Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 633

They could hear monsters roaring in the distance as if telling them to pipe it down over here . The forest felt a little bit less creepy .

Wu Yan strapped Heaven Gazer on his back and he shook his head when he saw the Black Cats celebrating their victory .

Killing a boss is a cause for celebration, at least for the Black Cats . He gave the boss a C at best for entertaining him a little bit . The boss was far from posing a threat to Wu Yan, as expected of a monster inside a game . He would have celebrated if he was this capable during the Beast King incident .

“Yan! That was awesome!”

Shion jumped to glomp Wu Yan but he shut her down with an arm .

“Hey, aren’t you the one who doubted the authenticity of my solo-boss capabilities?”

Wu Yan chuckled while shaking his head .

“That’s because I didn’t see it with my own eyes . ”

Shion wasn’t fazed by his rejection . She continued using her bubbly voice with him .

“That was a boss, you know?! You went swish wish and then you chopped the boss up into pieces even though the boss is on a higher level than you . Your title as a star isn’t wasted on you . ”

“You won’t get anything trying to butter me up . ”

Wu Yan rolled his eyes at Shion . He saw the same looks on Sachi, Souta, and the others . He helplessly sighed .

“Don’t get so excited yet . I killed the boss on my own and I didn’t party up with you guys . You guys cool if I take all the items?”

The Black Cats were still brimming with elation even if he poured cold water on them . Sachi giggled as she got close .

“Yeah, although we won’t get any items from the boss . I am sure we will get Cors, experience points, equipment, and other items for completing this quest…”

Wu Yan flinched . He forgot about the quest rewards . The quest was considered cleared as he also got rewards for participating in this quest .

“You don’t have to hand in this quest, huh? That’s pretty sweet . Saved me the trouble from running around . I am also very satisfied with the Exp it gave me, that’s about the same amount as a day’s worth of grinding . I don’t know what to do with more Cors though…”

The others exchanged a weird look . They can’t believe the nerve on this guy . That one day’s worth of grinding is relative, it would have taken them at least a week to grind the same amount of Exp . As for the Cors, they got a week’s worth of hard work in one quest .

There is always a taller mountain, huh…

Shion examined her rewards and gains with excitement when she suddenly remembered something .

“Oh yeah, how do we return?”

Everyone was stumped for words .

He glanced at the others and she saw their petrified looks .

“Wait, guys, don’t tell me…”

They nodded in silence .

Wu Yan wanted to motivate them with his speech but he gave up on that thought . Instead, he turned his attention towards the cave the boss was guarding . His eyes had a brilliant flash of inspiration within them .

“Let’s dive deeper into the cave!”

“The cave…”

The Black Cats looked at the cave with tilted heads .

“More like, why wasn’t the boss inside the cave? Why was it at the entrance?”

The others knew something is fishy here . This means there must be something inside the cave . Surely it must be guarding something inside the cave .

Wu Yan scanned the entrance while rubbing his chin .

“It looks like there might be a clue on how to leave this place inside the cave…”

This forest wasn’t that big in terms of area . They came here following a simple path . They discovered this cave almost like someone designed this place in such a way that they have to find this cave no matter what . Aside from the path they originated from, there are only indestructible stone walls surrounding the outer perimeter of the forest here .

This cave appears to be the end of the map .

“Let’s go check out what’s inside!”

Wu Yan decided for everyone since they couldn’t make up their minds . The Black Cats followed Wu Yan as they approached the cave .

They expected more surprises in store for them when they entered the cave . They already got a taste of the nasty-smelling dungeon, the creepy forest, the Footless Raccoons, the Lion-man Boss . They knew better than to let down their guards in this place .

In the end, the cave turned out to be as shallow as it looked . They dived into the cave for about 30 seconds and they found a dead end .

They stopped because they saw a flickering light at the end of this cave . It’s a thin crystal and a small orb that defied gravity by floating in the air .

“What’s that?”

Shion blinked in astonishment . She turned towards Wu Yan after remembering something .

“You go!”


Wu Yan teased Shion with a slightly surprised expression .

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid?”

“I am not!”

Shion pouted .

“Those things look like items, it’s probably the true reward of this quest . You killed the boss so you should keep the final rewards . That’s only fair, after all, you pretty much completed this quest on your own . ”

Shion turned towards Souta .

“Isn’t that right, Guild master?”

Souta nodded with a formal look .

“We couldn’t have done this without you, the items are yours to deal with!”


Wu Yan frowned .

“Sachi found the quest first, that had nothing to do with me…

“Onii-san, please keep them…”

Sachi beamed at him .

“The rewards we got are already more than enough for us . You already saved us so many times, just take the reward, Onii-san…”

The other Black Cats are also very satisfied with this outcome . He nodded after giving in to their overwhelming friendliness .

“Okay then…’

He pulled out a trade tab and he placed a ton of Cors and precious materials .

“Here, take them . ”

Wu Yan ordered them to take it .

“If you guys turn down this trade request then I am not taking the items there!”

The Black Cats nodded with faint smiles on their faces .

Inside SAO, things can get ugly when survival is on the line . Humans will show the ugly side of their souls, greed, envy, wrath, players tend to do anything and everything to get their hands on better equipment and items . Even loyal comrades can turn into backstabbing thieves to ensure their own survival .

It’s very rare to see a scene where the players aren’t fighting over the items . In fact, it would be shocking to other players when they see Wu Yan fighting with Black Cats while turning precious items down .

This is what it meant to do treat others with decency and a sincere soul . The Black Cats are happy Wu Yan gave so much thought about them, they are happy Wu Yan’s not treating them like random players off the street .

Wu Yan walked towards the crystal and the orb, he grabbed the crystal to examine it .

He was stunned when he saw the message on the crystal .

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