Many of the senior members of Konoha weren’t aware of the existence of the newest member of Amatsukami, so when they heard Kakashi mention ‘Dojin’ and him being the primary reason why the Akatsuki Organization attacked Iwagakure, they were confused and expressed their doubts, “Who is Dojin, and why would Akatsuki target Iwagakure because of him?”

After taking Sandaime’s permission to divulge information about Dojin, Kakashi then told everyone in the conference hall the whole process of encountering the newest member of Amatsukami back when they were hunting Danzō, how Dojin helped them against the Akatsuki Organization, and how he overwhelmed ‘Madara’ with his wit and Jutsu that he had mastered.

‘Unbelievable!’ was Hyuga Patriarch’s first thought when he heard the description of Dojin and his fight with ‘Madara’.

Hiashi wasn’t the only one who was so surprised, the others in the conference hall, who weren’t previously aware of Dojin had similar thoughts in their minds.

A twelve or thirteen-year-old young man mastering Explosion Release is not shocking, there are countless shinobi in this world who are more than capable of this feat, however, mastering Dust Release on top of Explosion Release is really something. The fact that not only did he master a Kekkei Tōta at such a young age but also defeated one of the strongest members of Akatsuki using the said Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tōta goes to show that similar to other members of Amatsukami, Dojin too is not an ordinary shinobi.

The status of Dust Release is undeniable in the Shinobi World as this is the only Kekkei Tōta in existence, now that someone other than Ōnoki has appeared who has mastered Dust Release, that person became the focus of all the Shinobi villages.

Shisui looked at Kuroto in surprise, he did not know that someone so incredible had joined Amatsukami, so he was really curious about Dojin.

Fugaku also muttered in admiration, “This is indeed the Amatsukami that we know, each and every member they select is one of a kind!”

On the side, Elder Koharu couldn’t help but mutter, “Explosion Release on top of Dust Release… Kakashi this Dojin person should be from Iwagakure, right?”

Kakashi nodded lightly, “I had the same thought as everyone else, so after returning to the village I started to investigate all the shinobi of Iwagakure that we have information about.” After saying this, Kakashi got up from his seat and distributed some documents he had prepared in advance to all the people in the conference hall and continued, “I soon locked upon a shinobi who seemed to match the identity of Dojin. The information I have distributed just now is of a particular shinobi from Iwagakure, please see it and tell me if everyone here feels the same.”

Kuroto read the documents given by Kakashi, and the first thing that caught his eye was a picture of Deidara. Upon seeing the picture, Kuroto couldn’t help but sigh inwardly and think, ‘Was it so easy to determine?’

“Use of similar Explosive Clay to increase the power and versatility of Explosion Release, similar height, and on top of that, the identity of being Sandaime Tsuchikage Ōnoki’s disciple… Really, no more hints are required… this guy Deidara has to be Dojin.” Muttered Jiraiya in conclusion.

The others nodded in agreement with Jiraiya.

Seeing that almost Everyone agreed with his theory, Kakashi added, “I believe that the Akatsuki Organization also realized that Deidara is Dojin, hence they attacked Iwagakure.”

“This… makes a lot of sense.” Muttered Akimichi Patriarch in agreement.

On the other hand, Kuroto was speechless after hearing Kakashi’s theory, and only now did he realize why Akatsuki suddenly made their move on Iwagakure.

Back then, Kuroto only made his move in order to save his former Anbu subordinates, Kuroto never expected that just because he was using Dojin Clone at that time, the development of the matter would become so crazy. Akatsuki attacked Iwagakure, captured four tails and five tails, and destroyed more than half of Iwagakure… ‘Really now… this is just absurd!’

And while Kuroto was thinking about the absurdity of the situation, Hyuga Patriarch couldn’t help but question, “I don’t understand one thing… If this child Deidara is a member of Amatsukami, then at the time Akatsuki attacked Iwagakure, why didn’t Amatsukami intervene and stop Akatsuki? Why would they just allow such a thing to happen?”

Kakashi wasn’t sure, however, he did have some guesses and answered, “Perhaps… Amatsukami’s attention was on Shimura Danzō at that time, and Akatsuki’s sudden attack on Iwagakure caught them off guard.”

Everyone pondered over Kakashi’s words and felt that it was possible.

Upon thinking more, they also feel that the people that Danzō was trying to lure out were probably members of Amatsukami, Dojin’s action of appearing at one of the leaked locations proves that Amatsukami was also paying attention to Danzō.

In fact, this was indeed the case, Kuroto’s entire attention was on Danzō, so he didn’t even consider the possibility that Akatsuki would suddenly give up on hunting down Danzō and suddenly attack Iwagakure.

At this time, Hiashi suddenly asked Sandaime, “Hokage-sama, why don’t you directly confirm all the details from Amatsukami about what exactly happened?”

Everyone nodded to Hiashi’s question and glanced at Sandaime.

In the face of everyone’s doubt, Sandaime replied helplessly, “In fact, we have never had any means of contacting Amatsukami. It has always been one-sided communication from the side of Amatsukami, so unless they get in touch with us, we don’t know anything.”

“What?!” Almost everyone was taken aback after hearing Sandaime’s words.

Only selected individuals from the Hokage faction knew about this fact up until now, so this is indeed shocking for most.

Before this moment, almost everyone used to think that the village had its own way of communicating with Amatsukami, so they were not too worried about a surprise attack from Akatsuki as Amatsukami would come to their aid once the village requested their assistance, but now that they have learned the truth, they couldn’t help but panic. If Akatsuki attacks them, and Amatsukami is busy somewhere else, then doesn’t that mean Konoha will also suffer just like Iwa? Although Konoha has a greater number of people with high-end combat power, and they also have Uchiha Shisui, the strongest power on the side of the five great shinobi villages, however, what can they all do when facing Uzumaki Nagato? It would be a one-sided crushing defeat for Konoha!

Seeing that everyone was panicked, Sandaime immediately decided to change the matter and ordered in a serious tone of voice, “The date of the Five Kage conference is approaching, so we must step up the search of Tsuchikage and Deidara… Currently, Deidara is probably our only way to contact Amatsukami so we must do everything we can to find him as soon as possible.”

Everyone agreed, “Yes.”

Seeing that he had everyone’s agreement, Sandaime was satisfied, and said, “That would be all from my side. If anyone has anything to speak, please do now, otherwise, we will end the conference here.”

Hearing this, Kuroto suddenly raised his hand and spoke to Sandaime, “Hokage-sama, I am planning to conduct ‘real-world’ simulation training for all the academy students, I hope I can get the village’s cooperation for this.”

This has been on Kuroto’s mind for quite a while. And this sudden raid of Akatsuki on Iwagakure made it so that Kuroto could no longer wait. Of course, he is going to accelerate his Project Godhood, he is also going to accelerate the training of the next generation, especially the training of Naruto and Sasuke, the two sons of prophecy.”

If Naruto and Sasuke grow up smoothly, then with the aid of the Sage of Six Path, they will become a force to be reckoned with. This is extremely necessary to make sure that if something unexpected happens on his end, for example, if he ends up dying, and the situation becomes critical then Naruto and Sasuke will be able to handle the situation and keep things in check while he uses his backhand to make a comeback.

Sandaime thought that Kuroto was worried because of the threat of Danzō and Akatsuki and wanted to give the children some real-world exposure to speed up their growth, so after pondering over it for a while, he nodded, “All right.”

Kuroto thanked Sandaime, and with that, the conference ended.

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