island . "

"That's praise I like to hear, but I still want you to bring out your courage!"

"I need far more experience to level up my singing skill first . " Seiji looked directly at her . "It's my honor to meet you, Sakuraku-san . "

"You know my name now, but I still don't know yours . " Miyuki smiled .

Seiji highly doubted that she knew nothing about him at all . But since she was asking, he might as well introduce himself .

"I have two names . In this school, I'm known as Seigo Harano . To my friends, I'm known as Seiji Haruta . "

"What name should I address you as, then?"

"Either is fine . "

"Which name do you want me to use?" Miyuki spoke in an ambiguous tone .

"Whichever you like," Seiji replied calmly .

"It would seem that Mr . Knight is truly an herbivore man… Well, that's fine as well . " Miyuki chuckled . "I'll just call you Harano-kun then . Very nice to meet you . "

She then put her mask back on .

"This is a special favor I'm doing just for you, letting you see who I really am . You can't tell anyone else about this . "

"…What about that autograph and selfie you promised me?"

"I'll give you an autograph right now if you give me pen and paper . As for a selfie, you'll have to take one with my mask on . "

"I feel like I was just scammed!"

"I've never taken a selfie before with anyone else while looking like this . You should feel honored!" Miyuki made a V for victory pose with her fingers like how she always did on television . This seemed rather abnormal because she had her dog head mask on .

"Although it's difficult for me to accept, I suppose it sort of counts as a type of memory . " Seiji really did take out his cell phone and took a picture of him together with Miyuki . "As for pen and paper? Please wait for me for five minutes!"

He then ran off at top speed and returned a few minutes later to give the idol pen and paper .

Miyuki readily gave him her autograph .

Seiji accepted it with great satisfaction .

He just obtained a selfie and autograph of the national idol!

Although the selfie had a rather big problem with the image, it still counted as a selfie . It greatly satisfied his vanity!

"Harano-kun is truly such an amusing boy," Miyuki happily praised him .

It was now time for serious business .

Miyuki brought out a black object .

This appeared to be the same object from last time . Seiji could only see that it was shaped like a plate .

This item slowly started glowing red . When the light became blinding, Miyuki toosed it onto the black oval . The plate then instantly transformed into a whirlpool-shaped bright-red oval! When overlapped on top of the original black oval, the entire spell formation greatly resembled a mysterious eye, the same as the other Dimensional Eyes that Seiji had seen .

The next instant, everything started swirling around him as his vision went hazy and he heard faint sounds . His consciousness also became hazy as he started falling downwards…

A blood moon was high in the sky . They were in a dark forest that had a bloody smell to it .

"A blood-red moon… Could this be the Blood Moon Mountain?" Seiji recognized this Spirit World .

This Spirit World was in the information that he received from Hana . This was a group of mountains illuminated by a round blood moon . And according to the information, this Spirit World was far more dangerous than the Forest Palace!

This giant blood moon in the sky didn't simply provide lighting . It was actually a danger in and of itself . Those who looked at it for too long would suffer penalties to their mental spirit and receive negative status conditions .

Even those who didn't look at it directly would still receive negative status conditions after being illuminated by it for a period of time . As for how long it took to receive a negative status condition and what status condition was received, that was different for everyone .

An analogy would be that this was a dungeon which would give all game players a random debuff . The debuff's type and time would depend on each game player's resistance stat…

"That's right, this is the Blood Moon Mountain," Miyuki explained . "This is a rather high level Inner World . The monsters here are at a similar level to powerful demons from the ancient generation . No ordinary person could survive here . Even average Spiritual Ability users will easily die here, that's how dangerous it is . "

"High level Inner World…"

"There's no specific standards as of yet . Once Soul Society formally starts operating, we'll be creating a set of standards . "

"Sakuraku-san joined Soul Society?" Something flashed in Seiji's eyes .

"Yep . Harano-kun should consider joining us as well . There's lots of benefits . " Miyuki smiled .

"…I shall consider it . "

Seiji actually wanted to ask what types of benefits there were, but he didn't have the time to do so . That was because a large number of powerful demons surrounded them!

Right, surrounded them .

A large number of blood-red vicious demons appeared in the forest . Every single one was on par in power with the one that he, Natsuya, and the others teamed up to take down!

This was no joking matter . Seiji felt like his life would be in danger against so many powerful demons .

If he was by himself, this would be a dangerous situation where he would need to pull out all his trump cards to break free .

As for killing off all these demons? He wouldn't even dare dream of it! It would be quite excellent already if he didn't die to them .

As expected of a high level dungeon .

But just as the blood-red demons were about to pounce on them, the high level player leading the team took action .

Miyuki Sakuraku waved her hand and sung a song with her beautiful voice .

Seiji instantly recognized the song she was singing . . .

"Ethereal Snow!" This was the number one hit single which still topped the charts even now that she released a while back!

The moment she started singing, all the pouncing demons froze in their movements as if they had been snared by a large area of effect spell .

A truly amazing singer would be able to move people with even an impromptu performance . Without a doubt, Miyuki Sakuraku was an amazing singer . Not to mention, it was quite obvious that she was currently adding something magical to her singing .

Just hearing the prelude of this song made Seiji feel like the entire world had changed .

The blood moon faded and the forest disappeared . Everything around him turned white, transforming into a frigid yet also gentle aura .

A cold, frosty wind gently blew past him . Pure white snowflakes slowly drifted downwards, appearing dreamlike, beautiful, and ethereal .

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