Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

"Sakuraku-san wants to use me in dealing with more powerful monsters still inside here?" Seiji sharpened his gaze .

"That's right . That's why I invited you to come here with me," Miyuki admitted .

'I see…'

"Thank you for your expectations of me . I hope that I won't disappoint you . "

"I definitely won't be disappointed, as long as you show off the same level of strength as last time . "

The two of them continued .

With the assistance of the singer's powerful shield buff, Seiji was easily able to eliminate the mob monsters he encountered . He also remained on guard against the potential blood moon debuff that might be inflicted upon him at any moment .

Seiji constantly remained vigilant so that he wouldn't be put into a dangerous situation due to receiving an unexpected debuff . However, no debuff appeared on him even after a long time . He wondered if this was a protective effect of Miyuki's barrier, so he asked her this directly .

"The barrier I cast on you doesn't have the ability to resist the blood moon's debuff . If you're still alright even now, that's completely because of you yourself, Harano-kun . " Miyuki explained this to him . "As expected of Mr . Knight who possesses such a power . "

Seiji remained silent after hearing this .

Did he have a high resistance against the blood moon due to possessing [White Calamity]?

Seiji didn't think that would be the case . However, Miyuki's opinion meant that she believed the power of [White Calamity] to be some type of high-level curse-type spell . She believed him to have a great deal of control over high-level curses .

This was probably her misunderstanding… right?

Seiji was unsure .

Well, Miyuki didn't have any intentions of learning more about his ability . She simply wanted to take advantage of his power .

"How about you, Sakuraku-san? Have you been cursed by the blood moon?"

"Not yet . I have a way of dealing with it . Don't worry about me . "

After proceeding a bit further, Miyuki suddenly sensed something . She glanced upwards, only to see a giant shadow ambushing them at high speed!

The idol singer wanted to pull the boy behind her just like previously . However, she saw him suddenly extracting himself from a group of monsters and retreating at full speed .


The shadow descended but missed… No, it actually smashed a few demons into little pieces .

Both of them had managed to dodge the attack in time .

As Seiji retreated to the back, he saw Miyuki going up to fight a boss monster which resembled a bat . He felt that he finally had an opportunity to see how someone as powerful as her would fight .

But the next second, the bat monster let out a thick cloud of dark-gray mist… Why the hell were all the boss monsters in here like this!?

Seiji was unable to see through the mist . Just like in the earlier battle against the centipede monster, he could only listen . Damn .

Were all the high-level monsters in this dungeon like this? They would fart immediately upon arrival… whoops, he meant release demon mist . They didn't even allow low level players to spectate at all .

'How am I supposed to have fun like this?' Seiji felt rather repressed .

The weaker demons surrounded him again, so once again he started playing tag with the demons .

The third, fourth, and fifth boss monsters all immediately released demon mist upon arrival . As a result, Seiji was completely unable to see just how Miyuki defeated them .

It was nice that he was able to train in a high-level dungeon . He was receiving good experience from slaying so many demons . However, Seiji felt rather helpless about not being able to watch the high-level player's fighting .

After such a long time in here, both Seiji and Miyuki were already quite tired .

"The next one should be the last one . Are you still alright to go on, Harano-kun?"

"Of course . How about you, Sakuraku-san?"

"I'm a little tired, so I would like to leave the last boss up to you, Mr . Knight . I'll just stand on the sidelines and sing to support you . " Miyuki chuckled .

'So she's going to give me the last, most difficult boss monster to deal with? How vicious . ' Seiji's cheek twitched .

Still, at least she was telling him beforehand . If she had such an arrangement, this meant she was confident that he could handle it .

"I'll be more than happy to do my best and work as hard as I can… but please act to assist me if I can't meet Sakuraku-san's expectations . "

"You'll lose points if you lack confidence in yourself, you know . "

"I feel that knowing one's limits should give me more points," Seiji replied with a serious expression .

Miyuki chuckled to see him like this .

"I'm beginning to like you even more, Harano-kun . So relax, I won't let you die . "

Seiji and Miyuki proceeded up a mountainside . They didn't meet any more demons along the way . The more they ascended, the more they felt an imposing aura and bloody scent .

Seiji felt that all this seemed familiar .

He already guessed at the identity of the final boss monster . This made Seiji start looking forward to the showdown .

He also recalled past memories which kept raising his passion and making his blood heat up .

Finally, Seiji and Miyuki reached the top of the mountain .

The mountaintop was incredibly wide and flat, without a single tree to be seen . It appeared to be dyed blood-red due to the blood moon's illumination .

There was a giant stone chair in the middle of the flat mountaintop . This chair seemed like it was carved out of a tremendous boulder, and it was shaped like a throne… no, it was indeed a throne!

There was a gigantic demon with a vicious appearance, red hair, and long horns sitting on the throne .

A giant wine gourd was to the right of the stone throne, while a scarlet giant axe was to the left .

Shutendoji, the "King of One Hundred Demons"!

This Shutendoji was almost exactly identical to the one Seiji previously fought against .

"As expected… is that you?" Seiji muttered to himself while looking at Shutendoji .

The demon had its eyes closed and appeared to be in a deep sleep .

"You've seen this demon before?" Miyuki asked him .

"…I'm not sure . This demon greatly resembles one I've seen before…" Seiji paused for a moment . "Just where do demons in the Inner World come from?"

"I can't answer this question . "

"You don't know the answer, or you know but can't answer?"

Miyuki smiled without responding .

Seiji glanced at her before looking back at Shutendoji . He then quickly cast all the spells he knew on himself, including even the buffs under the [Yin-Yang Seal] category . He didn't leave anything in reserve at all .

At this moment, Shutendoji appeared to sense something . He slowly opened his eyes to reveal that his pupils were blood-red .

"Grahhhh!!!" Shutendoji roared deafeningly, causing a blood-red mist to appear all around them . Large numbers of demons materialized on the ground and in midair…

Miyuki started singing!

Like before, she still sang "Ethereal Snow . " The moment she started singing, her song immediately stopped the mist from spreading as well as snared all the demons in place .

While the veteran game player had a singing duel with the enemy boss… whoops, a crowd control competition, Seiji used his [Overload] ability twice in succession to power up his [White Calamity] skill that he had been saving .

Shutendoji stood up and grabbed the wine gourd with one hand and his axe in the other .

Seiji manifested a pure white spiritual figure and overlaid it on himself .

Shutendoji raised his axe and swung his wine gourd .

"Your figure is becoming hazy, my memories are turning black and white…" Miyuki's singing echoed under the blood moon as it eliminated the mist and demons .

Seiji and Shutendoji attacked simultaneously!

The color of blood-red flashed everywhere! A golden sword slash clashed against it!!

Demon and human, song and moon, past and present . All of these mixed together in a fierce battle .

'Light-chan, you said before you left that I would become someone strong .

'The current me isn't that strong yet, but I suppose I do have some power now, right?

'I don't know if this is the same Shutendoji from last time . It would be nice if he is, but it's fine even if he isn't .

'If you're watching me from somewhere, then take a good look… I shall win!'

Seiji remembered his past fight against Shutendoji and honored his bonded spirit from that time as he did his best against the evil demon in front of him .

The King of One Hundred Demons was strong . Shutendoji was overwhelmingly powerful in all aspects! Seiji was only able to keep things an even match with the power of the double Overloaded [White Calamity] .

Seiji used all his spells, martial arts techniques, Yin-Yang Seal abilities, and other skills . He focused completely on this battle! And felt amazing while doing so!!

The blood-red figure violently clashed against the golden-white figure . They kept crashing into each other and then separating . Their fierce battle sent out shock waves that shattered the demon's stone throne into tiny pieces .

[Dragon Counterattack]!

A golden divine dragon shattered the large wine gourd .

[Demon Suppression Bell]!

A golden mystic bell crushed the blood-red axe .

Shutendoji roared after he lost both his weapons . He got down on all fours as long claws grew out of his hands while mystic runes appeared on his body . Shutendoji's hair started glowing as he transformed into a vicious beast form, greatly increasing his imposing manner!!

"Excellent! Come!!" Seiji smiled in a hot-blooded and fearless fashion .

The demon pounced on him as swiftly as lightning .

Seiji greeted Shutendoji with a flash of his sword .

"Why did we meet by chance~ Would be better to never meet~ Have you ever heard the sound of snowfall…" Miyuki sung the second climax of her song .

The battle was almost about to be over .

Despite his hot-bloodedness, Seiji hadn't lost himself to passion . He was still calm on the inside .

[White Calamity] was about to run out of time soon . The countdown had begun .

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