Parallel Memory

Inside the warmth of their home, the family sat around the dining table, sharing stories of the time they spent apart. Zero told them about his journey and the challenges he faced. He carefully avoided mentioning certain dangerous situations he had been in, not wanting to worry his parents further.

He talked about going into the Tower Of Obelisk due to which he couldn't contact them for 2 years.

And the reason why he couldn't properly explain to them about his circumstances was because his mentor who wanted to train him had some issues and was in a rush.

He didn't say that he was going around climbing the Tower oF Obelisk and even reached floor 31 st. Rather he lied about being around the 20th floor and being protected by strong mentors who were accompanying him.

When he released his mana aura, both Warren and his wife were surprised. Their son was Rank-A.

In the history of humanity, they could swore that there was no one who was as talented as their son. The one who is hailed as the greatest talent of humanity, Hiro was also only said to be at Rank-A - and their son was one minor rank higher than him.

Even knowing his power, they were incredibly worried as they listened to his story.

Warren and his wife listened intently, hanging on every word, grateful to finally hear from their son about his experiences.

They could sense that there were certain parts of his journey he was choosing to keep to himself, but they didn't press him for more details. They were just happy to have him back.

Zero knew that his explanation had a lot of holes but his parents didn't ask him any questions. He was feeling both guilty and grateful. If possible he didn't want to lie to them but he couldn't do anything other than make up some things.

He has also noticed that his parents have broken through to Rank-S. Rank-S could be considered the elite of the human nation who are only behind the humans strongest rank, SS.

Although humans could break through to Rank-SSS, currently there was no Rank-SSS. The last Rank-SSS human had died after defeating the Demon King.

Anyway, it was a big relief that his parents had become powerful. Knowing the future, he can't help but be worried.

Although the future has changed a lot compared to the novel, it was still dangerous. He couldn't predict and handle everything, so the solution that could guarantee survival in the future was to become more powerful.

Zero and his parents then started talking about recent events including Elves inviting talented young geniuses to their nation.

As they finished their meal, Zero's mother looked at him with concern in her eyes.

"My dear, are you planning to leave again?"

Knowing their son's talent and potential, they knew that the Elven nation must have mentioned him. It would be weird if they somehow miss him.

Zero hesitated for a moment, and then he nodded.

"Yes, Mom, I can't stay for long. As you have guessed, I got invited by the Elven nation to come there."

Warren spoke up, his voice tinged with worry, "Zero, we want you to stay. But I know that a man has something that he must do. I won't stop you but remember that this is your home."

"Okay, Dad," Zero replied.

His parents exchanged glances, understanding the determination in their son's eyes. They knew that Zero has his own life with his own aspiration and plan.

As his parents, they couldn't help but be worried. However, they knew better than to force him and let him regret his decision.

His mother reached across the table to hold his hand.

"Just promise us that you'll take care of yourself and that you'll keep in touch. We worry about you, Zero."

"I promise, Mom," Zero said, squeezing her hand. "I'll stay in touch."

"Haha… Don't think about such sad things anymore. Zero, is not going anywhere right now."

Warren said as he tried to stop worrying his wife.

The day continued with Zero helping his father and mother at home and talking with them.

"Did you tell Misha that you are back?"

Zero's mother asked Zero one afternoon when they were preparing lunch.


Zero was confused by his mother's question.

"No! I don't think that I have ever told her. Why did you ask?"

"Hmmm… Nothing! She had come to meet us one day and asked whether you had returned."

Zero's mother continued.

"I was surprised by her question and said no. Then she said that you should be back. I don't know why she said but it seems that she was certain."

( It must be when the Dark Guild attacks them. Did she see me or was it only her suspicion? )

Zero thought. He didn't know how but it seemed that Misha might have figured out that the guy who helped them out was him.

Zero pondered and finally remembered something that might have caused her to recognize me.

( I think I used Shadow Dance once when I was fighting with a Dark guild's member.)

Zero thought that others wouldn't recognize the technique but forget that Misha was also with him. With their family relationship, it wouldn't be a surprise if Misha saw this technique.

( So she thought I was back and came to investigate? Looks like I have also worried her by disappearing. )

"You should take care of Misha when going to the Elven nation!"

Zero's mother said.

"Huh? She is also going?"

Zero asked.

"Of Course! Do not underestimate Misha. She has become quite strong and has even broken through to Rank-B."

Zero's mother said.

Shadow Genesis and ShiverSong had been growing at an insane rate. Additionally, the resources that Warren received were also given to Diego who is the father of Misha and guildmaster of Shiversong.

Plus, Zero had also helped Misha by having prepared a high level Art as she thought that she might get selected to learn Dual Art which she did.

With such resources, Misha was able to showcase her true talent and compete with other geniuses including Sylvia and Lisa.


Zero was surprised at the progress of Misha. He knew that Misha was talented and had a lot of potential, he didn't think it was that strong.

"Mom, don't worry! I will definitely take care of Misha."

Zero replied.

Five days passed quickly, and the time came for Zero to bid farewell to his parents once again. As he stood at the doorstep, his parents looked at him with mixed emotions, pride for their talented son and worry for the dangerous path he was about to embark on.

"Take care of yourself, my boy. Remember, strength is essential, but wisdom and discernment are equally important. Stay vigilant, and don't underestimate any challenge that comes your way."

Warren advised.

Zero nodded, appreciating his father's advice. "I will, Dad. I'll be cautious and make sure to think things through."

His mother embraced him next, tears glistening in her eyes. "Promise me you'll come back safe, Zero."

"I promise, Mom," Zero said, wiping away her tears gently.

His parents held him for a moment longer before finally letting go. With a heavy heart, Zero stepped away from his home, but he felt a strong sense of determination to grow stronger and protect his loved ones.

Although Zero parent's seemed to know that geniuses were being sent to Elven nation, they didn't know about the content of Elara's message which was a big relief to him.

They think that he was just going there to become stronger and he hoped that they would never find out.


As he walked away, his parents watched him until he disappeared from their sight. Inside their home, they couldn't help but worry about their son's safety.

"Don't worry, honey. Our son is intelligent and strong. And there would be many powerful escorts for them. He will be safe and sound."

Warren tried to console his wife.

She nodded her head. She also knew that along with Zero would be 'Ice Enchantress' who was called the most powerful Ice Mage.

Although she knew that, she was still worried and continued praying for her son's safety.

Zero walked through Star City gate and for the last time turned around.

"I will be back!"

Zero muttered.

He knew it would be a very long journey with a lot of uncertainties but was determined to be back, safe and sound.

[ "FrostWing" ]

With that, he flew and headed to Sanctum Aurea where Mia and Amelia were waiting for him.

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