Shoujo Grand Summoning

Wu Yan’s respectful attitude made Lei Wang laugh even more heartily . He slapped his back, his cheerful attitude belied his strength as a tier 9 individual .

“I bet you didn’t expect this, did ya, lad?!”

He examined him and his eyes lit up .

“Young lad, I am pretty sure it’s only been days since I last saw you, your strength increased and you have broken through to a new tier haven’t you?”

Wu Yan flinched in surprise, he nodded and he praised Lei Wang .

“I didn’t think you would notice…”

Lei Wang laughed out loud .

“You little rascal, you’re so full of secrets . If you don’t say anything then I will just have to dig out all your secrets . This is what you get for making me so intrigued!”

Wu Yan smiled without saying anything . Sister Fei Fei covered her mouth in shock .

“Yan, you achieved a breakthrough in your cultivation? That means you’re now a tier 8 individual?”

“Well, I trained like hell, it’s only to be expected…”

Wu Yan gave her a half-hearted explanation .

“The fight with Jaafar gave me the enlightenment needed to breakthrough my bottleneck . ”

“I see…”

Fei Fei looked at Wu Yan with admiration .

“To think, just half a month ago you’re my equal . Now, have already surpassed me…”

“Sister Fei Fei, it won’t be long before you hit tier 8…”

Wu Yan noticed her respect and he tried to cheer her up .

“You’re already at the peak of tier 7, I reckon you will reach tier 8 pretty soon!”

“It’s not as easy as it sounds…”

Fei Fei bitterly laughed .

“There are a lot of peak tier 7 students in Silvaria World Institute . Do you see a lot of tier 8 students? If I am unlucky, I might get stuck in this tier for life…”

“Now now, you’re selling yourself short, sister Fei Fei…”

Wu Yan laughed . He looked into her eyes .

“You might think like that but let me remind you lest you forget that you’re way younger than those tier 8 when they were just tier 7 individuals . ”

“That’s the attitude, young lad!”

Lei Wang slapped his back again . He looked very proud of Wu Yan, he turned towards Fei Fei and he grinned widely .

“Fei Fei, I still remember your teacher when he was your age . Although he was tier 7 like you, he was never this close to tier 8 . From this, we can surmise that your talent exceeds your teacher, that punk is already at tier 8 . If he can do it, you can do it . You need to check that attitude of yours, it’s going to be your greatest obstacle . ”

Fei Fei thought about for a bit and she chuckled .

“I understand, I thank patriarch for the lessons . Also, thanks for the vote of confidence, Yan…”

“It pleases me greatly to watch young ones grow up nice and wholesome, I am so blessed!”

Lei Wang rubbed his long beard . At his age and power, all he wants to see is for the ones below him to quickly sprout wings and soar high in the sky . This is the main reason he chose to become the emcee for the Grand tournament of Silvaria World Institute .

The bigshots from the other factions wanted to greet Lei Wang but since the three of them are having a blast talking about stuff, they chose to retreat and look for another time to greet the patriarch .

Wu Yan noticed them, it’s hard not to when they are all decked out with better equipment and qualified personnel .

Wu Yan asked Lei Wang in a slightly confused tone .

“Gramps Lei Wang, why are you leading all these men? Aren’t you the patriarch of the Lori family?”


Lei Wang grinned at him .

“Do I look like the kind of guy who likes to boss people around from the safety of his throne?”

“No, I am not implying that…”

Wu Yan scratched his cheeks .

“I just don’t understand why the other families authorized you to lead their men?”

Wu Yan noticed a slight bit of tension on Lei Wang’s face, even if he tried to hide it . His expression turned serious .

“This is inevitable…”

Lei Wang looked at his men .

“This time, I am leading the men here on the authority of the emperor of the Ailu empire . ”

“The emperor…”

Wu Yan & co exchanged looks . Shokuhou Misaki must have realized something, she turned towards Lei Wang .

“So the emperor thought that the gravity of this situation required the mobilization of a tier 9 expert?”


Lei Wang turned around .

“That is correct, lassie, you are very astute as expected of someone who created the 13th faction within a month in Silvaria World Institute . ”

Lei Wang’s praise fell on deaf ears . Shokuhou Misaki & co are more concerned about his implicit affirmation of the previous question .

“So it’s so troublesome that the emperor sent a tier 9 huh?”

Wu Yan rubbed his temples . This is the first he seriously considered that the disturbance is more than it seems .

Sensing the looming mood, Lei Wang turned the situation around .

“Don’t look so gloomy, send those grey clouds away, the situation is not that bad yet . ”

Wu Yan blinked before he sighed helplessly .

“Gramps Lei Wang, you need to stop with the theatrics, you’re making us very nervous here…”

Lei Wang crossed his arms . He tapped his biceps with his right index finger .

“Let me be straight with you guys, the old emperor sent me here because he had a guess . ”

“A guess?”

The others turned their focus to Lei Wang . The next part will be very important .

“You guys are too young to know about this… . ”

Lei Wang continued .

“Actually, this is not the first time demonic beasts worked together to fight against humans . ”

The others all gasped, Fei Fei interjected .

“If this happened before, then why did you make us investigate, the past records should have the answers right?”

“Because we can’t be too sure . ”

“I said this happened before but the last known event happened so long ago that the books only had a little information on this subject . ”


Shokuhou Misaki tilted her head .

“What did the records say about this…”

Lei Wang looked at the distant Giant Beasts Forest . His joviality left him before he continued .

“According to the records, the last time this happened, it’s because of the birth of the beast king . ”


The others all gulped . They wore expressions of bewilderment and anxiousness .

Wu Yan’s eyes lit up .

“What tier was the beast king?”

“You mean, how strong is the beast king, right?”

Lei Wang laughed while shaking his head .

“Well, all beast kings in the past were demi-god tier in strength!”

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