Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 749


The heavy doors slowly opened up when two pairs of relatively smaller hands pushed against it . The wind stopped as silence fell upon the area . The room started taking on a more sinister atmosphere .

Wu Yan and Asuna exchanged a look before they drew their weapons . They stepped into the room only for the door to slam shut on them when they entered .

They weren’t surprised in the slightest . This is a scene they were used to . After the 75th-floor, every floor after that were no-crystal zones and trap rooms .

When players enter the room, either they beat the boss and leave or they will die fighting against the floor boss .

They were captivated by the sight they saw .

A black murky cloud lied at the center of the room . It looked like a mass of bugs swelling and wiggling about . There are several black misty clouds swirling about, dancing in the air like the phantoms outside this room . But, they weren’t wearing black cloaks, their heads were ambiguous and dark, it’s hard to tell if there are any facial features at all .

Within the abyssal darkness, there were a pair of red gleaming eyes . Like a demon staring back, they chilled the hearts of anyone with their sharp glares . Wails of anguish like that of tortured souls came from within the mist .

Wu Yan also subconsciously stepped back when he saw this . Asuna who was already afraid of ghosts completely encountered a courage deflation .

“Wh-what’s that? . . . ”

Asuna hid behind Wu Yan’s back, she grabbed her rapier while her hands trembled .

“Where is the floor boss? . . . ”

“I don’t know…”

Looking at the swirling mist of darkness that threatened to engulf the heavens, he noticed the dim lighting here only served to make the darkness loom larger than it is . At the center of the black mass, light couldn’t penetrate so it’s hard for Wu Yan to examine the core of this anomaly .

Howling shrieks came from within the dark mass . Black phantoms could be seen flying around within the dark mass . Like dark entities of hell, their red eyes looked especially sinister in the darkness . Wu Yan couldn’t help but curse silently .

“Kayaba Akihiko, you really have a bad taste…”

Asuna looked at the phantoms with terror on her face . It didn’t help that the ghosts flew around in a chaotic manner . If she wasn’t aware they were up against a floor boss, she might have urged Wu Yan to move on from this room .

Asuna steadied herself and she asked with a hesitant voice .

“What do we do? Do we go over there? . . . ”

Wu Yan narrowed his eyes . He pointed Heaven Gazer at the black mist as he pulled Asuna’s hand .

“Follow me, we will slowly approach that thing…”

Asuna nodded and she tagged along with Wu Yan . They silently crept up on the dark mass .

When they came within 5 meters of the unknown mass, the black mist suddenly stopped wriggling . Then, it violently roiled as a sinister red sheen came from within the black mist .

“Watch out!”

The sudden change shocked Wu Yan . Ghostly wails came and countless phantoms sprouted forth from the dark mist, raining down upon them .



Both of them jumped back when the phantoms flew over .

The black mist increased its speed and caught up with them in no time at all!

Wu Yan swung Heaven Gazer, unleashing a green-colored sword skill that struck the black mist encircling them .


The phantoms within the black mist stopped for a bit . However, they were too numerous so Wu Yan’s attack only momentarily stalled them before they resumed attacking .

“We have no choice!”

Wu Yan stopped and he unsheathed Elucidator .

“Asuna! Attack!”


The light of Sword skills covered both Wu Yan and Asuna, they clashed against the encroaching dark mass .


When the black mist touched their attacks, the black mist immediately got dispersed . They were glad at first but their faces turned grim when they saw what happened next .

The black mist that got dispersed was returned to the swirling dark mist at the center of the room .

Something’s not right here .

Wu Yan and Asuna had no time to think because more phantoms were on their way .

Wu Yan ended a phantom with each strike, however, that did little to stop the legion of phantoms hounding them . After killing dozens of phantoms, Wu Yan couldn’t help but pant slightly .

Asuna isn’t doing any better . She poked holes in the phantoms around her but more replaced the fallen phantoms . The dark red swirling mass of darkness started rampaging once more .

Like dark clouds tinged with the color of blood, the swirling dark mass got redder whenever a phantom got slain .

As time went on, a sense of crisis rose within the fighters . Then, ghastly wails came to reinforce this sense of being in the danger zone .

With Heaven Gazer and Elucidator dancing around, Wu Yan took down phantoms after phantoms but he wasn’t smiling . He frowned because his guts told him this isn’t the full story . He sped up his attacks and he demolished the phantoms around him .

With a moment to relax, Wu Yan looked up at the swirling dark mass only to be surprised .

Inside the black mist, an entity about 2 to 3 meters tall solidified when more and more fallen phantoms merged with it .

“Could it be…”

The black mist shrunk as if stimulated by an external source . The ghastly howls stopped as the blood-red glow intensified . Soon, a bone-crunching sound greeted them from beyond the black mist .

A glint flashed in Wu Yan’s eyes before he charged at the entity with swords raised .


Asuna yelled in shock . . .

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