Captain Vasili wandered through the bustling streets of Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, marveling at the rapid pace of development taking place all around him. The sound of heavy machinery and construction work filled the air, drowning out all other noises and causing Vasili to instinctively cover his ears. He gazed up at the towering skyscrapers under construction, their steel frames and concrete pillars rising high into the sky.

As he walked, Vasili noticed that the streets were teeming with cars of all shapes and sizes, honking their horns and jostling for space on the crowded roads. The hustle and bustle of the city was overwhelming, a far cry from the serene and remote landscapes he was accustomed to in his line of work.

Despite the chaos, however, Vasili found himself drawn to the energy and excitement of the city. He had always been fascinated by the rapid pace of technological advancement and the way in which it transformed the city around us. And as he walked through the busy streets of Dakar, he felt a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer scale of progress that was taking place before his eyes.

Ten years ago, Senegal was once a land with little to no infrastructure, with roads not paved with asphalt and buildings made of mud and straw. Captain Vasili had heard stories of how far the country had come since the Ruthenia Empire took over, but seeing it with his own eyes was a different experience altogether. He could hardly believe that this was the same land that had been so underdeveloped not too long ago.

The Ruthenia Empire was a government that knew how to set its sights on a goal and doggedly pursue it to completion. Captain Vasili knew this from experience, having witnessed their unwavering dedication to progress during his travels across the vast empire. He remembered the time when the Ruthenian government had purchased Manchuria from the Han Dynasty and made it a part of their empire, despite facing severe backlash from the Imperial Council. While some had criticized the move as a distraction from developing the territories within their borders, the Ruthenian leaders had stood firm in their conviction that expansion was necessary for the future of their people. And now, as Vasili walked through the bustling streets of Dakar, he couldn't help but wonder what other great feats of progress lay ahead for the Ruthenia Empire.

After twenty minutes of walking, Captain Vasili finally arrived at the saloon where his team was waiting for him. The air inside was thick with the scent of tobacco and vodka, and the sound of raucous laughter and chatter filled the room. Vasili made his way to the table where his colleagues sat, their faces alight with excitement as they talked about their latest discoveries.

"Captain! You made it!" exclaimed one of his men, who was a wiry man with a thick beard and a glint in his eye. "We were starting to think you'd gotten lost out there in the city."

Vasili smiled, taking a seat at the table and pouring himself a glass of vodka. He raised it in a toast to his colleagues, savoring the smooth, smoky taste as it slid down his throat.

"Who do you think I am? So this is the best saloon in town huh?"

Vasili looked around the saloon, taking in the dark, wood-paneled walls and the flickering candles casting shadows across the faces of the patrons. It was clear that this was a place where people came to forget their troubles and lose themselves in the moment.

"Indeed it is," replied his bearded colleague with a grin. "We asked the men in the army and recommended this place to us. Now I know why. The drinks are strong, and the music is always lively."

Vasili chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his fellow camaraderie. They have been together for the last six years, deployed from one nation to another. He hoped that one day, they'll return to their country soon together.

"Tell me, Captain. What do you think are the chances we capture Ralf Hietela in Mali?" the closest person in his team, Ivan, asked.

"Well, it's fifty-fifty. It's the Foreign Intelligence Services here that we are talking about. Despite having billions of rubles worth of funding, they sometimes can't get their intel right. I just hope that this hit will be a success unlike our previous attempts and go home because I can't wait to get home."

"You are going back to Hanseong?" Ivan asked.

"Well of course, it will take me a while to convince my wife to move to St. Petersburg as she is working in the government."

Vasili took another sip of his vodka, relishing the warmth that spread through his chest. He missed his wife terribly, and the thought of seeing her again after all this time filled him with a bittersweet ache. They had been married for five years before he was deployed, and while they kept in touch through letters and occasional calls, it was never the same as being together in person.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to being back in Hanseong. It's been too long," he said with a wistful smile.

The conversation turned to other topics, with the men discussing their latest mission in detail and strategizing for the next one. Vasili listened intently, his mind focused on the task at hand even as he longed for the comforts of home.

As the day wore on and the vodka flowed freely, the saloon grew increasingly rowdy. A group of men in the corner was singing a bawdy tune, while others were engaged in heated games of cards and dice.

"I think we should leave, we still have a mission tomorrow morning. I don't want you wasting it all in drinking vodka and ending up not working effectively because of a hangover."

"Copy that boss, we should get back to the base."

With a unanimous nod, the men paid for their drinks and left the saloon.

As the afternoon wore on and the sun began to set over Dakar, Captain Vasili, and his team made their way back to the military base where they were stationed.

The military base in Dakar also served as the naval headquarters for the Ruthenian Empire Atlantic Fleet.

As they were walking towards their barracks, they noticed the soldiers and civilians heading towards the port.

"What could be possibly happening?" Vasili asked as he followed the wave of people with his eyes. And there, he found out why.

An aircraft carrier belonging to the Ruthenia Empire was docking and people watched.

As the aircraft carrier came into view, Vasili could feel the excitement of the people in the air. The ship was massive, dwarfing all of the other vessels in the port. As he recalled, it's the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. One of the largest and most powerful warships in the world.

Vasili and his team watched as the nuclear aircraft carrier slowly made its way toward the dock. He could see the crews standing along the edges of the deck, their faces etched with determination and purpose. Not only that, they saw fighter jets and helicopters with wings and rotors folded.

As the ship settled into place, the crew began to disembark, their crisp black uniforms standing out against the drab colors of the port. The sailors looked tired but proud, having just completed a long deployment in the Atlantic.

"Look at those crews, they are so lucky to work in an aircraft carrier," Ivan remarked.

"Well, I heard from one of my friends in the Navy that working in the aircraft carrier was the worst. I don't know about it but it sounded legit," one of his men added. "And if you want action, why join the navy? Join the army, where you fight in the land."

"Why do you think I'm standing by you right now?" Ivan laughed.

Vasili chuckled. "Well let's not forget that all branches of the military serve a crucial role in protecting our country and its interests. And it's always admirable to see the dedication and sacrifice of our servicemen and women, regardless of which branch they serve in."

The group stood in silence for a moment, watching as the crew of the aircraft carrier went about their business.

As the night fell and the port quieted down, Vasili and his team made their way back to their barracks, eager to rest and prepare for their upcoming mission.

Well, it's been quite a day," Vasili said with a yawn. "I can't wait to hit the hay and get some rest."

His team nodded in agreement, and they parted ways to their respective bunks. As Vasili settled into his bed, his mind wandered back to the bustling streets of Dakar and the progress he had witnessed throughout the city. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the Ruthenia Empire and its unwavering dedication to progress and expansion.

But even as he marveled at the progress around him, Vasili couldn't shake the feeling of homesickness that lingered in his heart. He missed his wife, his home, and the familiar landscapes of his homeland. As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but wonder when he would be able to return home, and what new challenges and adventures awaited him in the ever-expanding Ruthenia Empire.

0500 HRS.

The morning sun had barely begun to rise when Captain Vasili and his team were woken up by their alarm clocks. They rubbed their bleary eyes and stumbled out of bed, knowing that they had a mission to complete that day.

Thirty minutes later,

Vasili and his team arrived at the airfield, where they were met by their commanding officer, a stern-faced man named General Nikolai. Nikolai gave them a quick briefing on their mission, outlining their objectives and the challenges they could expect to face.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Today's mission is a critical one. You'll be deploying in Bogatyr aircraft, which are parked on the tarmac as we speak. Once you're in the air, you'll be dropped off at a landing zone five hundred meters outside of Gao, where you'll begin our operation. Your objective is to capture Ralf Hietela, but keep in mind that this is not a kill mission. However, if the situation escalates to a point where taking him alive is no longer an option, you are authorized to use lethal force. Remember, the ultimate goal is to bring him back to base alive and in one piece. Should you succeed in capturing him, head to the exfil point which is located in Timbuktu. A plane will be waiting there to extract both you and the target back to the base. Stay alert, stay focused, and most importantly, stay safe. Are there any questions before we proceed?"

Vasili's men shook their heads, indicating that there was none.

"Okay, good luck boys and serve your homeland well."

Vasili and his men performed a salute.

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