Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 624

His vision blurred for a few seconds when he used the teleport formation .

He can smell the fragrance of nature the moment he entered this place . The smell of unfamiliar grass irritated his nose so he coughed on reflex . He’s still a bit dizzy from the combo attack of being teleported and choked by grass scent .

He raised his head and he rubbed Heaven Gazer before he tried to ascertain his current location . Everywhere he looked, he saw a plaza greater than the widest plaza in Tolbana . Countless medieval European-styled buildings surrounded this plaza in a very aesthetic manner . He can see a few NPCs walking around so this plaza isn’t as desolate at first appeared .

Wu Yan noticed the fountain behind him . In the center of that fountain, he can see what looks like a wizard staff . This staff is bigger than a standard staff . It’s taller than Wu Yan and it’s emitting the stench that irritated Wu Yan’s nose when he first arrived here .

He can’t help but riff on this giant wizard staff . SAO is supposed to be a world of swords and other cold steel weapons . There wasn’t anything like magic or douqi in this world . The closest equivalent to magic would be sword skills . Who’s the genius that placed a giant wizard staff here? Is it a conversation starter? Or maybe it’s not a wizard staff?…

He threw away these useless thoughts and he opened up the map inside the game system .

Inside SAO, there’s no map function inside the labyrinth . Players are expected to make their own maps after exploring and applying legends to the layout of the place . Then, the players can snap a pic of the map they drew to use as a reference . That, or, the player risks running around in circles the next time they enter the maze .

Outside the maze, the fields, villages, towns, and mob hunting areas are marked in the maps of the players . The detail and usefulness of these maps vary depending on whether it’s inside or outside towns . For field monsters and the wilderness, there are just general location markers . Meanwhile, the maps of towns are incredibly intricate and detailed .

Wu Yan found a hotel on the map and he started heading straight for it . The news of the 1stfloor being cleared should reach all the players by now . In no time at all, they would be swarming the second floor . He didn’t want to bother with greeting other players . He knew how irresistible he can be to the common folks .

Wu Yan thought for a bit and then he closed his map . He sent Sachi a new email .

“I am on the second floor . Come find me when you come with the other guild members, I am staying at the inn closest to the teleport point . ”

Sachi sent a reply very quickly . However, the content was a bit puzzling to Wu Yan .

“Onii-san! You finally contacted me . I thought you’re very busy doing something on the second floor, I didn’t want to bother you so I didn’t send you any mails . You know, you’re very famous on the first floor right now!”


Wu Yan blinked his eyes .

He confirmed that it wasn’t a typo and he didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry .

He was pretty famous already . Beta tester, ex-military personnel, those titles alone are very scintillating on their own . In one month, most players can recognize him from his look and equipment .

What does she mean by famous?

Sachi followed up with another mail .

“I am not talking about that . Onii-san, they are talking about your performance during the raid boss battle . You one-hit-killed the Kobold Sentinels, and you fought 1v1 with the floor boss . You also beat the boss on your own . All the players know about this because it’s just so sensational . ”

“From the players waiting to be rescued in the Town of Beginnings to the hardcore gamers leveling themselves up in the fields, to the artisans grinding their sub-jobs, they are all talking about you like you’re a star!”

Wu Yan wasn’t sure what to say, he could see Sachi’s very excited and happy on his behalf .

“Star? That’s putting it a bit…”

“Onii-san, you don’t understand the consequences of your actions, do you?…”

Sachi followed up .

“In SAO, most players are pessimistic at anyone clearing this death game . Even the skillful players are living like zombies, they are afraid of death . ”

“But, you changed that, Onii-san . You solo-ed the boss and you lit the flames of hope in every player’s heart . They are also very motivated as they wanted to mimic your achievements . You’re the legend that further stoked their desire to survive!”

“I see…”

Wu Yan made a few typos when he sent his PMs .

“I thought they are hostile towards beta testers? They assumed I’m a beta tester, right? Why would they make me an idol all of a sudden?”

“Sure, they hated beta testers . They are just envious that the beta testers hoarded precious information to themselves while ignoring the interest of other novice players…”

Sachi explained .

“But, since you’re someone who might be able to clear this death game, they started treating you like a hero!”

“The raid group who fought with you disclosed what happened during the raid, in less than half an hour, nobody took the credit of killing the boss . They are treating you like you’re the strongest player in this game!”

“A hero…”

Wu Yan pursed his lips and he rolled his eyes .

“I want to pass on the hero title . I want to clear the 100thfloor but it’s not because I want to save everyone, as for the title of the strongest player…”

“Well, that’s just a factual statement so I can’t refute it!”

Sachi didn’t reply for a short while when he fired that message . After that, he got a reply .

“Onii-san is so incredible…”

Wu Yan chuckled to himself . He accepted Sachi’s praise, he steered the conversation towards a lighter end .

Sachi sounded very excited in her PMs . He can practically feel her cheerful aura beaming out of the documents . Wu Yan felt very wholesome when he read her witty mails and elated messages .

When he first met Sachi, she turned into a statue when he rubbed his head . She’s like a wall violet that kept to herself at her quiet corner . After spending about one month with Wu Yan, they exchanged a lot of mails despite not physically meeting up more than a few times a month .

Wu Yan can gauge her changing personality from Sachi’s positive mails . He can see that she’s coming out of her shell . She didn’t wake up and tremble in fear in her room like in the original SAO . He’s glad to see she’s more optimistic by the day .

For Sachi, she changed because she has a superman of a brother she can rely on . It felt like he can punch back the sky should the sky collapse on her . Shion also helped her transformation .

Inside the Moonlit Black Cats, Sachi is the only female member before Sachi joined . Sachi might be friends with Souta & co, but she still bottled her thoughts and feelings from them . This was until she met Shion and she joined their guild . Sachi finally found her soul sister .

With reliable support and Shion’s bouncy personality as the catalyst, Sachi spoke about her fear and other secrets with Shion . All these factors helped Sachi crawl out from the torments of her inner demons, unlike the time when Kirito met Sachi in the original work .

Souta also said Sachi’s a bit timid in the real world, however, she’s very warm and friendly to others . The pressure of death inside this game must have broken her .

Doing great on her recovery, Sachi slowly regained her warm and friendly side . The MVP who should be thanked for all of this is Shion who once wanted to tag along with Wu Yan .

As for Wu Yan, well, he served his purpose as a reliable emotional support .

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