Shoujo Grand Summoning

They continued making progress towards the center of the Giant Beasts Forest . The closer they got to the center, the expedition group got tenser and tenser .

At first, they had a comfortable time dealing with tier 7 groups of demonic beasts . However, as they got closer to the center, the groups of demonic beasts started disappearing . Instead, they are met with 1 or 2 demonic beasts from time to time .

But, nobody is jumping at joy .

The demonic beasts aren’t preying on each other as wild animals should . They banded together to assault humans . The tier 7 groups of demonic beasts they encountered are operating like a primitive pride of mixed demonic beasts .

These demonic beasts that didn’t want to play house clearly had the strength to stand on their own .

Indeed, these lone wolves are at least peak tier 7 who are just a tiny bit away from hitting tier 8 strength .

At this rate, the expedition group knows that it is only a matter of time before they encounter a tier 8 demonic beast .

They would rather fight a bunch of tier 7 beasts than encounter a tier 8 demonic beast . It would affect their survival more, after all .

With their numbers, they can still handle a group of tier 7 beasts if they sufficiently outnumbered the enemy . However, they are pretty much screwed if a tier 8 appears, at least, without noble sacrifices, only Sylph would be able to handle a foe like that .

Not everyone can fight like Wu Yan . He’s like a bugged character in a game, the logic of this world doesn’t apply to this guy who can fight someone a tier above him .


Wu Yan stopped . He turned in a certain direction…

“What’s the matter?”

The other girls stopped and they looked at Wu Yan . However, Wu Yan didn’t answer them, he kept looking in that direction . Narrowing his eyes, he noticed something .

The expedition also picked up on Wu Yan’s weird behavior . They stopped in curiosity . When Fei Fei wanted to ask, Sylph finally noticed what Wu Yan is focusing on with a disquiet expression .

“Watch out . ”

Sylph warned the expedition team . Everyone raised their guard, they turned their attention towards their surroundings .

Quickly, a strong magic signature was detected by everyone . It’s a strong one, and it’s approaching them at a frightening speed .

A green figure appeared at more than 30 meters away . It didn’t take it one second for it to appear before the expedition team .

It’s a rather lithe raccoon that’s green in color, the black shade made the creature blend into its environment without much effort . Its violet-red eyes had a savage light in them, the creature exerted its presence on the team .

At around 1 meter, its size isn’t intimidating . It’s the speed and aura of this creature that made others frown .

It’s a top tier 7 demonic beast .

Fei Fei, Bing Ling, and Bishi yelled out in an alarmed manner .

“Green Thorn Cat!”

Green Thorn Cat: Level 69nice

“Watch out, everyone! This thing is ridiculously fast, you’re going to die before you even realize it if you’re not careful enough . Peel your eyes open and keep your guards up!”

Fei Fei issued her order .

She raised her blade and she focused on the creature .

After she issued her command, the green raccoon struck like an emerald lightning bolt . The demonic beast attempted to attack the closest target, Fei Fei .

With claws at the ready, the creature had a weird sheen to its body . Defying inertia, the creature quickly traversed the rough terrain in an unpredictable trajectory .

The cat had a-patagium like membrane that is almost unnoticeable, this membrane helped the creature to change paths mid-flight as it attacked .

Fei Fei unsheathed Night Elf already, she channeled her douqi and she prepared a sword beam with her sword shining brightly .

With a swing of her blade, the sword beam flew at the demonic cat . The demonic cat just changed its direction so it looks like it’s flying straight towards its death .

The cat’s eyes flashed coldly . It slapped the sword beam out of existence .


Bishi yelled .

“This green thorn cat is more than just fast, Fei Fei might not have such an easy time with it!”

“Let’s help her! We haven’t much time to spare here . ”

Bing Ling said . He equipped his daggers and Bishi couldn’t agree more, he charged in with his arming sword .

Wu Yan, Hinagiku, Mikoto, Ikaros, Shokuhou Misaki, Flandre-chan, Astrea, Kinuhata Saiai, Frenda, and Takitsubou Rikou stood under a tree as they watched Fei Fei, Bing Ling, and Bishi ganging up on the demonic cat .

Mikoto asked Wu Yan .

“Yan, aren’t you going to help?”

“Nah . ”

Wu Yan rejected her idea .

Mikoto grumbled .

“They are going to talk about you, you know?”

Wu Yan grinned . He pointed his lips at Sylph’s direction .

“See, even Sylph is still observing the fight . ”


Hinagiku tilted her head .

“Why isn’t she helping? Isn’t the time of the essence here?”

“I think…”

Shokuhou Misaki twirled the lock of hair in front of her chest . She chuckled .

“Sylph is probably saving her power, right?”

“Indeed . ”

Wu Yan nodded . He analyzed the situation at hand .

“We are going into the deeper areas of the Giant Beasts Forest . I reckon there are a lot of strong beasts inside, tier 8 demonic beasts, most likely . ”

“It’s important for her to conserve as much energy as she can . If she wasted her magic power and stamina on these small fries, it’s going to be detrimental to her fights later on in the deeper regions . Worst case scenario, if she died, the whole expedition team might die . ”

Mikoto and Hinagiku nodded in agreement .

“Should we also conserve our strength?”

“We should…”

Wu Yan sighed .

“We aren’t using magic power but we should still save our strength, it will benefit us in the long run . ”

The other girls nodded to his suggestion .

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