Parallel Memory

"Winner! Gariel of the Aasimar!"

The referee announced the result. Gabriel had won though she also looked like she had been through a difficult opponent.

But it was nothing compared to Misha who was covered in bruises from head to toe. There wasn't anywhere on her body which wasn't injured.


As Gabriel's victory was announced, the crowd erupted into applause.

The Aasimar fighter had proven her dominance, but it was Misha who had captured their hearts with her incredible display of courage and determination.

Misha struggled to rise from the arena floor, her body battered and bruised, and her spirit was also broken.

With the help of the medical team, she was carefully escorted out of the arena, receiving a standing ovation from the spectators. Even her opponent, Gabriel, approached her with respect and offered a hand to help her up.

"You fought valiantly, Misha," Gabriel said with a warm smile. "You have my respect."

Misha nodded, accepting Gabriel's hand and managing a weak smile. "Thank you, Gabriel. It was an honor to face you."

Although she didn't feel very good at the moment, she still had to be courteous to others.

As Misha left the arena, her friends rushed to her side, offering words of encouragement and admiration.

Hiro and others were there to support her, their belief in her abilities unwavering.

Everybody told her how powerful she was and how it could have been her victory if she had been in Rank-A.

Then led by Sylvia, others left Misha alone. Sylvia knew that Misha was feeling bitter just like she was when she lost.

Sylvia thought that it was best for them to leave her alone and sort out her feelings.

"WOW~! Misha is so powerful. She could injure Rank-A + genius. Pity that she is still young and only at Rank-B +. Otherwise, the result will be very different."

Amelia said.

"Indeed! She is one of the finest students I had. Her improvement was nothing short of a miracle. If she continued to grow at this pace, she might even surpass me."

Mia also chimed in. She was proud of her former student who had managed to grow so well. Misha has shown just why people shouldn't underestimate someone based on rank and appearance.

( She is a genius alright! )

Zero thought as well. He was the person who knew Misha well and was surprised by the progress that she made.

Being able to show such strength at such age and rank, Zero thought that she wasn't far if not stronger than the Main Characters. It was surprising since Zero knew that in the novel, there wasn't any mention of Misha being so talented.

At most, she was just an average person in the novel.

Anyway, he was also proud of Misha. He believes that Misha will be stronger than ever after this loss.

He wasn't the only one who was acknowledging Misha. Even her opponent and other races thought so.

"What dost thou opine?"

Seraphine asked Gabriel. She thought that Gabriel now knew the potential of humans after having battled one.

"Verily, she doth possess great strength and mastery of skill. Had it not been for the privilege of my rank, she might hath vanquished me with ease."

Gabriel understands now why Seraphine said the humans that they met were powerful and strong. Only did she understand fully after having fought one.

"Methinks 'tis a year wherein humans doth boast many a genius. Yet, in spite of such, we may not suffer defeat. We shall, withal, restore our domain to its erstwhile splendor."

Ureli said. She watched the fight and could see what Seraphine was talking about as well. They had many talents who could fight against higher ranks and the most ridiculous had to be Zero who managed to defeat Rank-A +.

Aasimar couldn't think of a way to counter him after having displayed even more power than they initially displayed.

"But lo, they boast of Zero and Hiro's might, Though lowly in their rank, they are strong."

"Yet Seraphine, with power immense and grand, Shall likely crush them with a mighty hand. 'Tis fortune's favor that they thus far hold, Especially Zero, in stories yet untold." …

They discussed. There were only a few Aasimar left in the contest and most of them were at Rank-A +. Rather than believing that Zero was very strong, they rather believe that Zero was lucky and won with his luck.

"Hold, I prithee! Let us discourse on this matter anon, when we are returned hence. For the nonce, turn your mind wholly to the contest at hand."

Seraphine stopped her fellow people to concentrate on the fight that had begun. Zero and Hiro were not the only enemy and they needed to be wary of other participants as well.

The contest resumed and everybody was now focused on the new fight. It wasn't as fierce as Misha and Gabriel but nonetheless being geniuses, they displayed extraordinary power and used unique powers to win.

Soon after Misha also came to the stadium to watch the rest of the fight. Her eyes were slightly red which was an indicator that she had cried.

Anyway, her physical body was back to normal. It seems that the healers employed by his highness were all very strong, being able to heal such a brutally beaten person.

The fights ended after nothing major happened after Misha's battle with Gabriel.

Then was the fight of Lisa. Her opponent was a Rank-A - which was relatively weak compared to what Misha had fought.

Even so, she was fighting an enemy much stronger than her and needed to use her full power.

After 15 or so minutes, Lisa had barely managed to win against her opponent.

Her opponent could easily dodge Lisa's attack but instead of being frustrated over it, Lisa took advantage of it.

She would use minimum mana but attack and make him lose his stamina. At the same time, she had her movement technique to teleport out in the distance where she would utilize the strategy again.

Lisa had strategically focused on wearing down her adversary, utilizing her cunning and finesse to compensate for the difference in raw power.

With a burst of determination, Lisa executed a dazzling combination of spells, weaving intricate patterns in the air with her fingertips.

[ Lightning Strike Apocalypse ]

With the crowd holding their breath in anticipation, Lisa unleashed her ultimate spell, "Lightning Strike Apocalypse."

A blinding bolt of lightning shot from Lisa's fingertips, surging toward her opponent with unmatched speed and precision.

The Rank-A-foe, already fatigued from Lisa's relentless strategy, had no chance to evade this onslaught. The lightning engulfed him in a brilliant display of crackling energy, leaving him paralyzed and scorched.

The referee hurriedly stepped forward, his arm raised high, ready to declare Lisa the victor. But before he could make the announcement, the opponent, charred and beaten, conceded defeat with a nod of his head. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, recognizing Lisa's brilliance in combat.

As Lisa descended from the arena, her friends and fellow contestants congratulated her on her hard-fought victory. Hiro, in particular, praised her clever tactics and noted how she had used her opponent's strengths and weaknesses against him.

The tournament continued with more intense battles, each showcasing the unique talents and abilities of the participants. While some had the advantage of higher ranks, others, like Misha and Lisa, demonstrated that with the right strategy and determination, they could overcome even the most formidable opponents.

But that statement wasn't very true when your opponent is Rank-S. They still won matches easily and dominated their opponents.

The Amelia match was also similar. Her opponent was Rank-A and he was even weaker than her opponent yesterday's opponent.

Amelia was able to win against her opponent effortlessly. But because she is a healer, it did take a bit longer, maybe much longer compared to other Rank-S.

Nonetheless, it was a perfect victory for her!

There were still some fights before the end of today's contest.

The participants exited the stadium, some sad, some happy, and some excitedly for tomorrow.

Like yesterday, geniuses of the same group gathered together to review the participants who advanced and would likely be troublesome to face.

Many names were from human races including Zero and Mia who are seen as the highest threat in their ranks.

With the participants remaining around 32, there were high chances that Rank-S will fight frequently now!

Most of them had no idea about their opponent's technique and power. It meant that from tomorrow onwards, the fight will be even more intense.

Even Rank-A + wouldn't have a high chance of advancing to the next round!

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