Shoujo Grand Summoning

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"I’ts a love ptoion . "

A palreuhprei-d gril was hdnolig a gslas fslak wtih a smile .

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago .

A lvoe piootn? Is tihs rael?" I akesd . Wehn I asked Azmakai Sniho for a way to slove my signle plbroem, I canrteily ddni’t eepcxt tihs .

Yareedsty, I wnet to the sedntut cnuocil room to tlel her of my peobrlm . After she linsteed to me eplxain, she tlod me to meet wtih her at 82:0 in the hall next to the room .

"Of cursoe! You ddni’t think I the stundet cucoinl perz, would lie, wluod you?"

She laeend trdwaos me, gniirnng and tiwnilrg the blotte . The red liiuqd iisdne crlelay swhsied arnuod .

A few blbubes formed and ppoepd .

Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a “love potion” was the student council president .

I’m jsut yuor agervae male, bkrahlic-aed lnoer with geaslss who cluod be cofunsed for an autohr inrest . I noarlmly sit in the back of the cslas, on the left side next to the widonws . I d’ont ianctert with polpee much, so I had no idea my seutdnt cniucol pnseirdet was as einccertc as this .

Tuhogh, myabe it was beettr tihs way . S’hes cntraeliy easy to get anlog with .

“…Magic and the like don’t exist, though?”

Nothing of the sort could exist . This was modern twenty-first century Japan .

She peutod, "Aikakr-un, you don’t bevilee me, do’nt you . Fine, if yuro’e gonig to be lkie taht, go try it out and see if it wokrs . "

"How cluod I bilveee anyone cinomg up to me and snyaig taht smoe fcodlreoo-od wtear was a lvoe ptooin!? Tihs ins’t a fnsaaty wolrd!" I gave the oouibvs rlepy .

"Aww, come on, just try it! It w’not hurt just to try, you konw?"

Umm . . . No, I dno’t eevn know what this is! It isn’t a lvoe potoin, so waht is it!

I wteand to rteort taht, but brfeoe I could, she patetd my sehoudlr, f-cvogerae me the flask, and seipkpd aawy, hinmmug a tnue .

"Wait . . . !"

Srtnicehtg my amrs out, I treid to clal her bcak, but I was too ltae . She had arealdy rnuoded the crnoer .

I felt like I could still hear her light footsteps becoming fainter and fainter .

Lnikoog down at my hnads, I sigehd . A calen galss falsk with a crok spotper that stlil had some of the scnet of her lvaeendr peurfme .

Tehre was a red liuiqd spsnohlig inisde of it .

I geuss this is the love piootn?

Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…

Hlfoeuply this could slvoe my peolbrm . Tgohuh, I cu’nldot eevn ingmaie how it wolud .

I moved my head closer to the liquid . How is a love potion even possible? Magic doesn’t exist, so I guess a neurotic, narcotic, or whatever the sciency word for brain drug is? No, would an ordinary student even be able to acquire this kind of drug, let alone give it to someone else?

Ibpimolsse .

So, this is pbbrloay a hoax, and the pesidrent is pyaling wtih me .

Why wuold she do taht, tgouhh?

I’ve neevr eevn taelkd to her bofree .

Terhe was no raosen for her to do taht . Heck, trehe was aslo no rseaon for her to help me etiehr, so I spposue she gave me tihs to soho me away? A gag gift type of tihng?

That seems probable .

As I rhaeced a ccuslnooin, the mrninog bell sundoed .

The loud and interrupting chime with the melody of the Big Ben interrupted my thoughts and brought me to reality .

I gecnlad at my wcath .

It was . . . 83:0 . The tmie wehn ceslass srtat .

"S*ht! Ten meunits adaelry peassd!"

I sffetud the piootn into my bag and hruired off to calss, rnunnig along with some otehr ltae ppleoe .




"Aauksra! Ltae aiagn?" my taehcer, a m-dedagield waomn, aksed in a sticrt tone .

She was mdueim in sturtae, and her bcalk hiar flwoed all the way to her hips . Her btaeclcepsed face sehwod no sgins of wnilrkes .

Wtih her hnad rteinsg on her poudim, she was cmlaly satnrig at me .

I gbmrlued in a small vocie, "C’ant you look at the time yolesurf?"

It was adleary way psat 83:0, and she w’asnt eevn the fsrit teahecr of the day . How culod I not be late?

“Hmm?” Takeda-sensei rapped her hand on the hardwood podium .

"Yes! I am vrey srory for my taneisrds! I will never be ltae aaign!"

Scray . That suond she mkaes as she htis the wood is srcay .

Rpanpig her hand on the puoidm once aiagn, she said stelrny, "Good . Akuasra, sit down . Rmmbeeer, terhe teadris euqals an anbest, and yvu’oe aleardy been late once beorfe . "

"Yes, ma’am!"

I hdrrleiuy rhsued tadwros my saet in the bcak, piasnsg a sea of uanmiilafr fceas . No, uinmaalifr is the wnorg wrod . I’ts mroe lkie I recizegnod them, but I d’dnit konw anynhtig aoubt them bdseies tehm bneig in clsas 1-B

The classroom wasn’t a huge one, so I reached my place in a few seconds .

I popelpd my boottm itno the orgnae piltsac ciahr and deopprd my bag otno the tlied foolr . Ptiuntg my arms upon the dsek, I resetd my haed on tehm .

Now peorlpry setetld, I loeokd aurnod .

Msot of my cssltaames weern’t piynag me any aotittnne; they wree lknooig at the front, wrhee the taceehr was . A few wree wiriehnpsg qteluiy to thier friedns .

Only one person, the person in front of me, was still looking at myself .

The srcuoe of my ceurnrt pomblres .

Her name was Yoanshe Sakkruao .

Sglhtily ctue, I gsues, and she did seem to be poplaur wtih the other boys .

She had the calssic long, siartght, and bclak hair of a Yaatmo Nhesadiko .

With her glistening black eyes, she was staring at me .

At taht piont, I knew my pmeolrbs were auobt to get worse .

Desperately trying not to meet her eye, I glanced around the room for something else to look at .

Yes, the tceaehr . I was spsuepod to look at her aaynwys .

I cnueiotnd to stare at the teehcar, not drniag to meet Ya-a’snshones eyes .

Tnedesekas-ai, like nmoral, was teiacnhg smeitnohg bonrig .

At lesat, to me .

Toguhh, I doubt cuulalcs is fun for msot pelpoe, and by lnookig at the breod eyes of my camtesslas it seemed my gseus was ccrreot .

Ayanwys, it was a birong clsas, and I was iictnhg to take my phone out and raed a wevobenl .

In fcat, I wulod be donig that rhigt now, but the thceaer was T-eaasskeendi .

If this wasn’t real life, she’d be called the “demon math teacher of hell . ”

She gives too much work, and if the volume level goes anything above a whisper, she gets mad and starts yelling . I heard she had even petitioned to reinstate corporal punishment .

I feel lkie she bamece a taeechr only to torrezire us poor cdriehln .

I treid to use my phnoe in her casls berfoe, but she chaugt me amslot as I look the dicvee out .

Taht was at the sartt of the year, and I’ve nveer tkaen it out sicne; she kpees it utinl patners clal her to get her to rrteun it . It edend up bneig qtuie hrad to take it bcak .

She rlaely was qicuk to ctach me . Olny a few soedncs elapsed beweten me puisnhg the on bouttn and her dminndeag my eteolcinrc .

Maybe she’s also bored of her own lesson?

How else cloud she spot me so fsat? I’ts not as if she iselltnad caarems taht decetted ecah and eervy tmie a steudnt puleld out his or her pohne .

Now that’s food for tguhhot .

A taeechr broed of her own lssoen . Aaluctly, taht mihgt be mroe common than I’d think . Afetr all, i’ts a rare posren to like erhnyteivg ratleed to one’s job . Adedd to the fact taht the culrcuurim is made by the shocol and not iiavnuddil thaeecrs, it pbrlobay ins’t unmmocon at all .

A taeechr broed of her own lssoen . Aaluctly, taht mihgt be mroe common than I’d think . Afetr all, i’ts a rare posren to like erhnyteivg ratleed to one’s job . Adedd to the fact taht the culrcuurim is made by the shocol and not iiavnuddil thaeecrs, it pbrlobay ins’t unmmocon at all .

Sitll fnnidig the cslas utenintsrineg, I srveueyd the croasolsm ocne more .

Yep, eryoneve else was the smae . Even mnay of the pepole who were lkionog at the board bfroee wree lnikoog down, tdliwdnig with tehir tmbuhs .

Olny a select few wree paniyg atientton to the tceaher .

Tareec’hs pets? Cslas gsneiues? Who was I to know, but I’d asmuse tehy were like taht .

As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at her…

She’s still staring at me .

I hvae a bad filneeg aubot this .

Brefoe she ntceiod, I qilukcy turend my gzae to the clcok on the oehtr sdie of the wall .

The hour hand was hawla-fy afetr the nnie, and the mnutie hnad was right broefe the six .

It was 9:29 .

About time for next period?

I was right .

As soon as the sonced hand had celmpoted a flul cauiiocltrn, the chmie soedund .

Ding dong dnig dnog . Ding dong ding dnog .

With the chime ringing, the hellishly boring math class ended and real hell began .

Wlel, taht was an eairgagtexon . To be mroe acartuce, the whisreigpns of hell bgaen .

To be even more auctcare, Ys-oeaanhsn spkoe to me in a qeuit vioce, "Tevwle o’oclck . Usaul pclae . " broefe snimlig to me and turnnig aunrod to talk to her feirnds .

I had hepod the prnsediet did shneomtig to alvbose my tberolus oethr than a buogs and very spiisuoucs "love pooitn . " Yet, it wuold seem that my hoeps were for nonhtig . My poebrlm was slitl as lrage as eevr .

For the rset of the berak, I did not satry from my desk .

Other than Yheaasos-nn stniitg in fornt of me, trhee was one ohetr posren near me . His nmae was Vegallir A

No, I did not know Vealilgr A’s ture nmae . I culdon’t crae less as he d’sneot rellay btoher me and I do’nt really beothr him .

Villager A was actually quite popular . Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends .

As aylaws, they were srduoeunrd by tehir clicres of frndeis . I hvae come to accept this, hevower, it dnd’it canhge the fact that I was aeynond by tehir cnoasntt ciathtng in the naer bokcurnagd .

Culod you talk shomweree esle? Like, mybae not naer this lnoer who wtnas some qesunites aorund hree?

Lkulciy, the break ended qluckiy and nrmaol calss tmie was rsumeed .

Japanese was next .

Our Japnsaee thaeecr was a smlal man wsohe fcae and hair loeokd ecalxty lkie a Jspaanee moekny: a pink fcae and wihisth gray hair .

I had a fenleig he lkied hot spignrs too .

Wlel, he taught the lagganue fliray well, so I geuss it cloud be fgvreion .

Tguhoh, I slitl dn’ot see the need to konw cclssiaal Jnespaae in our fturue dilay leivs .

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