A while since Tsukihi and Obito’s battle began.

Both sides were predicting each other’s moves and acting accordingly, but their fight appeared to be at a stalemate due to the hacks ‘Kamui’ and ‘Knowledge of Plot,’ as either they continued to pass each other or all of the strikes employed by either side were easily averted by the other party.

Because neither of them can see the opponent’s face because they are both wearing masks, it appeared that the other party was maintaining a high level of attention based on the tiny motions of their bodies and the way the opponent was reacting.

‘Has she figured out the mechanics of Kamui by the way she reacts to my movements? Is it even possible to do so? Unless… she has Kamui as well? No, she wouldn’t have panicked at that point if she had. So, while I’m convinced she doesn’t have Kamui, she appears to understand the mechanics of Kamui based on the way she moves in response to my every movement. What method did she use to figure it out…? Is it from Amegakure’s last battle? Hmm… I’m not sure, but it’s possible she could have seen through something while I was fighting Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the end, it doesn’t make a difference. Even if she figures out my Kamui, she won’t be able to hurt me if I’m careful… Only those who can use a Space-Time Jutsu can compete with me,’ Obito reasoned as he plotted his next moves.

Obito is well aware of his advantages; as long as he does not want to be touched and is cautious enough, no one can harm him… He lost his arm because he didn’t expect the woman to be Homusubi, which was a little recklessness on his part, but it won’t happen again.

So, even if she has deduced Kamui’s mechanics, it makes no difference to him. Furthermore, he is positive that no one is aware of Kamui’s lone flaw, and that no one will ever be able to exploit it.

Furthermore, due to the Hashirama Cells in his body, his Mangekyou Sharingan will not go blind with sustained use, and the same is unlikely to be true for the woman in front of him. He also has a significant amount of Chakra thanks to the Hashirama Cells. He can also use Mokuton, therefore he is confident that he will win this battle; all he needs to do now is seize the appropriate opportunity.

Tsukihi was analyzing Obito’s behaviors and psychology in this battle while Obito was analyzing Tsukihi’s actions and psyche, and she remarked, ‘Oh, is he being unduly cautious? Does this rule out the presence of any additional Akatsuki members in Kirigakure? I can be positive that, even if others are present, Nagato is not in or around Kirigakure based on his vigilant demeanor.”

If more Akatsuki members were present, Obito wouldn’t have to be so cautious; he could just summon them and put an end to the charade, leaving Tsukihi with no choice but to slay this clone of her.

However, the fact that he is the only one here must imply that no one else is close, most likely not even in Kirigakure or the Land of Water.

“Heh… how long do you think you’ll be able to keep going?” Obito joked at this point. Susano’o’s constant use… chakra consumption must be demanding…”

“Worry about yourself,” Tsukihi continued, “I think I can keep going till I kill you!”

“Hahaha… Is it possible to kill me? That’s something I’d like to see you do. There is nothing you can do about it, even if you understand how my Jutsu work. I’m interested, though, how long you can maintain utilizing the Mangekyou Sharingan.” – Obito mocked her as he proceeded to deflect all of the insults that were directed at him.

He was personally taught by Uchiha Madara, that’s why Obito’s knowledge of Uchiha’s Mangekyou Sharingan is significantly superior to that of any other Uchiha, even Uchiha Fugaku, the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan. As a result, Obito is well aware that while having double Mangekyou grants access to Susano’o and other incredibly powerful Dojutsu, continued fast use of Mangekyou Sharingan results in blindness. Unless he or she can attain Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan or transplant Hashirama Cells, the more one utilizes the Mangekyou Sharingan, the faster the eyes are sealed until one is perpetually blind.

Because of the difficulties and lack of understanding, the chances of either happening are extremely slim.

Tsukihi didn’t respond; instead, she continued to strike. During the combat, she managed to get her hands on Hiramekarei and used it to fight Obito; the aim wasn’t to use the sword itself, nor was it to save chakra or ocular power, but something altogether different.

While the struggle between the two sides raged on, or rather, the one-sided futile attack raged on, Tsukihi couldn’t help but think, ‘Just a bit more…’

Boom… Boom… Boom…

Tsukihi did not pause for a second, continuing to vent as much as she could, the chakra consumption of half body Susano’o is less than Tenseigan Chakra Mode or Gudo Dama. So, no matter how much chakra she consumed, no matter how much anguish her eyes felt, no matter how much damage the room sustained, she persisted, ‘Just a bit more…’

The battle gradually expanded from the gathering room to the entire third basement floor.

There would be a thunderous explosion, the walls would fall, and dust would rise every time the chakra sword or chakra hammer was slashed, but all she could think was, ‘Just a little more…’

‘Idiot…’ Obito snickered, looking at the horrific war Homusubi was fighting. ” Keep squandering your chakra and ocular power, and you’ll be blind in no time…’

Obito did not fight back against Homusubi’s idiotic fighting style; instead, he continued to dodge to make the situation seem more favorable to her and to make his helplessness more realistic. He even did a few awkward and barely alive dodges, and a few times he would throw scattered weapons on Susano’o, all to increase Homusubi’s consumption.

“Tch… a weakling, don’t you know anything other than escaping or dodging?” – Tsukihi blasted Obito, her tone purposefully evoking wrath and dissatisfaction, yet all she could think was, ‘Just a little more…’

She made her breathing rough at the same time… To demonstrate that Obito’s plan was working, and to make it more genuine and credible, she slowed down her movements and assault frequency, even showing signs of sluggishness and exhaustion, all while thinking, ‘Just a little more…’

‘Is she finally reaching her limit?’ Obito wondered as he watched Homusubi’s movements starting to slow down.’ What an idiot, I thought she understood Kamui’s mechanism, but now I’m certain she doesn’t; perhaps all she knows is that if I touch her, it’ll be game over for her, which is why she was avoiding and keeping her distance from me… She has no idea how Kamui works.

To be honest, it’s extremely astonishing that one of the Amatsukami members is fighting so rashly; I might have even doubted her if it weren’t for the fact that I can see her Chakra levels lowering steadily with my Sharingan. But, in any case, let’s keep this going for a while longer.’

‘Just a little longer…’ they continued.

“What a knucklehead!” – Seeing Obito’s lack of response to her taunt, Tsukihi clicked her tongue in irritation and proceeded to sprint after him, “Huff… huff… are you… huff… are you simply going to run?”

‘Just a little more…’

‘I think I should wrap this up now… I can’t stay here forever since I have to start with my plan, therefore it’s time I capture her.’ – thinking thus, Obito stopped running and dodging and instead turned around and walked towards the exhausted Homusubi, saying, “Had enough? How much Visual Prowess do you have left? You must be nearly blind, am I right? ”

Tsukihi’s feet faltered a little as she listened to Obito’s query; it seemed impossible for her to keep going while keeping the Susano’o, so she asked, “You… how do you know so much about the Mangekyou Sharingan?”

‘Just a little more…’

“Young Uchiha girl, if I’m being honest, your skills have shocked me,” Obito said, “being able to awaken Mangekyou Sharingan is unusual, few are capable of such a feat, aside from grief and suffering the loss of something valuable, talent is also required… As a result, I commend you… I’ve never heard of a woman who has awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan in all my years… You’re most likely the first… But facing me was your biggest blunder… everything comes to an end here.”

“You speak as though you had lived for centuries,” Tsukihi snarled passionately. ” What exactly are you, a senile old man? You’re not going to deceive me with your old geezer nonsense. Besides, don’t think I’m finished with you just yet!”

‘Just a little more…’

“Oh? Do you have anything more up your sleeve? Why don’t you give it a shot? The result will be the same!” – Obito remarked confidently, clutching his one and only hand securely.

“You scumbag, go to hell!” – Tsukihi poured all of her Chakra into the Susano’o and slammed the brighter, longer, and broader Susano’o Chakra Sword into Obito with all of her might…

“It’s the same thing. Haven’t you realized it’s pointless?” – Obito expressed his disappointment, saying that he had hoped for something greater, but that did not appear to be the case here… ‘I’m beginning to have doubts about a few things; how did she even able to fight Konan for so long with her ignorance, and how did she manage to cause so much difficulty for Konoha and the Uchiha Clan, she hasn’t even utilized the Crow Jutsu that is identical to Konan’s, nor has she used that Golden Fire… Is there something stopping her? Heavy Chakra Consumption? Or is it something else entirely? I suppose if I capture her, I’ll be able to find all of my answers.’

With this in mind, Obito chose not to evade this time and instead used Mokuton instead of activating his intangibility…

Ox – Horse – Bear – Snake – >

‘Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu!’ (Wood Release: Wood Golem Jutsu)

Tree branches protruded from his sleeves and twisted into the shape of two massive wooden arms, which grasped Tsukihi’s Susano’o Chakra Sword between his palms. But that wasn’t the end of it; the wood continued to pour out of his sleeves, the ground, and the walls, eventually becoming a wooden golem the size of Susano’o’s half-body.

‘Mokuton to such an extent?’ Tsukihi was taken aback. Obito’s Wooden Golem may not be as large as Senju Hashirama’s, but the fact that he can utilize Wood Golem Jutsu alone indicates that he has been training in Mokuton.

“Where do we go from here?” “Can you tell me if there’s anything else?” – Obito grumbled, his voice bored.

‘Just a little more…’

“Do not believe Mokuton can overcome my Susano’o!” said Tsukihi, her brows furrowed as she increased the amount of Chakra she utilized in the Susano’o.

Obito, on the other hand, appeared to be completely unconcerned; it’s not as if Homusubi can teleport, so no matter how much she tries and struggles, it’ll all be for naught in the end.

The half-body Susano’o and little wooden golem stalemate persisted, but the balance began to shift in favor of the Wooden Golem, and the half-body Susano’o was gradually subdued.

Even the Chakra that was keeping Susano’o alive began to pale and die away.

“Are you done already?” Obito yawned at this point. “I expected more from an Uchiha, but it appears you’re all brawn and no brains… It’s weird that I’m the one telling this, but you should know that in the most recent battle between Mangekyou Sharingan and Mokuton, Mokuton triumphed against Mangekyou Sharingan.”

“Mangekyou Sharingan may have lost the fight, but it won the war,” Tsukihi replied, clenching her teeth. ” I shall not lose against Mokuton as the bearer of Mangekyou Sharingan!”

“It’s amazing that you’ve been able to keep Susano’o for so long.” – Obito replied, pausing for a moment before concluding, “But it all stops here.”

‘Just a little more…’

The Wooden Golem tore apart Susano’o’s chest armor as if to validate his remarks.

Obito nonchalantly came closer to her, “You were able to sustain Susano’o for such a long time, it’s rather unexpected… I’m guessing your Mangekyou Sharingan Dojutsu has something to do with Susano’o augmentation, right?”

“How… how did you figure that out?” When Tsukihi noticed Obito approaching her, she muttered something scared and took a step back in terror.

‘Just a little more…’

To be honest, she wanted to kneel on the ground to indicate that she has become too weak to even stand, but she decided against it after considering that Obito would be able to see through her playing if she gave up so quickly, so she chose the alternative of posing a futile fight instead.

As a result, rather than kneeling pathetically, Tsukihi took a few steps away in panic and drew a Kunai from her Kunoichi bag tied with multiple explosive tags, then flung the Kunai towards Obito, as if this was her last-ditch effort. She will do the same thing as Sasuke did in the battle between the brothers when he made a last-ditch useless effort against Itachi.

“Heh… you’re done already…?” Obito mocked as he continued going forward, unconcerned about the approaching Kunai because they would pass right through him anyway, so there was no use in dodging them.

‘Just a little more…’


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