"Do you feel anything weird?" one of the members of Deus asked the comrade by his side.

"What do you mean weird?" his comrade replied.

"I feel like we are being watched or something."

"Don't be too paranoid, man. There's nothing in this Domain aside fro-argh!"

"What's wro-bwah!"

Psoglav and his doppleganger sneak attacked the two men using the ability Shadow Punch, rendering both of them unconscious. He then used his darkness whip to bind the two of them before dragging them back to their meeting place.

The same thing was happening all around the Domain as William's Legion swept the Domain in order to capture or eliminate the members of Deus.

It was quite a daunting task because the Domain was quite vast. Nevertheless, William managed to capture half of the members of Deus after two days. These agents were not weak and the majority of them put up a good fight.

There were cases when some of the members of William's legion were at a disadvantage, fortunately they could communicate to each other via telepathy and managed to gang up on their targets.

Like always, William left the interrogation to Jekyll while he and the other Beasts continued their search.

Six days later, all of the members of Deus had been subdued. The great part about their operation was that they managed to get the maps that the agents had painstakingly made. For William, this was a great boon because they no longer needed to put a lot of effort in mapping the Domain themselves.

Also, he was pleasantly surprised when he found out that three days inside the Undying Lands was equivalent to a day in the real world. This lessened his worries about Conner returning anytime soon.

"I gathered all the information that I can get from them," Jekyll reported as he approached William who was busy reading the information that was on the maps.

"Did they say anything that we didn't already know?" William inquired.

"Just a few things, and most of them are about the Hellan Kingdom falling completely into their hands. They are now focusing on bringing more men here to gather the resources for their Organization."

"... I see."

William sighed. He and Jekyll knew that staying inside the Domain for an extended period of time would be dangerous for them. Also, once Conner found out that there were others that had discovered the entrance to the Undying Lands, he would definitely increase the guards that would be stationed to protect it.

Currently, William didn't have the manpower to deal with Deus. The members of his Knight Order had all returned to their hometowns to check the current situation of their families. He knew that he couldn't count on them to help him at this point in time.

There was also the issue of the Floating Island in the sky. William was very tempted to explore it, but time was not on his side.

'System, is there a way for us to move this Domain?' William was out of options, so he decided to ask the System for recommendations.

< Host, after analyzing the Domain, I found out that its structure was similar to the Ring of Conquest. The monument outside this domain served as the vessel, which is similar to the ring on your hand.

< As long as we can move it then we can take this Domain with us. However... there is just one big problem. >

'And that is?'

< The Monument is connected to the entire Hidden Valley. In order to take away the monument, we have to take the entire valley as well. >

William rubbed his face with both hands. He knew that things weren't going to be so simple, but the reality still made his head hurt.

'Is there anything that we can do?' William didn't want to give up. 'Even just sealing the entrance to prevent others from coming in will suffice.'

< The monument was made from the Era of the Gods. It has very powerful runes inscribed on it. Sealing it is not an option. The only choice we have is to take the entire Domain as a whole."

"And how do we do that?" William asked.

< We will need One Million God Points in order to merge the Undying Lands with the Thousand Beast Domain. >

William looked at his pitiful God Points and felt his heart ache. Currently, he only had 2,980 God Points. It was near impossible for him to do what the System was trying to achieve.

'Just where are we going to get a million God Points?' William looked at the sky in resignation. 'God Points just don't fall down from the sky.'

While William was feeling depressed, a series of notification sounds emerged from his Status Page. The System alerted the red-headed boy that he received several pieces of mail from the God Shop.

< Mail 1 >

Sender: No Loli No Life!

Subject: God Points Loan

Hello, this is the Cutest Lolita. Congratulations, you have been chosen among the many candidates to have a Loan from the Cutest Loli in the multiverse. Attached in this mail is 200,000 God Points.

This loan is payable within ten years with 0% interest! If the loan is not paid within ten years, you will have no choice but to sign a contract with this Cute Lolita the next time you kick the bucket!

< Mail 2 >

Sender: Simp King

Subject: God Points Loan

Hello, this is the Simp King. Congratulations, you have been chosen among the many candidates to have a Loan from the most suave man in the multiverse. Attached in this mail is 200,000 God Points.

This loan is payable within ten years with 0% interest! If the loan is not paid within ten years, you will be forced to marry one hundred ladies in a span of one year. If you don't want to die by snusnu, you'd better increase your stamina dear comrade.

< Mail 3 >

Sender: Old Ginger Is Still Spicy

Subject: God Points Loan

Hello, I might be old, but I'm still spicy! Congratulations, you have been chosen among the many candidates to have a Loan from the most refined, elegant, and charismatic man in the multiverse. Attached in this mail is 200,000 God Points.

This loan is payable within ten years with 0% interest!


Aside from the God Points, there is also a wooden staff included in this mail. Make sure to give it to a little girl that has the name Eve. This is very important! She has a lot of potential and it would be a waste if she became the Priestess of another God in the future. All good things must stay in the family!

< Mail 4 >

Sender: One Night Stand

Subject: God Points Loan

Hello, I need a one night stand.

Attached in this mail is 200,000 God Points.

This loan will be paid the next time you visit the Temple of the Gods.


Don't worry, I will not tell your wives about it.

< Mail 5 >

Sender: Donger 4 Ever

Subject: God Points Loan

Attached in this mail is 200,000 God Points.

I will be sending the "Goods" in another mail. You don't have to pay me back because I am rich.


Remember your promise.

< Mail 6 >

Sender: Donger 4 Ever

Subject: Donger

The corner of William's lips twitched as soon as he finished reading all the correspondence he had received from the God Shop. He didn't expect that the God Points he was lacking would literally fall from the sky.

It was quite easy to know who the senders of the letter were. However, he was still surprised when he saw that One Night Stand and Donger 4 Ever were also helping him with his dilemma. Although the contents of the letter from One Night Stand were troublesome, he thought that the Goddess of Lust was just teasing him.

As for the last mail from Donger 4 Ever, William didn't dare to open it. He was afraid that if touched the Dangerous Mail he would be unleashing a terrible calamity into his world.

'Better be safe than sorry,' William thought as ignored that last piece of mail he had received from the God Shop. 'Still, I didn't know that Gods could loan God Points.'

William closed his hands and pressed his hands together to offer a silent prayer to the Gods who were always there to support him from the Heavens. He thanked them for their love and support and promised to repay them as soon as possible.

William knew that his Patron God was currently recovering from the backlash he received from the battle against the Astral Worm. He felt sad about the fact that Gavin was injured because of him.

'May you recover soon, Gavin,' William finished his prayer inside his heart before taking the God Points from the mailbox.

Since he now had the necessary amount of God Points in hand, it was time to steal the domain out of the hands of The Organization.

  • 14
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