Alexander sat at his desk in the Winter Palace, his eyes scanning through the daily reports that were laid out before him. As the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, he made it his duty to be aware of everything that was happening within the country, from the economic state to foreign affairs. One of the reports that caught his attention was from Sergei, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As Alexander read through the report, his brows furrowed in frustration. "So you're telling me that the hit in Gao Mali turned out to be a fluke? Goddamit Sergei, we are wasting one hundred billion rubles per year on the Foreign Intelligence Services if they keep giving us false intel," he exclaimed, clearly agitated.

Sergei took a deep breath and carefully began to explain the situation. "Your Majesty, the intelligence we received was accurate at the time. However, it seems that the target, Ralf Hietela, was able to slip away before our forces could capture him. They believe that Ralf Hietela and some of his associates are still in Mali and they reach out to us for help."

Alexander leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Sergei. "What is Captain Vasili proposing?" he asked, referring to the head of the Special Forces who were on the ground in Mali.

Sergei shuffled through his papers before responding. "They are suggesting that we reach out to the Francois Republic for assistance. They have offered to block train stations, roads, and airports in Mali to prevent Ralf Hietela from escaping."

Alexander rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But I wanted the operation to be covert. Speaking to Francois betrays that fact, Sergei."

Sergei nodded in agreement. "I understand, Your Majesty. But it's important to remember that you have already named Ralf Hietela as one of the worst criminals in the world. The international community is expecting us to take direct action to bring him to justice. Sir, you need to decide now before Ralf Hietela disappears into the shadows once again."

Alexander drummed his fingers on the desk, considering his options while feeling the weight of his responsibilities as Emperor. "I know, I did say that. Fine, reach out to the Francois Republic Embassy, I will meet with the Ambassador in person."

Sergei nodded and jotted down notes on his pad. "Understood, Your Majesty. I will inform the Francois Embassy right now. Please expect him to arrive within fifteen to twenty minutes."

Alexander leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with the possibilities and consequences of his decision. He knew that reaching out to the Francois Republic would mean compromising the covert nature of the operation, but he also knew that capturing Ralf Hietela was crucial for the stability and security of not only the Ruthenia Empire but also the world at large.

As he waited for the Francois Republic Ambassador, Alexander took the time to reflect on the past few years. His reign had been marked by tumultuous times, from international syndicates to economic crises, and it seemed that the challenges were only growing more complex and dangerous. He knew that he needed to stay vigilant and keep a steady hand on the reins of power if he wanted to steer the Ruthenia Empire toward a better future.

Soon enough, the Ambassador arrived at the Winter Palace.

Alexander rose up to his feet and extended his hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Ambassador, I apologize for calling you out here on such short notice."

The ambassador waved his hand dismissively and spoke.

"Not at all, Your Majesty. We are honored to be of assistance to the Ruthenia Empire in this matter. Please, let us get down to business," the Ambassador replied in a calm and composed voice.

Alexander gestured for the Ambassador to take a seat as he himself resumed his place behind his desk.

"I appreciate your willingness to help us with this situation in Mali, Ambassador. As you are aware, Ralf Hietela is one of the most dangerous criminals in the world, and we cannot afford to let him slip through our fingers once again," Alexander said, his tone serious and firm.

The Ambassador nodded gravely. "Yes, Your Majesty, we understand the gravity of the situation. The Francois Republic is committed to the fight against terrorism and organized crime, and we are willing to offer any assistance we can to bring Ralf Hietela to justice."

Alexander felt a sense of relief wash over him. "Thank you for your understanding, Ambassador. I know that reaching out to you compromises the covert nature of the operation, but I believe that capturing Ralf Hietela is crucial for the stability and security of our two nations, if not the world."

The Ambassador nodded in agreement. "We share your sentiments, Your Majesty. Please, let us know what we can do to assist you."

Alexander leaned forward, his eyes meeting the Ambassador's. "We need your help in blocking train stations, roads, and airports in Mali. This will prevent Ralf Hietela and his associates from escaping the country."

The Ambassador nodded, his face serious. "Understood, Your Majesty. We will do everything in our power to assist you in this matter."

Alexander smiled faintly, grateful for the Francois Republic's cooperation. "Thank you, Ambassador. I appreciate your willingness to work with us on this."

The two men continued to discuss the details of the operation, working together to come up with a plan that would maximize their chances of capturing Ralf Hietela. As the meeting drew to a close, Alexander felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that progress was being made in the pursuit of justice. He stood up to see the Ambassador off, extending his hand once more.

"I appreciate your time and assistance, Ambassador. Please let your government know that the Ruthenia Empire is grateful for your support."

The Ambassador nodded, a small smile on his lips. "I will relay your message, Your Majesty. It was an honor to work with you."

With that, the Ambassador left the Winter Palace, and Alexander returned to his desk and sighed.

"That was easy," Alexander remarked.

"Well, our countries have been great partners for over a decade. Even though they had declared a war on us six years ago."

"That was the Black Hand's doing, Sergei," Alexander reminded. "With this, I hope Captain Vasili and his men capture Ralf Hietela in Mali because I can't wait to speak to him in person and discuss things personally."

Sergei chuckled softly. "I'm looking forward to seeing that."


Meanwhile in the capital city of the Francois Colonial territory of Mali, Bamako. The police already got to work, setting up barricades on major roads causing a huge traffic jam, and postponing train schedules and flights, and border security along the territory of Mali was on high alert.

Captain Vasili and his team Alpha were in an SUV they borrowed from Francois, they were watching the monitor inside the car, keeping a close eye on any movement within the city. They knew that Ralf Hietela was still in the city, but they didn't have a precise location for him yet.

As they drove through the crowded streets of Bamako, Vasili's radio crackled to life.

"Captain, we might have eyes on a possible target. Target is inside a white Suv and he is not alone. There are armed men inside, I can see the stocks of their rifles," Ivan reported.

Vasili grabbed his radio and spoke. "Ivan, I want you to confirm the target. Can you get closer?"

"Negative captain, it'll expose us to too much risk," Ivan replied.

Vasili thought for a moment, weighing his options. "Understood. Keep a close eye on them and report any changes in their direction or activity. We are heading towards the target location."

The SUV carrying Captain Vasili and his team sped toward the target location.

As they approached the target location, Vasili noticed that the roads were blocked off, and there were armed police officers stationed at every intersection. He knew that the Francois Republic had kept its word and had blocked off all the possible escape routes for Ralf Hietela.

"Okay, it's showtime boys," Vasili announced to the radio. "Alpha team going in. Bravo team, give us a cover."

"We will, Captain," Ivan said.

Vasili's team disembarked from the SUV and took positions around the area. They moved stealthily, taking cover behind vehicles. They had to be careful not to expose themselves and blow their cover

As they closed in on the white SUV, Vasili signaled his team to get ready for action. They were only a few meters away from the vehicle when one of the armed men noticed them and shouted out a warning to the others.

"DON'T MOVE!" Vasili shouted and his team surrounded the white SUV. The armed men inside the vehicle were slow to react, causing them to be in the crosshair of the Special Forces' rifles.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Vasili said again. "Hands off your weapons and step out of the vehicle slowly."

The doors of the white SUV opened, and Ralf Hietela emerged, flanked by his armed associates. Vasili recognized him immediately, from the images on the file they had been reading since the start of the operation.

"I got a positive ID on Ralf Hietela," Vasili radioed in.

"You are making a huge mistake here, Captain Vasili," Ralf spoke in a calm and collected voice, his eyes fixed on Vasili.

Vasili tilted his head to the side, surprised. "How did you know my name?"

"Oh, I know everything about all the men who are chasing me, especially you, Captain Vasili. You have a very wonderful family in Hanseong."

Vasili snapped. "Don't you dare talk about my family, you son of a bitch!" Vasili barked, his rifle trained on Ralf.

Ralf simply smiled, unfazed by Vasili's anger. "Captain Vasili, I'll give you two choices. I want you to let us go, or you'll have no family to return to."

"What do you mean by that?!"

Ralf's smile turned into a sinister grin. "I mean exactly what I said, Captain. Your family's safety is in my hands. You don't want anything bad to happen to them, do you?"

Vasili gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on Ralf. He knew that Ralf was not bluffing; he had the resources and the connections to make good on his threat.


"Yes, Captain."

"I want you to confirm if what this son of a bitch is saying is true," Vasili ordered.

"Copy that, Captain."

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