Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 722: Chapter 722: Breach, spectating, and testing...

Chapter 722: Breach, spectating, and testing . . .

"Come, all of you, come at me!"

The KoB guards were enraged, Wu Yan clearly isn't taking them seriously .

Granted, they weren't stupid enough to rush at the guy . They took out their weapons but nobody stepped forward to accept Wu Yan's challenge . They stared at Wu Yan with looks of unease .

It looked like the guards had the numerical advantage . However, they didn't think they can take on the enemy in front of them just because they had more men than the other side .

It's the legend himself, the strongest player in this entire game . . .

Can they even win against someone like that?

The guards were in doubt . As a result, none of them approached Wu Yan as they stared at each other, making the scene rather tense .

The guard at the front bit the bullet and he stomped forward .

"Fuck it! You can't kill someone when the Area effect is still around . I will teach you a lesson for Asuna-sama's sake!"

The other hesitant guards had the same ideas as well . Wu Yan was pissed, he leaked out a bit of his anger .

Asuna is his wife, where did these people get off saying stuff like for "Asuna-sama's sake" . . .

Who the hell do they think they are?!

"Well? Are you done thinking? . . . "

Wu Yan slowly withdrew his Heaven Gazer .

"If you're done thinking about it, I suggest you attack me while you still can . . . "

"Don't get too cocky!"

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the Knights all started attacking in a fit of anger . They weren't going to let Wu Yan get away with dissing them .

Wu Yan had a very bright smile that eclipsed his eyes . The next instant, he disappeared from everyone's vision .

Bam bam bam bam bam




While the brawl went on, inside the captain's room . . .

Heathcliff sat as he stared into apparent void, his eyes were empty .

Meanwhile, there were high-ranking KoB members around him who had similar authority to Asuna when she was still a knight .

Unlike Heathcliff's composed self, they were more or less worried about a lot of different reasons . One of them finally spoke up after resolving himself .

"Captain, is this really okay? . . . "

"Yeah . . . "

Another big hat spoke .

"We invited him over, isn't it kinda douchey of us to throw him into a pit like this . If news of this got out, won't it tarnish the Knights of the Blood Oath's reputation? . . . "

"Moreover, he's the Fae Swordsman . . . "

The other lieutenants were looking at Heathcliff with doubt and confusion in their eyes . They bore the title of Knights in their guild name, fame is also a very important asset for guilds . Any captain worth their salt will be very concerned whenever something occurs that might change their reputation in the game .

But, upon receiving news of guards harassing his guest, he chose to spectate rather than intervene . As a host, that's just not very nice .

His indifference is tantamount to the abetment of this transgression .

The lieutenants weren't sure what the captain had his mind when he chose to watch .

Heathcliff glanced at them and he put a stop to their protests .

"I have my own plans, don't ask so many questions . . . "

The lieutenants immediately put a sock in their mouths . Heathcliff had a solid grip over them and this showed in their obedience .

They are also familiar with the captain, even if they didn't understand his motives, the captain probably did this because he was up to something . As they weren't in a position to demand an answer, they decided it was best to shut their traps .

Alas, Heathcliff did have his own reasons for choosing to stay quiet . However, it had nothing to do with the guild's interest . He was doing this out of sheer intrigue .


One KoB entered as he started reporting to his superior .

"Captain, they are fighting!"

"Oh? . . . "

Heathcliff put on his serious face .

"What's the situation right now?"

The guy wavered for a moment before he came clean .

"It's not looking good for us . He's already decommissioned about a dozen of us since this started . We couldn't do anything even with over twenty people ganging up on him!"

A lieutenant asked in a hurry .

"Is it a free-for-all or is it under the terms of a duel?"

"It's a brawl, sir! He didn't send any duel request!"

"Holy . . . "

The others started trembling .

It wasn't a duel so nobody lost HP . Plus, it's not a 1v1, the side with more members should have been the one with the advantage .

Even so, they lost half their men?

How strong is the Fae Swordsman? . . .

Heathcliff raised his head .

"Did Wu Yan use his Dual Blades?"

"No, sir!"

The guy immediately gave a reply .

"He is still using the same weapon when I last checked . He only used the sword known as Heaven Gazer . I sighted the Elucidator but it's firmly behind his waist and he's not using it yet!"

Heathcliff turned taciturn .

Heathcliff gathered intel and he can confirm that Wu Yan didn't grind for a week to prepare for his big wedding with Asuna . Then, he spent another week without grinding so he can enjoy his honeymoon with Asuna . . .

In other words, It's been half a month since the 74th floor was cleared . Wu Yan didn't raise his levels at all .

His status had been stagnating for the past two weeks!

Other players that ditched training for two weeks would find themselves looking at a significant gap with the frontliners the moment they decide to rejoin the battlefield . If a similarly strong player diligently trained, he would have already left the lazy player in the dust . It's very likely the diligent player would be able to one-shot the lazy player when they duel .

Wu Yan kicked back for half and month and he still kicked no less ass than he did two weeks ago . . .

In a 1 v 20 with his Dual Blades still firmly sealed away, Wu Yan knocked out half his adversaries with knockback-effects only!

Protected by the Area, a player hit by a boulder would still feel the force of the boulder despite being technically invulnerable to damage . To soundly defeat someone, a duel is usually required where it will be easier to knock someone out or intimidate them by cutting down their HP .

When protected by the Area, a player who wants to knock out another would have to consistently deliver deft blows dozens of times whereas in a duel he would only need a well-placed attack to end the fight .

Wu Yan did just that and then some . It wasn't even the guy's final form best effort!

As if that wasn't enough, he was fighting against elite players in the Knights of the Blood Oath . These aren't your run-off-mill players .

He's still as strong as ever . . .

Heathcliff felt the mood around him dying down . More like, the mood sank hard . Heathcliff stood up after staying silent for a few more minutes .

"Come! Let's greet our guest!"

The lieutenants finally felt at ease .

These lieutenants knew better than to screw with the heaven-defying player known as the Fae Swordsman, they aren't touching him even with a 60-feet pole .

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