Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 741

The second morning, when Wu Yan stirred into consciousness, he saw Yui and Asuna's familiar figure the moment he exited his bedroom . They were giggling and chatting while sipping red tea . They looked like a mother and daughter pair who were on very good terms with one another .

You wouldn't be able to guess the two girls almost cried themselves into the afterlife . It took just one session of good sleep for both of them to forget about what happened last night . If one were to examine closer, their relationship looked way better than it did in the past .

"Good morning, papa!"

"Hmm, a bit late for that . . . "

While Wu Yan immersed himself in this wholesome mood . The two girls noticed him and they greeted him with utmost warmth and love in their voices and expressions . Wu Yan smiled radiantly when he saw this .

"My bad, my bad . . . "

He waved at the two girls without a shred of honesty or will to improve on his lazy attitude . He sat down next to Asuna and Yui immediately glomped Wu Yan, much to Asuna's displeasure .

"Hey, buster, when are you going to fix your bad habit of sleeping in? . . . "

"About the same time when the moon kiss earth's wide butt . . . "

Wu Yan picked up a cup of tea and he drank its content .

"Sleeping in is an ejoyment to me . Words cannot describe the utter satisfaction of sleeping until you wake up by yourself, that blissful feeling of just waking up from a pleasant dream, not everyone can appreciate that . . . "

"That's my cup!"

Asuna snatched the cup away from Wu Yan . She started ranting with arms on her waist .

"You sloth, be careful or people might start hating you . . . "

Wu Yan raised an eyebrow, he slightly hoisted Yui up .

"Ne, Yui, do you hate papa? . . . "

Yui shook her head immediately .

"Yui will never hate papa!"

"But mama is already starting to leave papa behind . . . "

Wu Yan faked a weeping look as he rubbed Yui's head .

"Looks like we only have each other from now on . . . "

"Mama's a meanie!"

Yui immediately chose a side to stand on .

"You two . . . "

Asuna started puffing with a slightly saddened look . Then, she saw the smug look on Wu Yan's face and she exchanged that sadness for anger and frustration .

"You father-and-daughter duo . . . To think you're teaming up to bully me again . . . "

"Mama said we are bullying her . . . "

“Poor mama…”

“Yeah, maybe we should forgive her…”

“Yeah, let’s forgive and forget!”

“Argh! I am ignoring you guys!”

Asuna turned around in a huff . Wu Yan and Yui exchanged a look before they laughed out loud, softening Asuna’s tough look . She also smiled radiantly along with them .

A scene like this played out even when Kirito and the others came over to visit . This is why Klein called them a model family . They are so familiar with each other they are already practically family .

After bullying Asuna, Yui ran over to console Asuna . Meanwhile, Wu Yan started reading the papers .

His eyebrows slowly furrowed the longer he read the papers . His face started turning serious, changing the blissful mood in the room .

"What's the matter? . . . "

Asuna spotted the same look after noticing this change in Wu Yan .

He lowered the papers with narrowed eyes .

"They cleared the 98th-floor!"

"They cleared it? . . . "

Asuna flinched in shock and she followed up with another question .

"Isn't that a good thing? . . . "

Wu Yan shook his head .

"It would have been . . . "

Wu Yan passed the papers over to Asuna . She received it with a puzzled look . Her face changed the next instant when she saw the content .

"Over half of the clearers suffered casualties!"

"H-how did this happen?"

Asuna couldn't imagine how this had happened .

"Even if it's the Floor boss, the raid members should be experienced and sufficiently leveled enough to stay safe, how . . . "

After breaking through the 75th-floor, this is the first time the clearers ever suffered such a large blow .

Aside from the Divine Dragons who dug graves for themselves by trying to sneak ahead of the other players, the floors that came after were relatively straightforward . Excluding the floors Wu Yan took down, the clearers cleared 15 floors on their own .

Adding all the casualties up till now, the raid members were still faring way better than the fight today .

It's already higher than the last time they took down the 75th-floor boss .

Maybe the floor boss is as strong as the quarter floor-bosses . . . ?

However, Wu Yan is doubly sure that it's due to the raid members themselves . . .

Wu Yan recalled the talk he had with Kirito & co the other day . He started explaining what he discussed with her .

"You're saying . . . "

Asuna continued in a hesitant manner .

"Because they are all desperate to clear the game, their mental states aren't at optimal levels? . . . "

"That should be the case . . . "

Wu Yan closed his eyes .

"Their hasty hearts lowered their coordination and abilities, they even suffered casualties at the hands of the monsters from the labyrinth, what's more to say of a floor boss? . . . "

Asuna sighed after pondering it for a bit .

"With only a few more floors to go . I can understand why they are so desperate after being trapped in this death game for more than 3 years, the anguish they must have felt . . . "

"With a hope like that dangling in front of them, it's only a matter of time before something like that happened . . . "

Asuna asked Wu Yan .

"Yan, Kirito and . . . "

"They are fine . . . "

Wu Yan checked the status of his friends in his user interface .

"Kirito, Klein, Souta, and Agil are all still alive it seems . . . "

"Good . . . "

Asuna released a sigh of relief .

Wu Yan continued with a grave tone .

"Asuna, should we get moving? . . . "

Asuna stopped, she turned towards Wu Yan .

"You mean . . . "

Wu Yan looked at Asuna .

"It's time, we should speed up our progress and leave this world . . . "

"Leave . . . this world . . . "

Asuna's eyes started wavering .

She nodded after thinking about it for a short while .

"Yeah, we are only two more floors away, we can't sit here forever!"

Asuna looked at Yui who was hugging her .

"How about Yui . . . "

"It's okay, mama . . . "

Yui gave them an understanding smile .

"Yui will watch the house, waiting for papa and mama to return!"

"But . . . "

"Yui is an obedient child, she's way stronger than she looks!"

Wu Yan said while rubbing Yui's head .

He chuckled .

"Plus, we still have so much time together, the real world is offering so much more in terms of a peaceful life!"

"The real world . . . "

Asuna exchanged a look with Yui . She wanted to say something but she thought about what Wu Yan said yesterday and she shut her mouth instead .

She only needed to trust him .

"Yui, let's put her under the care of Sachi and the other girls . . . "

Wu Yan made up his mind after seeing Asuna's reluctant look .

"You be a good girl and wait for us to come back, okay? Yui . . . "


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