Chapter 94

A Certain Orange Monkey’s House Sitting (Side Orange Monkey)

5 days have come and goes after boss disappeared .

I’ve improved in pot-making that the boss had taught me .

Because boss is not here, I’m having a hard time creating fire .

I managed to substitute it with Flaming Gaeru which I caught . My hair burnt when I fail at handling it though .

[T . N: Google image shows that Gaeru is some kind of frog, or a freaking huge toad]

I copied the weapon and protective gear that I’ve seen the humans had a long time ago .

It’s not popular among my friends because it’s heavy . You need to be hard and strong .

Only I’m the one who use it during hunting .

Since I can’t move well because of the protective gear, cooperative work can’t be done and I got kicked by my friend .

It doesn’t hurt because of the protector . That fellow cried while holding his foot . Protective gear is good . Everyone should wear one .

Aside from hunting and kneading the clay, I’m looking for boss all the time .

4 of us search in turn around the cave . However, currently, no clue at all .

I’ve been worried about the boss, but anego does not partake in the search at all .

Surely anego knows something, naturally .

Still, she didn’t tell me .

Rather, she’s curling up at the corner of the cave all day long .

Occasionally, she thrust her head into the poison jar, letting out her rage .

[T . N: Anego here not just mean older sister or female leader of a gang, but also boss’s wife (wink)]

I look up into the sky .

It’s red, meaning the day is almost over .

Should I quickly go back to the cave entrance?

I got nothing today too .

I dropped my shoulder in disappointment as I return back on foot towards the cave entrance .

The other three returns earlier than me .

All the other member had the gloomy face .


“Aoo” “Aa” “Aoao” .

When I ask, all the other three shake their head .

All the other also have no result .

I look at the cave while letting out a sigh .

Suddenly, I noticed something .

Usually anego shuts herself after boss was gone, but her figure can’t be seen . .

I look at the other three, but they also looks at the cave with their neck inclined .

“Kishi, kishii!”

Anego can be seen rushing here from the direction of the cliff .

I have never seen anego getting panicked in anything not related to boss though .

Did something serious happened? Did she found boss?

It would be a pleasure if boss was found .

I I look at anego, she is staring at the statue near the cave entrance .

The statue of a human .

Could she possibly wanted to become human?

Anego stops by the tree that is used to hung the meat, and scratch at the trunk .

I was wondering what she wants to do, she looks at us and goes “kishii!” at us .

You want me to help?

I remove the meat from the tree and go back into the cave .

Putting the meat in a jar, I then returns to the cave entrance with four shovel .

I distribute the shovels to the other orange monkeys and proceed to cut down the meat tree .

Anego makes a satisfied face and moved to the roots of another tree

[T . N: I have no idea why are they cutting tree with a shovel . Thats like eating spaghetti with spoon]

Do you want to cut down both?

When I hesitate since I don’t understand her intentions, Anego goes “Ga!” and bared her fangs .

Anego’s fang, which is full of poison

The only one who can stop her; the boss, is not here .

I might be bitten .

I remove the meat from another tree, and returns to the cave .

Moreover, when I go out again, the other three is cutting the tree .

The works are divided, with two cutting the tree and the other two carrying it to the cave .

We also need to dig the remaining roots with the shovel .

I was in a daze for a while, but anego brought me back by lightly hitting me in the back with her tail .

I also need to dig up the roots since I have a shovel too .

The tree roots are also brought back into the cave .

After digging, the soil is also taken . All of this are anego’s instructions .

After that we continued to follow anego’s instructions .

I also need to carry the stone statue and put it inside the cave . Its heavier than I thought so I dropped it once .

It doesn’t break . But, the boss is going to be angry is he finds out .

Part of the fur on the cave floor is ripped, and made dirty with all the soil .

All this, is also anego’s instruction .

Boss is going to be seriously angry if he finds out .

I’m getting troubled here whether I should follow her instructions all the way .

Boss barks a lot but doesn’t bite .

However anego will bite without any barking at all .

For the time being I decided to hung the fur dirtied by the soil .

Following anego’s instructions, the fur dirtied by the wet soil is fixed to the upper part of the cave entrance .

After I look at it from the outside, I finally understood .

When you look from the outside, the dirty fur looks like a wall of soil, hiding the cave entrance .

With this, we don’t have to worry about incoming foreign enemy .

However, we can still easily go in and out .

Perhaps anego wants to avoid the humans with this .

Hence, the tree that dried the meat as well as the statue were concealed inside .

Anego sure is smart . A bit scary, but reliable .

When I enter inside and eating the meat served from the jar, I heard the footsteps of humans approaching .

The number seems to be about four .

The first voice seems to be puzzled, on the other hand the other voice seems amazed .

One of the humans seems to think that there should be something here . However the other companion seems to rebuke that person .

[T . N: The monkey refers to the human as ‘ningen’, which is Japanese for ‘human’, but this one is written in Katakana which is used for foreign words]

The voice of the humans continued for a few minutes .

They finally left leaving only one of them near the cave, and that human too starts chasing after the other three .

They doesn’t seem to have noticed us .

I get anxious and runs up to the entrance, trying rolling up the fur to see the outside .

But I was stopped by anego, so with the state as it is, I decided to sleep .

The cave quickly darkens when you cover the light-producing mushroom with the fur .

If someone did that, no one should make a noise until it becomes bright again . That’s the rule here .

Morning .

Since its not possible to notice the rising sun because of the camouflage fur, today starts a bit later than usual .

The figure of anego is not seen anywhere .

The other three and I panicked and went outside of the cave .

Out of the cave, there, anego stood absent minded .

When she look a us, she called with “kishi” sound .

And, somehow I understood .

Anego decided to search for boss far and wide . Surely with that intention .

When I get near to accompany her, she just shakes her small neck .

If the boss, as well as anego who’s the boss substitute were both gone, we’re going to have a problem .

When I’m worried about that, anego turns to face the cave, and bark with a small “kishi” .

I will come back with boss one day . Until then, defend this place .

To me, it sounded like she had a small giggle when she said that .

“Aa!” “Ao!” “Aaa!”

I step forward from the other three who tried to persuade anego, and bows my head to her .

When the other three saw my action, they stop their cries and also bowed .

Seeing us like this, anego released a small relieved nod, and left quietly .

After the figure of anego can no longer be seen, I look back at the cave .

During the absence of boss and anego, I will look after this cave .

I will expand and strengthen it .

Fill it with lots of weapon .

I will fight against the other crowds and make them our subordinate, increasing our war potential .

I’ll manage it so that when boss and anego return, they will be pleased .

If I make weapons, I won’t be defeated by other orange monkeys .

T . N: Welp, had to say I had way too much fun translating this chapter . Halfway translating, I thought our princess here is throwing a tantrum like a someone just getting divorced . Turn’s out she’s the best waifu material after all . Not to mention the monkey is way smarter than expected .

P . S: Heads up to anyone wondering when our MC will be back, that’s going to be after 2 more chapters . Next chapter will be about that female adventurer POV again, and after that a short monster encyclopedia . Again, i wont promise when they’ll be finished

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