“Go ahead, but can the rest of you be slightly quicker? I don’t have time all day… as I am in a bit of a hurry!”

In the face of Kuroto’s carefree remark; surprise, anger, panic, and several other emotions took root in the hearts of the leftover four Uchiha Jonin.

The scene just now was a little too weird for them to understand in just a single glance, especially because neither of them expected Kuroto to use such an approach to deal with the combined Fire Tornado Ninjutsu.

Although both Fireball Jutsu and Whirling Tornado are individually not that high-ranked ninjutsu, however, the ones using them were not ordinary shinobi, both of them were Jonin, and that too, Jonin of the Uchiha Clan… their cooperation, tacit understanding, and coordination were perfect, as a result, the Fireball Jutsu and Whirling Tornado perfectly complemented each other and resulted in a very dangerous Fire Tornado that surpassed A-Rank Ninjutsu…

According to the common sense of the Shinobi World, dealing with such a powerful Ninjutsu is not so easy, and anyone facing such a Ninjutsu would either choose to completely escape its range or choose to use a Ninjutsu of their own to defend against it… in case of Hyuga Clansmen, they can also choose to use Revolving Heaven which is nearly perfect defense, which everyone expected Kuroto to do, but no… he didn’t do what everyone expected…

Instead of escaping the range of Ninjutsu, or defending against it, he charged straight into the Fire Tornado, this action was practically suicide and it left everyone taken aback, specifically, the two Uchiha Jonin were caught off-guard and Kuroto was able to knock out both of them…

After all, charging through the Fire Tornado isn’t as simple as it may seem, the moment someone comes into contact with such a high temperature, their entire body will become charred, leading to instant death… yet nothing happened to Kuroto, which further confused everyone…

Seeing the vigilant expression on the faces of the four Uchiha, Kuroto chuckled lightly…

Obviously, what he did isn’t that difficult for him… And it’s just an alternative method of using Revolving Heaven.

When Hyuga Clansmen use Revolving Heaven, they release Chakra from all their Tenketsu and simultaneously rotate their body to apply the rotation force into the released Chakra to make a spiraling Chakra barrier and defend against the attacks.

Of course, rotation is not necessary to use Revolving Heaven, and the only reason it is used is that the Chakra strength of most of the Hyuga Clansmen is not strong enough. To compensate for that lack of chakra strength the rotation force is added to enhance the defense.

But let’s say if someone’s Chakra Strength is more than strong enough, then what would happen?

If the Chakra strength is strong enough, then there would be no need to add rotation force…

The Lightning barrier created by the Lightning Chakra Mode of Raikage would be one such example of this approach, although the two Jutsu are completely different and have no linkage with each other, Raikage’s Lightning Barrier can still be taken as a comparison.

The approach Kuroto used just now is quite similar… His Chakra strength is already more than strong enough and because of having experience of using the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, Kuroto managed to create a Chakra barrier cum Cloak around him that protected him against the high temperature of the Fire Tornado.

This type of Chakra cloak is something only the Hyuga Clansmen can use because of their innate ability to release Chakra from all their Tenketsu.

Kuroto calls this technique of using Chakra to coat his entire body in order to create a barrier as the Byakugan Chakra Cloak.

Byakugan Chakra Cloak is a simple and low-level application of Tenseigan Chakra Mode, and since this is the first time anyone has ever seen such a Jutsu, so everyone was surprised and Kuroto was able to take down two Uchiha Jonin by the element of surprise.

Of course, Byakugan Chakra Cloak has heavy Chakra consumption, but for Kuroto who can even use Tenseigan Chakra Mode, such chakra consumption is not that big of a deal, as it is nothing more than just a drop of water in a completely filled bucket.

Normally, the Uchiha shinobi wouldn’t have been surprised enough to be left completely off-guard, but Kuroto’s perfect timing and extreme speed worked in conjunction with the Flaming tornado that obscures the vision of the two Uchiha Jonin… so their Sharingan failed to capture his movements, and that is how Kuroto was able to defeat them instantly.

“What to do? At this rate all of us…”

“Shut up… are you afraid now? Think about it, he is just one person, we are still four, and we won’t lose…”

“Yeah, pay attention to his techniques, this guy is just slightly faster and has a better defense, so long as we breach those two advantages of his, he will be done for!”

“Humph, no matter how fast he is, he couldn’t be faster than the insight of our Sharingan!”

While speaking such words, the four Uchiha Jonin rekindled their fighting spirit and planned to take down Kuroto. Although, they were extremely surprised that their initial number was reduced to the current half in shock and surprise, the honor and reputation of the Uchiha Clan did not allow them to retreat.

While such a thought was going on in the minds of the four Jonin…

Suddenly, Kuroto’s chilling voice was heard, “Never get distracted in the middle of a battle… didn’t the Uchiha Clan teach you people even such a basic point?”


As the last word was heard, Kuroto had already disappeared from his position with the use of a Body Flicker.

The expression on the faces of the four Uchiha Jonin became tense, the three black tomoe in each of their Sharingan were spinning rapidly, searching for Kuroto’s figure.

At this moment, one of the Uchiha Jonin sensed slight changes in the airflow behind him, he immediately understood that Hyuga Kuroto has targeted him, so he immediately turned around to make a comeback, but the moment he did so, he found that Kuroto’s figure was only a few steps away from pouncing on him.

Regardless, with the sword in his hand, the Uchiha Jonin grinned, “You are not gonna get away from this one!”

But before he could do anything, his brows tightened in a frown… this particular Jonin noticed that Hyuga Kuroto’s left hand that he was using to initiate the attack seemed to be weaving hand signs… And because half of Kuroto’s hand was covered by the long sleeve of his Kimono, it obscured the Uchiha Jonin’s direct vision, as such, he couldn’t figure out the exact hand signs that Kuroto was weaving.

And what’s more surprising is that ‘He can weave hand signs from just one hand?’

As he thought so, he tried to get a better look at Kuroto’s left hand so as to identify the hand sign pattern to guess the Ninjutsu that Kuroto plans to use…

This choice of his was his biggest mistake because as his attention was more focused on Kuroto’s hand compared to Kuroto, Kuroto smirked wickedly and suddenly accelerated his movement…

And without giving any opportunity for the other party to react, he used both of his hands to carry out a series of hard strikes on the Uchiha Jonin.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Because of the momentary distraction, when Kuroto attacked the Uchiha Jonin, the Uchiha Jonin was only able to parry four to five hits, but as Kuroto’s speed and attack power increased with each strike, he was unable to keep up and after taking a few hits, he puked out blood from his mouth and fainted with an unwilling expression on his face.

As the fifth Uchiha fainted on the ground, Kuroto kicked him lightly on the ground and threw him to the same position where three other Uchiha were placed before, creating a pile of fainted Uchiha Jonin.

After dealing with the fifth guy, Kuroto turned around and looked at the remaining three Uchiha with a provocative expression.

“Damn it… this guy seems to know our fighting habits too well! And he also knows how Sharingan actually works!”

“The last burst of speed that he used… it was nearly as fast as Shisui if I am not wrong!”

“And why the heck is he using Steel Fist Taijutsu? Aren’t Hyuga supposed to only rely on their Gentle Fist?”

Kuroto didn’t care about their questions and walked step by step toward the remaining three Uchiha…

Looking at the approaching Kuroto, the three Jonin backed away instinctively.

At this time one of the Uchiha questioned Kuroto, “How do you understand Sharingan to this degree?”

Because of their Sharingan, Uchiha Clansmen are accustomed to perceiving every moment of their enemies, this habit of theirs has been engraved into their instincts and Kuroto just took advantage of this instinctual habit of Uchiha Clansmen, but to take advantage of that instinctual ability, one has to understand the Uchiha and their Sharingan which Kuroto did…

“Who knows?” of course, he wouldn’t give an explanation to them…

Not only is he accustomed to fighting Uchiha with Mangekyou Sharingan, but Kuroto himself also has experience of using Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, and Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan… so, he understands Sharingan better than the Uchiha Clansmen standing in front of him… of course, he wouldn’t bother to boast it.

Among the onlookers.

As Neji saw Kuroto defeat Uchiha Jonin one after another, he was surprised, and with stars shining in his eyes, he asked Hizashi, “Otou-sama, what kind of Jutsu is Sensei using? How is it so powerful? And what kind of fighting style is he using? It looks so different from what you have taught me!”

Hizashi’s attention was still on Kuroto and the three Uchiha, but he was no longer that worried about Kuroto after witnessing the fight up to now… After hearing Neji’s question, Hizashi pondered, and explained, “The Chakra Cloak surrounding Kuroto-kun, I am not sure how that is working… but as for his fighting style… he is not using just Gentle Fist… His fighting style seems to be a mix of Gentle Fist, Steel Fist, Leaf-Style Swordsmanship, Uchiha Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, and several other fighting styles… One thing to note is that all his movements are simple and practical, at the same time they are also extremely delicate yet fierce… which is incredible in a sense… because he is perfectly syncing all those fighting styles…”

Neji was confused, “What does that mean?”

Hizashi said with a sigh, “It means that your Sensei has broken the shackles of Gentle Fist…”

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