After returning to the Floor of Asgard, and talking to his uncle, Morgan, William found out that the majority of the people in Lont had successfully migrated to the Floor of Asgard with the help of the Bifrost Bridge.

Jekyll was the only one that remained in Lont to look after the residents who were still in the process of preparing for their relocation.

After the war in the Southern Continent, James had taken the orphans of the Hellan Kingdom back to Lont in order to give them a safe place to stay.

After William had conquered the Floor of Asgard, the original inhabitants of Lont migrated at James' recommendation. Others stayed to look after the orphans who had just started to adapt to the countryside's way of living.

However, since the threat of a grand-scale war, that could potentially impact the entirety of the world, was about to take place, James had returned to the Floor of Asgard to make the migration to the Floor of Asgard a compulsory one.

After overseeing the first half of the migration, James left the work to Morgan and Jekyll before leaving the Tower of Babylon to look for Vlad, who was currently somewhere in the Central Continent.

The old coot also planned to visit the Misty Sect and have the Sect migrate to the Floor of Asgard as well, becoming one of its armed forces, in preparation for the upcoming war with the Heir of Darkness.

William just returned to the Thousand Beast Domain from his meeting with his Uncle Morgan. After receiving Chloee's confirmation that the envoy of the Holy Order of Light was already on its way, he decided to tell the Virtuous Ladies, Melody and Shana, that Audrey would be coming to meet them.

The moment the two heard this news, they immediately started to beam with happiness. However, this happiness disappeared just as fast as it came.

They had already adapted to life in the Thousand Beast Domain after staying there for almost a week and, truth be told, a part of them didn't want to leave due to how comfortable it was to live there.

Suddenly, Shana asked William if he was free to drink her blood at that very moment.

Thinking that the blue-haired beauty wanted to go home faster, William agreed to her request and brought the two ladies inside his room. However, the moment the two sat on his bed, an awkward silence fell inside the room, making William look at them in confusion.

"What's wrong?" William asked the two beautiful ladies who were seated on his bed and were looking at him with beet-red faces. "Are the two of you not feeling well?"

"William, I have a question for you," Shana said. "Invidia said that we would gain more Merit Points if we allowed you to drink our blood in a different place. Is this true?"

William blinked in confusion. "What different place?"

"I-Invidia said that you give her double the amount of Merit Points when you drink her blood from her…," Shana wasn't able to continue her words because her face couldn't go any redder from embarrassment.

Melody remained quiet the whole time, but she was sneaking side-glances at the Half-Elf who was looking at the two of them in confusion.

Shana wasn't able to take it any longer and decided to whisper the things she wanted to say to William, making the latter understand why the two Virtuous Ladies were blushing so hard.

"Well, is it true?" Shana asked with a determined look on her face.

"Yes," William replied. "But, I knew that the two of you were not ready for something like that, so I didn't tell it to you on purpose. Also, both of you only need to give me your blood for three more days. After that, you will be free. There's no need for you to do something like this."

The Half-Elf had already achieved the goal he had in mind when he brought the two Virtuous Ladies to the Thousand Beast Domain.

The first one was to allow them to live alongside Demons and understand that they weren't as bad as the Pope portrayed them to be, and the second one was to make the Virtues not afraid of him.

His main goal was to make Melody and Shana understand that he wasn't their enemy. By doing so, any actions that the Pope would take against William would be met by resistance within the members of the Seven Virtues.

Not only would this prevent the Pope from one-sidedly dictating that this was the correct path to take, it would also allow the Virtues to gain the courage to defy her orders, which was William's true goal from the very beginning.

The Seven Deadly Sins, and the Seven Virtues, were the pillars that governed the world.

If he was able to make these two sides work together then the Holy Order of Light would be unable to push the agenda of their Crusade against him.

"T-This, I also understand," Shana stuttered. "But, since we will finish our duties of supplying you with our blood in three days, I need to find a way to gain more Merit Points in a short period of time."

"I see." William nodded in understanding. "There are still some matters that I need to finish, so how about this? I can meet the two of you tonight. You can choose to do it in my room, or yours."

"Let's do it in our room," Shana replied. "I also want to show you something tonight."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Just wait for tonight. Anyway, we will go now."

Shana held Melody's hand and whisked her away from William's room, leaving the Half-Elf behind.

A few minutes later, Invidia entered the room with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Did Melody and Shana talk to you about the new method of gaining Merit Points?" Invidia asked.

"You're quite evil," William commented. "You really want to make those two girls fall for me."

Invidia shrugged as she transformed into the beautiful elf, Celine, and cupped William's face.

"Can you tell me with all honesty that you didn't intend for this to happen when you asked them to donate their blood to you?" Invidia asked. "I know you are, surprisingly, a gentleman, but I also know that you are a schemer. Since you didn't push Melody and Shana to the brink, my opinion of you became better. Or… did you just not find the two of them attractive enough for you?"

Instead of answering, William pressed his lips over Invidia's lips to shut her up. The kiss lasted for half a minute before the Half-Elf pulled back.

Invidia smiled as she removed the one-piece dress she was wearing, and pulled William's head to her chest.

Celine's fragrance, which the Half-Elf had missed washed over his senses, and the warmth of her body slowly thawed the coldness that William was feeling at the moment.

"Both of them are very attractive, so beauty is not the problem," William replied as he buried his face in Celine's bountiful chest, which he loved very much. "I'm just afraid of corrupting them, that's all."

"Hmph! And you are not afraid of corrupting me?"

"You can't corrupt what is already corrupted."

"Hey! That's mean!" Invidia lightly pounded William's head with her closed fists in anger. "I'm still a chaste maiden okay? You might have already marked my upper half as yours, but the bottom part is still off limits. This is the condition we agreed on."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your chastity," William replied as he cupped the two soft mounds that overflowed from his hands. "This is the only thing I need from you, nothing else."

"Hah~ after all I've done for you," Invidia shook her head before wrapping her hands around William's neck. "Fine. Have it your way, but give me additional Merit Points for my effort to make those two ladies give you what you want."

"... Fine," William replied as he kneaded Invidia's chest, who had taken Celine's appearance, in a sensuous manner. "Although it is not my intention to do this to them, I might as well accept if they offer it willingly."

"I look forward to seeing how their faces will look when morning comes."

"You're really evil."

"Not as evil as you," Invidia said as she guided William's lips to the center of her breast, where a small cherry was waiting to be eaten.

Just as William was about to claim Invidia's offering, the latter whispered something in his ear, which made him pause for a short moment.

"I envy your wives," Invidia said softly. "To have someone like you as their husband is both a blessing and a curse."

William digested Invidia's words before sinking his fangs into her sensuous body. Since Invidia had taken Celine's appearance, the shape of her breast, as well as the taste of her blood was exactly the same.

As the Half-Elf drank the blood of the woman that was carrying his child in her womb, he wondered what would have happened if he hadn't gone to the Demonic Continent to look for her?

Would the ending have been different?

Perhaps it would have been different.

Perhaps his wives would still be alive, too. However, something else would have had to pay the price for their safety, and that would have been Celine, who had been marked as the bride of the Heir of Darkness.

If William hadn't gone to the Demon Realm to find Celine then perhaps she would have had no other choice but to bear Felix's child, which was something he would never wish to happen to her.

In the end, he tossed these mundane thoughts aside as he continued to drink the warm and delicious blood on his lips.

'What has happened has already happened,' William thought as he allowed himself to be held by the young lady who had taken the form of his beloved. 'The only thing I can do is move forward. I don't care where this road takes me, so long as I find them waiting for me at the end of this journey, then I don't care if I go to hell.'

Perhaps, because she could feel the sudden change in William's mood, Invidia lightly patted his head and hummed a lullaby.

Although their relationship was purely a business transaction, the Sin of Envy truly felt envious of the people who had taken their spot in the Dark Prince's heart.

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