Possessing Nothing


Abel was convinced that most of his remaining life was gone.

The magic did not fail.

This magic was the first time I have ever used it before. It did not mean that magic was successful or failed.

The coordinate input was successful, and the magic was surely implemented. Originally, even the magic of Greymo has its coordinates changed, and the driving technique itself has been changed to grease.

Kim Jonghyun prepared the germud to prepare for this magic spread. All the preparations were made by Abel until all the people of this city were slaughtered.

In the bursting light, Frau saw what Abel could not see. Tens of thousands of souls were drowning in the light. They slid long and swam in the space of light.

Every time that happens, the space is distorted. Every time a soul dies, a small hole is made in the space.


Frau understood why Kim Jong-hyun killed tens of thousands of people in this city and put their souls in the city rather than sending them to the devil.

‘It was necessary.’

We need souls to connect dimension and dimension. It would take several times as many souls to connect Aria as it is, but it is not a spiritual system.

There is some connection between Aria and the spirit world. Therefore, it is possible to connect with the spirit world only by the soul of the germud.

* * *


Kim Jonghyun looked back at the vibration of space. A surprise can not be hidden in his face.

Today was a very surprising day in many ways, but I was not surprised at all through all of those surprises.


Kim understood what was happening. The only way to escape the end is to connect with the marine system.

It was ‘unique’ because Kim Jong-hyun was able to spread the magic that connects dimension and dimension.

But what if Kim Jonghyun can not do that? What if there is another way? So, is it like this?

“I am also. Without any response, I thought you’d done this kind of thing. ”

Kim Jonghyun laughed and saw Lee Seong-min.

Lee Seong-min became bloody and sat distantly.

He was breathing and staring at Kim Jonghyun. I could not understand why this happened.

Obviously, Lee Seong-min was overwhelmed by Kim Jong-hyun at first.

The speed of Lee Seong – min through the fight against Volander made Kim Jong – hyun impossible to respond.

But now? Kim Jonghyun avoided the window shot by Lee Seong-min with his power and blocked it. Of course, Lee Sung-min of the current fighting with the Volander was in a bad condition because he was in a bad condition.

But even so. It was unbelievable that Kim Jonghyun, the ‘wizard’, was overwhelming his sons with his physical ability.

“There was this way. Abel… … I could not imagine that the magic of Griess he had made would make this possible. As a result, I failed. ”

Kim Jonghyun approached Lee Seong – min, saying that. He was very happy now. Even temporarily, his ability as a complete devil made even Kim Jonghyun take it.

The body of the devil continued to grow in the struggle against Lee Seong-min. It is the power that will disappear if the magic lasts forever.

“I can not help it.”

Are you okay?

Haju asked in a worried voice. OK. Lee responded with a small voice and raised his body.

As it flies, the internal organs burst and the bones break. But it also ends up playing back in a flash.

Every time I play again, my head suffers and my heart pounds. Lee Sung-min was well aware that this regeneration act was threatening the imperfect seal.

“Failed in ‘here’. Well, it’s okay. I can do it again anyway. I know how. It’s a shame that we lost the Volanders and the Death Knight corps. I hope you’ll fill in their blanks … … ”

“You failed.”

Lee Sung-min staggered and raised his body.

“And, in a different way, the world is free from the fate of the end. But then again, are you going to do this? ”

“Why are you doing this? Knowing that I did not do this to purify my end. ”



Kim Jonghyun touched his chin while adding the words.

“It’s strange. I do not know which world I connected to … … There is almost no change. I think the magic is obvious. ”

It was a question that Lee Seong-min feels the same way. When Kim Jonghyun showed such a reaction, it was clear that what Abel was doing was successful.

Lee Sung-min, who raised his body, took a spear. Looking at it, Kim lifted both hands.

“No, wait. I do not want to fight with you again right now. ”

Kim Jonghyun said that and stepped back a few steps.

“First, I want to make sure what happened.”

Kim Jonghyun laughed and laughed.


With that laugh, Kim Jong Hyun disappeared. It was a series of blinks that jumped out of space.

Lee Sung – min ‘s expression cooled coldly. He did not hesitate, but he turned to the direction Abel had headed.

In this situation, what is the biggest obstacle to Kim Jonghyun’s future is Abel, who has Gries, not Lee Seong-min, who has learned a lot of skills.

So Kim Jonghyun was sure to arrange Abel first.

* * *

“… … What is this? ”

Abel was standing idle.

Because of the magic manifestation, the spheres no longer exist, there is no reason to disappear. The magic was manifested. It was a fact.

But what is this? Abel saw the unfolding in front of his eyes.

He, no doubt, entered the coordinates of the spiritual system. There are no errors because it is the coordinates obtained by applying the lifespan to the grease. Abel had never been to the spirit world.

Eria was surely connected with the spirit world.

By the way, it was very different from what I thought.

The faded garden and the colorful flower fields were mixed.

Beyond that, there was a gorgeous mansion.

What house?

As Abel was surprised, Frau looked at the mansion with a grim face. Ararador, who was hiding behind her, stroked his head and asked.

“Where is the spirit big?”

“How do I know, motherfucker?”

Frau replied in a sharp tone to Aladur’s question.

Abel grinds his teeth. He approached the mansion as full as he could.

It is true that it is connected with the spirit system. By the way, what appeared in this world was the whole mansion.

So, where is the spirit? What is that mansion again? Abel stood at the door of the mansion, leaving the jerky cheek muscles. Then I grabbed the knob by lifting my hand.

Abel pulled the door and opened it. On the other side, someone grabbed the knob and turned.

The door opened.

“… … uh… … ”

Abel saw the man who opened the door and opened his eyes as if he could not believe it.

He was wearing thin glasses and was riding in a wheelchair, uncomfortable. His head turned white and his face had many wrinkles.

“Tongue, why are you?”

Abel stuttered and asked.

Beyond the door, sitting in a wheelchair is Envirus. It was Cain of Abel’s brother.

He also had the impression that he could not believe it. But Abel’s agitation was far greater than Cain’s agitation.

I once hardly felt the enormous horsepower that Cain had. It is the image of an old man who is barely suppressing aging.

It was the limit. Had I not been able to do that, hundreds of years would have killed my body.

Moreover, why is the leg again? I could not imagine meeting Cain here, but that’s it. Abel was astonished that Cain, whom he had aimed at, was down in a gruesome situation.

“Abel… … ? ”

Cain muttered with his blurred eyes beyond his glasses.

He did not see well. When he heard his voice, he knew Abel was the one who barely opened the door.


Cain heard a surprised voice behind his back. It was a prisoner with cat ears that ran across the corridor.

She stared at Abel standing over the open door. Why is human being here? That question came up, but Lubia rushed to Cain and grabbed his wheelchair.

“Why did you open the door … … ? ”

“I heard a strange sound outside … … ”

Cain stuttered. Even my body can not touch. The eyes did not look well and the old did not completely suppress. That’s … … What. Abel’s face was distorted.

No, it is not that important right now. Abel hurried forward and caught Cain’s wrist.

“Where is this place?”

“Huh… … ? ”

“Where is this place?”

Abel shouted. Lubia stood firm and blocked Abel.

“Who are you? Why… … No, how did you come here? ”

“Shut your mouth. I do the question. here is… … Where else? Is not it a spirit system? I am sure the coordinates of the spirit world … … ”

“The spirit is right.”

Cain answered.

“… … The spirit is … … But no. ”

“Explanation… … Please. ”

Something went wrong.

I did not want to admit, but Abel felt such a dark feeling.

I can not see the spirit. The world of the spirit world is ruled by the queen of the spirit. It is the place where a lot of spirit lives. But why, when I connected with the spirit world, I can not see the spirit.

“location… … Coordinates of the spirit system. Abel. I do not know what you were trying to do, but the coordinates of the spirit world changed. The Queen of the Spirits, for me, who can not live in the spirit world, created a small space in the existing coordinates and overlaid it. ”

That is the mansion. In exchange for breaking his contract with Mana, Cain was in danger of being killed.

The queen of the spirits could not tolerate Cain’s death, so he took Cain down in mortality, ignoring the old promise.

“Do not bark.”

Abel trembled.

Something finally. I took the magic of Kim Jonghyun.

Abel offered most of his life spells. He completely annihilated tens of thousands of germoid souls and connected them with the spiritual world.

By the way. It was not the spirit world connected. An independent space superimposed on the coordinates of the spirit system. The space that the Queen of Spirits provided for Cain was linked to Aria.

Abel grabbed Grissis hastily. I knew I had a short life, but Abel did not care.

As the magic spread out, Abel sat in his seat.

‘It did not change.’

Her fate has not changed. The destiny at the end of the world is still the end.

“Queen… … ”

Abel stammered.

“Queen… … The Queen of the Elements? Call her, her. Right Now!”

“that’s… … It’s impossible. ”

Cain muttered with a blind eye.

“She broke a long promise to save me. In return, she fell into a long sleep. ”

The Queen of the Elements wanted to save Cain while doing so. Even if he fell into a long sleep and could not see Cain again, he wanted to prevent Cain’s death.

“Ha … … haha… … ”

Abel laughed with a frowning expression. It is ridiculous. I could not believe it. What this … … Is it a dog-like situation? I devoted most of my life to the magic. This world. I did this to stop the end of Eria.

“Dogs like dogs … … ”

Abel spewed Cain as he looked at him with a fresh eye. I could not bear it without doing so. Everything was ruined by Cain.

If Cain had not been here. If Cain had not done so. The queen of the spirits would not have broken the promise and intervened in the world, nor would he have made space for him in the spiritual coordinates for Cain.

If so, what Abel wanted to do was succeed, and Aria and the spirit world would have been connected!

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

A laugh broke out behind Abel ‘s back.

Kim Jonghyun was standing in the air and smiling with a pleasant expression.

I had to. Abel failed. Unlike Abel, Kim Jonghyun can start again, though Kim Jonghyun failed as well.

“This is a masterpiece. The work in the crowd has brought these results. Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Under Kim Jong Hyun, Lee Sung-min also stood.

He also heard what Cain said. I knew why this happened.

Lee Seongmin saw Lubia standing in front of Abel. Libya also saw Lee Seongmin. Looking at the astonishing Lubia’s face as if it were unbelievable, Lee smiled at him forcibly.

It was impossible to make a natural smile in this situation.

“In the end you. I tried to stop the end, but I was living well in a safe spirit world. ”

Kim Jonghyun pointed at Cain with his hand.

“And you failed.”

I turned toward Abel.

“I can do it again.”

It can be so much fun.

Kim smiled again with a loud voice.

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