“So, it seems my guess is correct… you really can’t use anything except Wood Release in this state, huh?”

Hearing Tsukihi’s words, a trace of doubt appeared on Danzō’s scorched face. He has been in a state of high tension for a few months now, so his intuition has become sharper with time. This heightened intuition has allowed him to escape life and death crises several times. Listening to Tsukihi’s words just now, Danzō suddenly felt very uneasy—a sense of panic, for a completely unknown reason, surged in his heart.

Facing the intuitive warning, Danzō decided not to ignore it and carefully examined the battlefield. He tried to find any piece of the puzzle that he might have missed or ignored. However, the problem arose – the more he looked, the more doubtful he became because he couldn’t find anything that posed a threat to him.

In fact, besides him and Tsukihi, only Shisui and the male Homusubi were present on the battlefield. Both Shisui and the male Homusubi seemed to be running out of their chakra and were occupied trying to protect themselves from hundreds of tree vines constantly attacking them. Therefore, it was evident that they weren’t in any condition to harm him in any way.

And Tsukihi, who might have posed a threat to him, is currently strangled by him as all her chakra and Visual Prowess are being absorbed. She has no power to resist or break out from his grip, let alone threaten him. Danzō wonders, ‘So, where is this sense of unease coming from?’

Everything on the battlefield is under his control, and there is no possibility of anyone present on the island being able to threaten him. So, Danzō also can’t figure out the reason for his unease. No matter how he looks, he can’t find the reason, and this makes him more and more anxious, his heart becoming heavier and heavier.

Unable to find anything, Danzō shifted his gaze back to Tsukihi and shouted hysterically, “Why aren’t you afraid?! Answer me! I am draining all the chakra and Visual Prowess out of you, yet why are you not afraid? Do you think some miracle will happen? Why don’t you just accept your damn fate of being my stepping stone?”

“Fa.t.e… is… some.thin.g… th.at… I… n.e.ver… acc.ept…” muttered Tsukihi without giving any regard to the loss of chakra and visual prowess, and asked in return, “Wh.at… ab.out… y.ou…? W.hy… don’t… yo.u… ac.cept… yo.ur fate?!”

Danzō scowled and roared hideously, “My fate is to become the Hokage, unite the Shinobi World, and rule over it! This is my destiny! Your fate is to be my stepping stone. Even the leaders of the Akatsuki Organization weren’t able to kill me because it’s my fate to evolve and become stronger! I am the true God of this Shinobi World. Only I am the one who will surpass the Shodaime Hokage-sama and become the true god! Not only do I have the powers of both Shodaime Hokage-sama and Uchiha Madara, but I also possess five other Kekkei Genkai. Once I finish absorbing all the chakra and visual prowess from you, I will become invincible!”

“Pffttt… Hahahahaha…” Hearing Danzō’s claim about his fate, Tsukihi couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said, “It’s funny… Hahahaha… too funny… hahahahaha…! You… You really think your fate is to become the Hokage and unite the Shinobi World? Hahaha… I’m sorry; I can’t control my laughter.”

Danzō’s face got darker and darker as Tsukihi laughed.

Tsukihi didn’t care about Danzō’s anger and continued, “Are you in some kind of delusion? Do you think you are the protagonist of some story? Heck, you aren’t even the secondary antagonist, let alone the main antagonist!” She paused and said in a deep tone, “I’ll tell you what your fate is… your fate is to die an abandoned dog’s death, without anyone even feeling sadness over it. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be here talking all this nonsense. Why do you think you have been alive this long? Because you were useful to us! If not for that, we would have disposed of you years ago, and nobody would have cared!”

Having confirmed that Danzō can’t use any other Sharingan ability while he is absorbing the visual prowess of her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Tsukihi whispered lightly, “Let me tell you a secret, old man. Those who think that they have become the God of this Shinobi World before truly becoming the supreme power and all-knowing are the ones who fall first. Nagato will always lose because he thinks he is already a God, and I will always win because I know that I am still not a God.” Leaving these words, Homusubi’s head inclined forward, and she lost consciousness.

“You?!” Danzō was stunned, he couldn’t understand what Tsukihi was saying, and at the same time, the sense of unease he was feeling increased.

But before he could ask anything, he felt that something disappeared from Tsukihi’s body. However, because he was engaged in absorbing visual prowess from her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he couldn’t perceive what it was that disappeared from her body.

This further elevated his uneasiness. All his goosebumps stood up in fear and panic, and his internal senses were screaming at him to give up on absorbing Tsukihi’s Visual Prowess and run away!


Suddenly, lightning rumbled in the clouds, and the downpour became heavier. The abrupt thunder brought Danzō out of his stupor, and he shouted at the unconscious Tsukihi, “Uchiha Tsukihi, although I don’t understand what you meant, mark my words… no one will be able to stop me today, not even the end of the world!”

Danzō ignored the warning that his senses were giving him and continued to greedily absorb visual prowess from Tsukihi’s Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. As more and more Visual Prowess integrated into his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the pattern of his Dōjutsu began to change.

The red and black of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan started to fade, and a lilac color with a ripple-like pattern began to emerge.

“They’ve started to change… the evolution is not far away!” Feeling the changes in his Dōjutsu, Danzō became ecstatic.

Danzō could feel unfathomable power starting to emerge from within, and this made him extremely excited. So much so that he had completely forgotten about the danger and uneasiness he was feeling just a few moments ago.

Just as Danzō felt that he was getting closer and closer to evolution, he suddenly sensed an indescribably powerful chakra. This chakra was approaching the battlefield at an extremely fast speed—so fast that not even Danzō could achieve it, even when relying on Swift Release.

Sensing this approaching chakra, it felt as if his doom was imminent. Danzō’s heart started to thump violently, and for a moment, he even felt as if his natural enemy was approaching. His body couldn’t help but instinctively cower in fear.


Accompanied by an ear-piercing scream of wind, a cyan-blue figure crossed the sky and rushed towards the sinking Toto Island. Danzō noticed the figure approaching, and his eyes widened in shock and panic. But before he could move, the figure, still far away, had already appeared behind him.


As Danzō spurted out blood and turned his head, he was shocked to find the person he had never expected standing behind him. Seeing him, Danzō’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief, “Hyuga… Hyuga Kuroto?!”

Without a doubt, it was Kuroto in his main body who stood behind Danzō. Because he wasn’t wearing the Amatsukami uniform and no mask, Danzō was able to immediately recognize him. After confirming that Danzō is unable to use any of the abilities of the Sharingan, Kuroto decisively pulled out his soul from the Tsukihi Clone and transferred it to the main body that was present on the Ancor Vantian, floating not too far away from the Toto Island.

Because he needed to rush here before Danzō completed the process of absorbing the Visual Prowess, Kuroto didn’t bother to wear Amatsukami’s uniform and came here in his usual clothes.

Obviously, Danzō couldn’t accept that the person who appeared was Kuroto. He stared at the cyan chakra cloak wrapped around Kuroto’s body and stared at Kuroto’s Tenseigan in disbelief. Danzō asked, “How could it be you? A mere member of the Hyuga Branch Division… How can you be the leader of Amatsukami?”

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