[You have level up]

In the aftermath of the adrenaline-pumping ambush amidst the trees, Alan took a moment to access his stats. To his pleasant surprise, his exploits had earned him a significant jump of three levels.

[Alan D Angello, Male, 27 years]

[Level 23: 32150/35000]

[Health points: 260/260]

[Spirit points: 70]

[Stamina: 100%]

[Strength: E]

[Agility: D+]

[Endurance: D]

[Perception: E]

[Intelligence: C]

[Spirit: E]

[Survival Points: 14850]

[You have one attribute point to distribute]

[You have 1x E rank reward. 4 x F rank reward]

Glancing around, he could see the satisfied expressions of his team members. Each of them had managed to eliminate at least two or three Nazi soldiers during the skirmish. Their individual combat success had granted most of them enough experience for a level-up, a significant achievement for the group.

The battle, while grueling, had bestowed upon them more than just experience points. For many in Alan's team, this had been their first encounter with human combatants. The fact that they had not just survived but triumphed imparted a newfound confidence. They had faced one of their most profound fears and emerged victoriously. Alan knew this newfound self-belief would be a pivotal factor in the challenging battles that lay ahead.

As the sounds of battle died down and the dust settled, it was time to assess their gains. The battlefield was a trove of loot. Scattered around were firearms and cartridges dropped by the defeated foes. Quick calculations revealed a 10% firearm drop rate, and a substantial 30% ammunition drop, suggesting that every tenth enemy soldier left behind a firearm, while every third one left behind bullets. This was a treasure trove, enough to arm the militia to the teeth.

Amid the common loot, there was a piece that stood out. The Nazi captain, their highest-ranking officer in the skirmish, had dropped an uncommon item:

[Officer uniform]

[Type: Clothes]

[Rarity: Uncommon]

[Attributes: Defense +7]

[Effects: Reduce fear and anxiety of people around you]

[Equipment Rating: 14]

[Able To Bring Outside The Game: No]

[Remarks: It's fashionable too!]

The system randomly assigned this uncommon loot to a player, and the lucky recipient was Vicky. The gleam in her eyes was unmistakable. She wasn't overjoyed because of the defensive stats or the morale-boosting effect of the uniform but rather its style. The uniform, sleek and well-tailored, seemed to be a perfect fit for her newly earned role as a squad leader.

Without hesitation, Vicky decided to don her new prize immediately. She began to change right behind a tree near Alan, with a hint of mischief in her eyes as she caught Alan's gaze.

With the shirt now on, she twirled, "What do you think, Alan? Does this suit me?"

Alan, ever the composed leader, replied, "Yes, it does."

Vicky's face softened, "Thank you, Alan. Thank you for believing in me."

The resonating cheers and triumphant shouts filled the air, echoing through the trees. The 17th Militia had emerged victorious in their first significant combat engagement, a feat that no one, perhaps not even they themselves, had anticipated.

The exhilaration of victory coursed through every player, rendering their wounds and exhaustion secondary. Their hearts raced, not from fear or exertion, but from the intoxicating thrill of victory.

However, Alan quickly realized that this was both a boon and a potential pitfall. The adrenaline and euphoria could lead to rash decisions, endangering the team in their overzealous state. Yet, at the same time, this momentum, if channeled correctly, could be the tide that would lead them to even greater victories.

"Listen up!" Alan's voice cut through the jubilation. His tone was calm, but the underlying urgency was unmistakable. "This time, it will be an open battle. I need every single one of you to be on high alert. The risk is greater, but so is the reward."

While their primary objectives remained unchanged – accumulating survival points and experience – Alan knew that their next move would require careful planning and impeccable execution.

Emerging from the tree line, Alan instructed the group to maintain a cautious pace. He then pulled out the [Military Radio] Intentionally broadcasting a message on all channels, he announced, "Delta command, this is the 17th Militia. We've neutralized the enemy's flank units, resulting in 200 enemy casualties. We request permission to counter-attack the enemy's main forces."

The audacity of the message was unmistakable. Such a claim, coming from a relatively small unit like the 17th Militia, was bound to raise eyebrows. And it did.

Leaders of the 13th and 15th Militias, upon hearing the announcement, were taken aback. A flurry of emotions swept through their ranks – disbelief, envy, and a burning desire to emulate such success. Alan had anticipated this reaction. He knew that the larger militias, eager to prove their worth, would leap into action without waiting for Lieutenant Marsh's orders. And they did just that.

Almost immediately, close to 200 players from the 13th and 15th Militias mobilized. These units, bolstered by the leadership of an ex-police captain, took the initiative and launched a preemptive strike on the primary Nazi forces. This move, while brave, was precisely the distraction and opportunity Alan had hoped for, setting the stage for the 17th Militia's next move in this grand game of strategy.

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