After leaving Gilbert's office, William walked towards the boys dormitory. All the students that saw him looked at him with admiration, respect, envy, and jealousy.

William couldn't stop the corner of his lips from rising due to the attention he was receiving. However, since he was a refined, elegant, and charismatic person, he decided to act humble and pretend that he was not aware of their stares.

As he neared the boy's dormitory, he saw a familiar person blocking his path. Although it had been years since they last saw each other, William could easily identify the delicate looking boy who had once been his roommate when he was still in the Hellan Royal Academy.

William grinned as he walked towards Kenneth and gave him a hug.

Originally, Kenneth wanted to dodge, but realized that there was no reason for him to do that. In the end, he didn't resist William's friendly gesture, and allowed himself to be hugged.

William's hug lasted only for a few seconds before he pulled back, and looked at Kenneth's pointy ears.

"So, you are an Elf," William said softly.

Kenneth nodded and gave William an apologetic gaze. "Sorry for hiding my identity. I had my reasons for not telling you."

"Let's go to my room to talk. There are too many people paying attention to us."


William led the way and Kenneth followed behind him.

As they walked, Kenneth was paying close attention to William's movements. The Elf could feel a strength emanating from the Half-Elf's body, and his back seemed wider compared to the last time he saw him.

'He looks more dependable now,' Kenneth thought with a smile. 'I'm sure Master will be happy to hear what I have to say when I give her my report.'

After returning to the Silvermoon Continent, Kenneth's Family had ordered him to pay close attention to William. Among the candidates for the Prince of Darkness, William's name was currently at the top.

The Rayleigh Family ordered Kenneth to meet up with William and monitor him at all times. Since William and the Elves had a complicated relationship, only Kenneth was suitable for the job.

Kenneth naturally didn't reject this offer because William's mother, Lady Arwen, had also tasked him with passing on a letter to William. After the Elves' defeat at the Southern Continent, no one dared to provoke the Half-Elf any longer.

Even the King of the Elves had personally visited Arwen and had a private meeting with her. No one knew what they discussed, but after their talk had ended, the Saintess of the World Tree summoned Kenneth and asked him to personally deliver a message to William.

Also, Arwen insisted that Kenneth should stay by William's side for a year or two. Since this was a request from his Master, the silver-haired Elf had no objection and promised to do as he was told.

After entering the room, Kenneth noticed Ian and a pink-haired girl seated on the couch, holding a golden piglet in her hands.

The moment William entered the room, Chiffon stood up and walked towards him. William reached out and patted her head before walking towards the couch.

Once he was seated, Chiffon sat on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. This intimate act made Kenneth frown, but he didn't say anything.

He had seen the tenderness in William's eyes when he looked at Chiffon and Kenneth assumed that the girl was someone important to his friend.

"Sit," William said as he made a gesture for Kenneth to sit on the couch across from him.

Kenneth sat obediently and stared at Chiffon with curiosity.

Seeing that his ex-roommate was paying close attention to the young lady in his arms, William decided to make an introduction.

"Chiffon, this is Kenneth. He was one of the officers in my Knight Order back in the Hellan Kingdom," William said. "Kenneth, this is my wife, Chiffon."

Ian, who was seated beside William, was tempted to say that she was his wife too, but decided to keep her silence.

Unlike William, she didn't trust Kenneth completely, so she had no intention of saying anything unnecessary to the race that tried to invade their kingdom.

Before Kenneth could even say something, a loud knock was heard on the door, which made everyone in the room stop what they were doing.

As William's retainer, Ian stood up and went to the door to see who it was.

A beautiful lady with sun-kissed skin gave Ian a refreshing smile, which made the latter close the door and lock it completely.

A few seconds later, a series of loud knocks ensued and Lilith's voice could be heard from outside the door.

"Open up! I just want to have a talk with him. Why are you treating me this way?" Lilith asked.

Ian didn't answer and pretended not to hear anything. She then returned to sit beside William as if nothing had happened.

"Who is it?" William asked. He was very curious about the identity of the person that was banging the door repeatedly.

"Just a greedy Amazon," Ian replied. "She's not important."

William only managed to say an "Oh" before shifting his gaze back to Kenneth. Although the red-headed teenager was curious, Gilbert had already warned him about the Amazons, so he decided to put Lilith aside for the time being.

Kenneth had an approving look on his face with how Ian treated Lilith. However, this approving look didn't last long before his gaze shifted once again to the pink-haired girl in William's embrace.

"She's your wife?" Kenneth decided to confirm whether William was just joking with him or not.

William nodded. "Yes, we got married in the Tower of Babylon."

The reason why William was telling this to Kenneth was because Ashe and Princess Sidonie had already told him that Kenneth was his mother's messenger. Since that was the case, he decided to not hide the fact that Chiffon was his wife.

This way, Kenneth could pass this information on to his mother. William didn't know how his mother would react to the news, but he was confident that once she met Chiffon, Arwen would definitely get along with her.

Kenneth was about to ask another question when the door of the room suddenly fell flat on the floor with a resounding thud.

"Did you honestly think that a simple door would be able to stop me?" Lilith entered the room with a confident smile plastered on her face. Her gaze landed on William and the smile on her face widened.

"You must be William," Lilith said while appraising the Half-Elf from head to foot. "Okay you pass. Come with me back to the Ares Empire. I will personally give birth to your babies."

The corner of William's lips twitched when he heard the Amazon Princess' arrogant words. This was not the first time that someone had asked for his babies. Princess Sidonie had done the same, but Lilith's words held no room for rejection.

'Another troublesome character has appeared.' William sighed in his heart.

With the appearance of Kenneth and Lilith, William could already feel that he would once again find himself in a troublesome situation.

He already had many things on his plate, including his battle with Rebecca. He just didn't have the energy to deal with the smug-looking Amazon Princess who thought that she could drag him back to their Empire just because she felt like it.

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