“That is… Danzo’s arm…?!” Orochimaru exclaimed in shock.

Without a doubt, Homusubi was carrying a white arm that was embedded with several Sharingans.

Just as Orochimaru was intently staring at the severed arm held by Homusubi, out of nowhere, an arm pierced his chest without him being able to react at all!

“Aaarghh… *spew* *cough*…”

Orochimaru screamed in pain and spewed blood, but more than pain, he was shocked… The reason?!

The reason is that when Orochimaru looked down at the arm piercing through his chest, he was stunned to find that this is the very same white arm that he transplanted into Danzo’s body during the transformation operation…

But how is this possible?

How can the arm that is already severed by Homusubi appear back in Danzo’s body?

Even if Orochimaru thought about it, he couldn’t get an answer… and this wasn’t all that confused him.

In fact, even if it was the very same arm, there was still something different about it… And this made Orochimaru more confused…

The arm that pierced through Orochimaru’s chest had no Sharingan embedded in it… It was as if, they were never there, to begin with.

All this confusion and doubt, and yet no answer…

And before Orochimaru could think anything more, he was kicked by Danzo standing behind him, and thrown out like a piece of shit.


Already gravely injured, and bleeding, when he fell on the scorching ground, it seemed several more bones were cracked, and he soon lost consciousness.

After dealing with Orochimaru, Danzo turned his attention and looked at Homusubi.

Although hell-bent on killing Homusubi, Danzo didn’t rush toward her like a mad dog this time, instead, he stared at her from a distance with doubt and confusion.

Yes, even the mad and senseless Danzo was sort of doubtful at this point.

Looking at his hesitant and doubtful expression, Homusubi smirked slyly.

Others may not be able to figure out why Danzo still has an arm while his original severed arm is with her, but Tsukihi understands it very well.

While she and Danzo were fighting inside the pool of magma, Tsukihi did not aim to kill him, she understood very well that it would be useless as Danzo would change the fate of his death using Izanagi.

Therefore, instead of aiming to kill him, Tsukihi aimed to restrain his arm and stop all the chakra flow around that arm.

However, Danzo’s own Chakra has grown too strong and violent, and permanently restraining it was proving to be extremely difficult even for her.

Therefore, she changed her approach and tried to seal his arm for a very short instant… She believed that even if that instant was not enough to kill Danzo, it should be more than enough to sever his arm.

And with that approach, she proceeded…

However, even in that instant, Danzo was somehow able to use Izanagi…

But this time, Homusubi was not about to let go of the opportunity presented before her, so she used her own Visual Prowess and cast a Genjutsu on Danzo, trying to affect Izanagi.

Homusubi and Danzo’s Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan were previously linked, therefore, Homusubi’s approach worked, and the Izanagi was affected.

It was not disrupted, but two fates, one created by Danzo, and the other created by Homusubi overlapped, tangled up, and resulted in a completely different outcome.

As a result, the thread of the fate of escaping death and the thread of the fate of the arm being severed overlapped with each other and resulted in a completely different reality where although his arm was severed he was resurrected with a new arm. It’s just that the new arm didn’t have all those Sharingan implanted in it, unlike the original one.

“So, it turns out that I can interfere with Izanagi in this manner too…” Tsukihi muttered as she sealed away Danzo’s severed arm in a storage scroll.

This also leads to a new theory… Even the Forbidden Justus like ‘Izanagi’ can be affected to some degree if appropriate means are deployed, which means that if the Visual Prowess of the caster is strong enough, then the effect of Izanagi can be completely eliminated through interference.

‘Well, I suppose this is something that might prove to be useful in the long run… anyhow… getting back on the topic…’

After hiding the storage scroll inside her cloak, Homusubi slowly walked toward Danzo.

Seeing Homusubi walking toward him step by step, Danzo’s blood-thirsty aura gradually subsided and a trace of fear became evident on his face.

At this time, he is afraid.

And not only him but even the pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in his eye is also afraid!

Having lost all the Sharingan, if Danzo is forced to use Izanagi again, then that would be at the cost of an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan… which is something he doesn’t want to do at any cost, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan themselves wouldn’t want to sacrifice themselves, hence the fear.

Scared and confused, Danzo took a step back…

The first step was followed by the second step, then the third, the fourth, and the fifth…

He has just completed the Kekkei Genkai Absorption Ritual and then went through a series of battles against Homusubi, Orochimaru, and the two former Hokage.

Even if he could use Izanagi to turn all the unfavorable factors into favorable ones, this doesn’t mean that the exhausted chakra can be recovered, therefore, at this point in time, his chakra reserves are also low.

Whether in terms of chakra reserves, physical strength, mental strength, or courage, Danzo is exhausted and no longer has the confidence to be able to defeat Homusubi.

As Homusubi was walking toward him, she was surprised to find that Danzo’s Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan regressed back to three-tomoe Sharingan and then to normal eyes, and even the violent chakra surrounding him also started to stabilize.

At the same time, Danzo’s expression also changed inexplicably…

Homusubi frowned, “You are not…”

Before Homusubi could finish, ‘Danzo’ weaved a series of hand signs and smashed the ground.

Instantly, bloody crystals spread out at three-sixty degrees with Danzo as the center.

The bloody crystals were like sharp blades and shredded all the tree vines inside the volcano.

The final thread that prevented the destruction of the volcano was cut, and with this, the entire volcano collapsed…


At the same time, the magma that was stirred up until now was no longer retrainable and finally exploded…!


At the moment when there was destruction on all sides, Homusubi noticed that the expression on Danzo’s face had again changed into something different and inexplicable.

However, before Homusubi could do anything, the figure of Danzo vanished.

‘Swift Release!’

‘Is Danzo planning to escape?’

This was Homusubi’s conclusion, but after thinking about it over, she felt that Danzo wouldn’t escape…

After all the struggle Danzo has put in, it would be strange if he just let go of everything to waste and escape…

“But… It’s a completely different story if it’s not Danzo who is trying to escape, but someone else…”

Homusubi theorized…

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