The Bogatyr, a copy of the C-130 Hercules, soared through the clouds with ease. The sun was just starting to rise, casting a beautiful orange glow across the sky. Inside the aircraft, Captain Vasili and his men sat in silence, preparing for their arrival in St. Petersburg.

The Bogatyr had taken ten hours to fly from Bamaku, and as they approached their destination, the Special Forces could feel the anticipation building. They have successfully nabbed the man whom the Ruthenian Empire wanted taken for years and now they are imagining if they would get a reward or something. Meanwhile, Captain Vasili's mind was fixated on the condition of his family who had been kidnapped by Ralf Hietela's man.

Though he was already guaranteed and assured by the Command Ops that they are fine, he still wanted to see them for himself to make sure that it was really the case.

As the plane began its descent, the agents could see the city of St. Petersburg coming into view. The sprawling metropolis was a sight to behold, with its stunning architecture and rich history.

At the airport, personnel from the Foreign Intelligence Services waited patiently on the runway. They had been informed of the Bogatyr's arrival and were ready to receive the Special Forces on board. The plane's tires made contact with the runway, and the agents braced themselves for what was to come.

As the plane stopped, the cargo bay doors in the rear part slowly opened, producing a hydraulic whirring sound. The agents gathered their gear and made their way to the exit, with Captain Vasili leading the pack. He was met with a group of high-ranking officials, who greeted him with a salute.

"Captain Vasili, we've been eagerly awaiting your arrival. I am General Ivanov of the Foreign Intelligence Services," the man in charge said.

"General Ivanov, it's good to see you. I assume everything is in order?" Captain Vasili replied, returning the salute.

"Indeed it is. The man you have captured is of great importance to us. We have been tracking him for years, and you and your team have done an excellent job in bringing him to us," the General said.

Captain Vasili nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. He and his team had successfully completed their mission, and now it was time to reunite with his family.

"Thank you, General. The man that you have been waiting for is inside. He is in a bad condition due to my outburst, but nevertheless, he is still alive."

General Ivanov's expression remained stoic. "We have medical personnel on standby to attend to him. But first, we would like a debriefing on the mission and the capture of the target," he said, motioning for Captain Vasili and his team to follow him.

They walked towards a waiting SUV, and as they drove through the streets of St. Petersburg, Captain Vasili recounted the details of the mission. He spoke of the surveillance and intel gathering, the stakeout, and the eventual capture of the target. The General listened intently, occasionally interjecting with questions.

After the debriefing, Captain Vasili was finally escorted to the Winter Palace, where the Ruthenian Emperor resides. Captain Vasili exited the vehicle and looked up to see the palace.

"Why am I here, General?" Vasili asked.

"His Majesty wanted to see you in person, Captain,"

General Ivanov replied as he led Captain Vasili towards the grand entrance of the Winter Palace.

Captain Vasili couldn't believe it. He had never imagined that he would be standing in front of the Ruthenian Emperor himself. He straightened his uniform and took a deep breath before entering the palace.

As they walked through the ornate halls, Captain Vasili couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The walls were adorned with priceless works of art, and the grandeur of the palace was truly breathtaking. Finally, they arrived at the throne room, and Captain Vasili was led to a grand, golden throne.

Sitting on the throne was the Ruthenian Emperor himself, a regal figure dressed in robes of gold and purple. He looked up as Captain Vasili approached, his eyes scanning the Special Forces officer.

"Captain Vasili, it is an honor to meet you. I have heard of your bravery and skill in capturing our most wanted criminal," the Emperor said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I know that this is not the perfect day to meet as you have been through a long time of travel and wanted to rest."

"Not at all, Your Majesty…" Captain Vasili replied, his voice filled with respect and deference. He had never been in the presence of such a powerful figure before, and he was acutely aware of the importance of this moment.

The Emperor gestured for Captain Vasili to approach, and the Special Forces officer took a few steps forward until he was standing before the throne. The Emperor studied him for a moment, and then spoke again.

"You were already informed about the condition of your family in Hanseong, right?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, I was already informed, Your Majesty. If possible, I would like to get there as soon as possible…"

The Emperor nodded understandingly. "Of course, Captain. You have my word that you will be reunited with your family as soon as possible. But first, let me give you something. I want this to be private."

"What is it, Your Majesty?" Captain Vasili asked, his mind curious.

Alexander flicked his finger and Christina, the Grand Duchess of the Ruthenia Empire walked forward, carrying a box containing Captain Vasili's award. Christina opened it and Alexander continued.

"Captain Vasili, it is my honor to present to you the Order of St. Andrew. You have proven yourself to be a true hero, not just to the Ruthenian Empire, but to the world. Your bravery and skill in capturing Ralf Hietela have not gone unnoticed, and I believe that you are deserving of the highest honor that our empire can bestow."

Vasili was in awe as he gazed upon the intricate details of the Order of St. Andrew. The blue-enameled cross was stunning, with each arm shaped like the Latin letter "X" and edged in gold. The center of the cross featured a circular medallion with a profile of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Ruthenia. The Ruthenian inscription beneath the medallion read "For Faith and Loyalty," a testament to the values that the order represented.

The blue ribbon that suspended the cross was adorned with white stripes on either side, giving the award a striking appearance. As Vasili looked closer, he noticed the collar of the order, made of pure gold and featuring alternating representations of St. Andrew and the imperial eagle.

The design was elegant and regal, fitting for one of the most prestigious awards in the Russian Empire.

The Order of St. Andrew was the highest honor that could be bestowed upon a soldier in the Ruthenian Empire. He had never imagined that he would be given such a prestigious award, and he felt a sense of pride and humility wash over him. But, does he really deserve all the credit? It's not like he is the only one who played a role in the successful capture of Ralf Hietela, he thought to himself. There were so many others who had contributed to the mission, from the intel gatherers to the agents who had kept an eye on the target. He knew that without their hard work and dedication, the mission would not have been possible.

As he looked back at the Emperor, he felt a surge of gratitude and respect. Alexander had recognized his efforts, but he had also acknowledged the sacrifices made by the entire team. It was a testament to the values of loyalty and teamwork that the Order of St. Andrew represented.

Captain Vasili bowed deeply. "Your Majesty, I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from you. It was an honor to serve the empire and to help bring a dangerous criminal to justice."

"Your actions have shown that you are a true patriot, and that you have dedicated your life to protecting our great empire despite personal circumstances. You have earned the respect and admiration of your fellow citizens, and I am proud to count you among our country's finest soldiers."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I am humbled by this honor, and I will continue to serve the empire with all of my strength and dedication."

As Captain Vasili bowed, Emperor Alexander stood up from his throne and descended the steps, approaching the captain with the Order of St. Andrew who he grabbed from the box Christina was holding.. He held the medal out to Captain Vasili, and the officer stepped forward to receive it.

"To be honest, this is my first time handing out medals to soldiers because I was too busy hosting it," Alexander confessed as he chuckled. "You are the first so you better be grateful."

"Of course I do, Your Majesty," Vasili chuckled back.

"You will not be the last. I will also host the biggest military parade in history and hand medals to soldiers who have done exceptionally well in serving our empire. Your achievements will serve as an inspiration to others and will continue to strengthen our nation," Alexander said. "I hope you can come with your family."

"When will it be?" Vasili asked.

"Next month," Alexander replied. "We will mail you the details."

Captain Vasili couldn't believe it. Not only had he received the highest honor in the Ruthenian Empire, but he was also being invited to a historic military parade. It was an incredible honor, and he felt a sense of pride and patriotism swell inside of him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It would be an honor to attend with my family," Vasili said, bowing deeply once again.

"Excellent. I look forward to seeing you there. But for now, I know that you are eager to be reunited with your loved ones. I have arranged for a private plane to take you to Hanseong as soon as possible," the Emperor said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I am forever grateful," Vasili said.

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