Reincarnation Paradise

"A ray of light emerged. Yan Chen's eyes opened angrily, and he sat up with a gasp. "Where's my sister?" Hearing Yan Chen's first words upon waking up, the OL Beauty and Naikang beside him felt a bit helpless. This guy's obsession with his sister had sunk deep into his bones, and he was beyond redemption.

"Your sister is looking for 'situations' on the enemy's corpses." Naikang tried to put it delicately. "She's dissecting corpses again? This..." Yan Chen stopped speaking before the words reached his lips. Instinct told him that some things shouldn't be said.

Pains spread throughout Yan Chen's body, and there was a faint stench in the tent. "Bai Ye, your method of treating me is quite 'gentle.' I feel like I've wet myself." Yan Chen lifted the blood-stained blanket, and the stench became more noticeable. "However, thanks. I, Yan, will remember this favour."

Yan Chen moved his somewhat sore left arm. His left arm had regained its flesh and blood, but there were still traces of crystallization in some places. Su Xiao, smoking on the side, exhaled a puff of smoke. "It's nothing. You didn't die, which surprised me. Your will to survive is unexpectedly strong."

Su Xiao looked at Yan Chen. When the Green-Steel Shadow energy invaded his brain, it damaged a seal. Through the Green-Steel Shadow energy as a medium, he perceived some fragmented memory fragments. Based on these fragments, he inferred that Yan Chen might not have a specific fetish for little sisters.

Strangely, whether from rumours or Yan Chen's own words, he was a little sister enthusiast.

Su Xiao wasn't interested in digging up other people's secrets. Whether or not he was a little sister enthusiast was none of his concern. As long as Yan Chen didn't die now, it was a good thing. If Su Xiao were seriously injured and dying, Yan Chen wouldn't just stand by.

Su Xiao let out a sigh. He had consumed over 1,000 points of mana. He was currently recovering by chewing on Stride Chewing Gum. Chewing for 5 minutes restored 75 points of mana, and with ten pieces, his mana would be sufficient for combat use.

"It's been eight hours." Su Xiao suddenly spoke, confusing the OL Beauty and Naikang.

"I've been unconscious for eight hours?!" Yan Chen felt something wasn't right.

"Yes, eight hours."

"This is bad." Yan Chen looked at Su Xiao, who nodded. Both of them had the same thought.

Yan Chen would be eroded by crystal energy. As the instigator, Xi must be aware of this. Yan Chen was one of the leading combat powers of the Paradise of Reincarnation. When he was critically injured and dying, why didn't Xi bring people to attack? This was a perfect opportunity to break through the defence.

"From my understanding of Xi, she wouldn't let go of such an opportunity unless there's a better chance, like some opportunity to reverse the situation or simply wipe us out." Yan Chen's concern was not unreasonable.

"Two hours ago, I investigated inside the maze but didn't find any large siege machinery or abnormal fluctuations or auras. Everything seemed calm." Su Xiao himself couldn't enter the second area maze, but Bubuwang could. Yan Chen was about to speak when Su Xiao said, "Xi hasn't appeared."

Yan Chen nodded, and his opinion of Su Xiao rose several notches. At the same time, he realized that Su Xiao was the best collaborator at present, without a doubt. Although the leaders of those adventure teams had a workforce, they were too self-interested. In comparison to the bigger picture, they cared more about their own team's gains, especially now that they occupied the terrain.

"Are those leaders staying put?" Yan Chen asked the OL Beauty, who shook her head. "They're not in agreement. After you had an accident, they seemed inclined to let Natasha take over. But that woman is clever; she doesn't dare to stand out. After all, Xi's threat is there. Whoever takes over will have to deal with Xi. Apart from you and the person present here, it seems no one can handle Xi."

The OL Beauty smiled at Su Xiao, having noticed his bloody appearance and his combat capability on the battlefield earlier. Suddenly, Su Xiao stood up, his hand on the hilt of his waist knife.

"Something's coming."

"Huh?" The OL Beauty and Naikang needed clarification, and Yan Chen struggled to stand up. Boom!! A loud rumbling sound came, shaking the entire Twilight Palace for a moment.

"What's happening?"

"Not sure; seems like something hit the Twilight Palace."

"Let's go check." There were loud shouts outside the tent. Su Xiao and Yan Chen rushed out of the tent, with the drowsy Bubuwang following behind Su Xiao. When Su Xiao reached the exit of the palace, he found it blocked by sharp crystal spikes. Moreover, all three exits of the Twilight Palace were the same.

"This isn't good, isn't good, isn't good." Yan Chen, disregarding his injuries, transformed his staff into a magic spear, enchanted it with fire properties, and began to destroy the crystal blocking the door. Soon, the crystals at the door melted by Yan Chen turned into liquid, revealing a thick layer of crystals ahead.

If viewed from above, a river-like crystal could be seen, wrapping the three stone bridges and the Twilight Palace in a solid elliptical crystal sphere with a diameter of over a thousand meters. Within this crystal sphere were several hundred contract holders from the Paradise of Reincarnation, appearing like insects trapped in amber, assimilated into the crystals.

Nearly all the contract holders guarding the stone bridges were wiped out. This was the opportunity Xi had been waiting for. She drove the Paradise of Reincarnation out of the second area maze, and only when the contract holders of the Paradise of Reincarnation were densely positioned could this crystal sphere with a diameter of over a thousand meters exert maximum lethality.

This was a plan she had set up upon learning about the ancient ruins' terrain. After implementing this plan, regardless of success or failure, Xi's prestige would significantly decrease. The initial orc army's charge, the battles in the maze, and even the severe injury to Yan Chen were all parts of Xi's plan.

Only when Yan Chen was critically injured would the backbone of the Paradise of Reincarnation be missing, significantly reducing the risks of executing this plan. For this reason, Xi deliberately died once during her battle with Yan Chen.

Surviving number of the Paradise of Reincarnation: 255 people.

Surviving number of the Paradise of Tianqi: 783 people.

The numbers on both sides had tripled, and in the upcoming war, there would be a three-to-one situation. However, the Paradise of Reincarnation didn't know yet that they had killed those contract holders who were relatively mentally stable. In the face of a significant enemy, there were still contract holders inside the Twilight Palace sleeping, and they were all a bunch of mentally unstable fellows.

Those with a sound mind, who were always on guard against attacks from the Paradise of Tianqi, were all dead. The current situation was that this group of mentally unstable contract holders had been forced into a desperate situation.

Inside the Twilight Palace, reading a book, Su Xiao held a Sun God Apollo in his hand. With the current number of contract holders from the Paradise of Reincarnation, defending the stone bridges was clearly impossible. They could only retreat to the second floor of the Twilight Palace, where there was only one upward passage, significantly reducing the defence difficulty.

Su Xiao felt that it was time to serve the enemy a 'pineapple.' Although the terrain of the second floor wasn't suitable for using Apollo, it was perfect for the fourth floor. "Yan Chen, I have a good plan. If the timing is right, there's a chance to wipe out the enemies entirely." Hearing Su Xiao's words, Yan Chen, with a dark expression, chuckled, his laughter a bit neurotic.

"Perfect. I have a plan, too. Let's see whose plan is more insane." A few minutes later, Yan Chen nodded thoughtfully. "Your plan is a bit crazier. Let's go with yours." The OL Beauty on the side was baffled. Wasn't the choice of whose plan to use supposed to consider which plan was more reasonable? Was it her worldview that was flawed?"

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