
"Long Xun.... you, why did you do that? My son was there. Why did you do that? Answer me!" Su Yanyan yelled as soon as she saw him.

"Su Yanyan, calm down. Listen to me - "

"NO!" Su Yanyan screamed pushing Long Xun away. "I don't want to listen to you. I want my son. I want my son right now. Bring me, my son. Give me my son. Long Xun, my son..... my wen wen.... he died in that fire..... Long Xun, what will I do now?" she cried out.

"Su Yanyan...."

"My wenwen is gone. I could not fulfill my promise. I failed to protect him. I am such a bad mother. Long Xun, what will I do now? I cannot live without my wenwen. Ah..... my son... " She cried hysterically. "If my wenwen is not with me then I don't want to - SHUT UP, SU YANYAN. YOUR SON IS ALIVE."

Su Yanyan: "..."

Hearing Long Xun's screams, Su Yanyan blinked her tear-filled eyes. She didn't speak anymore, crying silently as she glanced at Long Xun with big crystal-like tears falling down her cheeks. Seeing her whimpering silently, Long Xun sighed. He wiped her tears away and he caressed her face. "Your son is fine. Nothing happened to him," he said.

Su Yanyan looked at him with a sight of hope. "Really? Where is he? Where is wenwen? Is he injured? Is he alright?" she asked.

"Wait, I'll bring him." Long Xun said and he left the ward.

Su Yanyan looked at the door with great anticipation. Her child, her son, her wenwen was alive. She was so happy. When she woke up in the hospital, she was blank for a moment. Seconds later, she remembered Feng Xi's dead body, and then she remembered Long Xun struck her neck to make her lose consciousness. The first thing that came to her mind after waking up was her son. But knowing that he was fine, she was happy. She was so excited to see her son. She knew that it must be Long Xun who must have saved him from Feng Xi's clutches.

A little later, Long Xun reentered the ward with a baby in his arms. Seeing him, Su Yanyan wanted to rush up to take him in her arms but one single gaze from him was enough to stop her from getting down from the bed. "Here, you son," he said giving the baby in her arms.

Once the baby was in Su Yanyan's arm, she cried. Hugging and kissing him all over, she couldn't stop crying. Long Xun sat next to her, without saying anything he let her have her moment. He simply chose to pat her back, comforting her, showing her through his actions that he will always be with her.

"Long Xun, thank you so much." Su Yanyan smiled. "And, I am sorry for everything that I have done to you. I know that I don't your forgiveness but if you can then please forgive me." she apologized sincerely.

"Yanyan, I never regretted the time that I have spent with you. And I don't hate you for what you have done because I know that you were forced against your will. You don't have to ask for my forgiveness."

"But - "

"Look, I am not that good with words so I'll be very straightforward when I say this, "Long Xun said. "Su Yanyan, I love you and I want to be with you and with wenwen. I don't care about what happened in my past or yours but from now on, I want to create a future with you."

"Long Xun, I - "

"I know you don't love me yet, Su Yanyan. But I do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know that we are properly married but I want to give you a big wedding. There is no pressure over you. I don't want you to accept my proposal or our relationship because of any kind of guilt or any other reason. I want you to accept me because you love me. I want you to give our relationship a try and if I can't make a little space for me in your heart, then I won't stop you from leaving." Long Xun said.

"Su Yanyan, think properly before you answer me." Long Xun said. "Will you marry me?"

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