Reincarnation Paradise

"You just mentioned Bagu; be specific."

Su Xiao held a gun in one hand, smoke emanating from the barrel. He had noticed these people tracking him since he entered the city. Although he had seen them earlier, he had yet to pay them much attention. However, after sleeping for a few hours in the hotel, these people still stalked him, which he couldn't tolerate.

There were only two possibilities: seeking revenge or robbery, and Su Xiao was inclined towards the latter.

The hot suppressor of the gun was pressed against the man's forehead.


Smoke rose, a burnt smell permeated the air, and the man lying on the ground convulsed as his arms were pierced.

"Bagu is... a drug lord. I've heard about him for a long time. He suddenly appeared in the town a while back and wiped out other forces, and his... subordinates are strong, ruthless killers. So, he quickly took control of the small city. That's all I know; give me a quick death."

Knowing he wouldn't survive, the man sought a swift end.

"Where is his headquarters or stronghold? The scrapyard on the edge of the small city?"

"Yes, hit the nail on the head. You've shattered my vertebrae. I wish you a miserable life."

No wonder the man sought death; a stray bullet had previously hit him in his spine. Su Xiao pulled the trigger, and the man lying on the ground was shot in the head.

After searching through several bodies, Su Xiao found several pistols and three grenades. The guns were not in great condition; they were regularly used and poorly maintained, unlike the one Su Xiao had in his hand.

He left behind the 9mm caliber bullets from the guns, kept two of the three grenades, and discarded the damaged one. Carrying these grenades, these guys were desperados.

This city was different from what Su Xiao had seen two years ago. Back then, although it was lawless, there wasn't this kind of greed-driven ambush of desperados within the small city.

Now, these types of people were not uncommon in the small city. From this, it was evident that Bagu hadn't been in charge here for long and perhaps needed more time to maintain order.

Under the cover of night, Su Xiao drove towards the scrapyard on the edge of the small city. The city wasn't large, so he almost reached the scrapyard quickly.

Su Xiao approached the scrapyard and caught a faint, acidic smell. A chimney rose within the scrapyard, emitting a pale yellow smoke.

Several guards were in front of the scrapyard, all wearing gas masks. Some of them were smoking, occasionally removing their gas masks to take a few puffs.

Seeing these guards, Su Xiao immediately sensed that something was off. There were noticeable muscle bulges on their backs and necks, some deformed. It wasn't a result of exercise but seemed more like muscles produced by injecting some potent drug with significant side effects.

Su Xiao's goal was to enter the scrapyard. The designated spot he needed to reach was there. After surveying the area, he noticed dozens of guards surrounding the scrapyard.

Also, a tall watchtower was in the scrapyard, from which dozens of red lasers shot out. Su Xiao recognized these as heat-sensing alert devices.

With his current physical abilities, the likelihood of secretly infiltrating was slim due to the strict surveillance and guard presence.

As Su Xiao neared the scrapyard, he took out a grenade, released the safety, and gripped the grenade's pin.

"1, 2, 3..."

Su Xiao counted silently to 3 seconds and threw the grenade, setting it to detonate in 5 seconds.

The dark grenade flew through the air and eventually landed under the feet of five guards. The guards hesitated momentarily, then realized what was happening, but it was too late.


Debris flew, and three guards were riddled with shrapnel while the shockwave threw back the remaining two.

Dirt scattered; compared to the fire, the smoke was thicker.

After the explosion, alarms blared inside the scrapyard, and numerous guards rushed out. They wore black combat suits and gas masks, resembling anti-terrorist forces, yet the chaotic formation indicated they lacked systematic training.

Near the center of the explosion, three guards got up, but two of them staggered, seemingly stunned by the blast. The remaining one was covered in wounds, blood gushing from his chest.

What was more astounding was that the two guards at the center of the explosion attempted to rise, but a few seconds later, they collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao squinted; there was no doubt that their resilience wouldn't be this strong with ordinary physical qualities.

Su Xiao estimated that these guards had stamina attributes exceeding 5 points. In the past, dealing with these people would have been a piece of cake, but now, it would be challenging.


With physical attributes surpassing those of ordinary people, Su Xiao immediately thought of contractors. However, he quickly dismissed the idea that contractors wouldn't willingly become lackeys for a certain force, especially when dozens of guards were within the scrapyard.

The guards quickly converged at the explosion site, gathering around twenty of them.

Seeing this, Su Xiao vanished into the night. This was a perfect opportunity for infiltration; he needed to quickly reach the designated location and stay there for half an hour. That specific location was inside the scrapyard.

Amidst the chaos caused by the alarms, Su Xiao successfully infiltrated the scrapyard.

Towards the rear of the scrapyard stood a large factory building, dilapidated, with dim lights emitting from within.

Su Xiao squatted beneath a window, peering inside through the mud-covered glass.

Inside the factory were several rows of large machinery covered in dust, indicating disuse for a long time. Several guards with rifles stood by a staircase leading downward on one side of the factory. How Su Xiao knew this in a rundown single-story factory was a mystery, but he didn't believe the staircase led to the roof.

Su Xiao leveled his gun, aiming the barrel at the head of one of the guards.


The gunshot rang out, splattering the head of a guard with blood as he collapsed.

"Enemy attack!"

A guard roared as he sought cover, scanning the area like a hawk. He immediately noticed the broken glass near the window, evidence of bullet penetration.

Lifting the rifle, the guard sprayed the area below the window with a burst of fire.

Clatter, clatter...

Cement and shattered debris flew as the rifle barrage created a jagged hole in the wall.


Other guards began madly pouring fire towards the low wall below the window. In moments, the wall and window were shattered, littering the ground with cement blocks and glass.

"Tinghuo! (Ceasefire)."

This guard, who had spoken English the whole time, was different from the others. He wasn't an ex-soldier but perhaps a mercenary.

The glass on the other side of the factory shattered with a clatter, and a round black sphere was thrown inside.


The mercenary guard dove to the side, taking cover between two abandoned machines.


A loud explosion erupted, piercing several guards with shrapnel and disorienting a few others.

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