ABC News Live "Good evening, everyone. I'm Geena Davis. Thank you for streaming with us." Geena greeted the audience with a radiant smile, her captivating presence filling the screen.

The female announcer continued, her voice filled with enthusiasm, "We are now just one week away from the highly anticipated Apocalypse Game, Year 4. Today, we have a special guest joining us, Lieutenant Ethan Sinclair, who is currently stationed at the East Coast Training Center. Good morning, Lieutenant Sinclair. It's a pleasure to have you here on this beautiful day."

As Geena spoke, the screen split in two, and Lieutenant Sinclair's face appeared next to hers. He was a middle-aged man, distinguished in his military uniform, with neatly styled hair. Offering a polite smile, he greeted Geena and the viewers, "Good evening, Geena, and good evening to all of America."

Eager to delve into the main topic, Geena turned her attention to Lieutenant Sinclair. "Lieutenant Sinclair, could you please share with us the current situation at the East Coast Training Center? I'm sure our viewers are eager to know."

"Certainly, Geena. As you can see," the screen transitioned to a live feed of the training center, revealing a sprawling field filled with thousands of people. "Many Americans have come to join us on the first day of the training regime we have set up. We are still awaiting the arrival of many more, and we will be here until the day of the game."

Geena nodded, her interest evident. "That's great to hear, Lieutenant Sinclair. At this point, our viewers are particularly interested in the Lottery that has recently been delivered to their homes. Do you have any comments or messages for those who have been selected?

Lieutenant Sinclair's gaze turned earnest as he addressed the camera, speaking directly to the viewer "To all those who have been selected, I understand that you may be feeling anxious, but I want to assure you that our survival rates have significantly increased over the years, while the death rate continues to decline. It is crucial that you come to your respective training centers as soon as possible. We have meticulously prepared everything to support and guide you through this journey."

Geena beamed at Lieutenant Sinclair's words. "Those are truly reassuring words, Lieutenant. Thank you for joining us today and providing valuable insight to our viewers. Perhaps, this could be the year we emerge victorious."

With a final wave to the camera, Geena concluded, "That wraps it up for me, Geena Davis. You heard it here first on ABC News."

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