Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 781


Wu Yan looked absolutely inebriated . Asuna who was walking alongside Wu Yan sighed for the nth time .

“I thought you said you could handle it?…”

Asuna grumbled .

“Mind explaining your current state?…”


Wu Yan hiccuped, the smell of booze caused Asuna to knit her eyebrows . Wu Yan bitterly laughed before he said sorry .

“My bad, Asuna, I didn’t think I would be this drunk…”

“But it’s not my fault!”

Wu Yan immediately shirked his responsibilities . The Knights of Blood must have used some kind of substance to increased their alcohol resistance . And, they also took turns tapping in and tapping out, that’s just not fair!”

Asuna pouted with a dissatisfied look . She somewhat knew Wu Yan fell into this because of his relationship with her . She wasn’t actually that mad with Wu Yan . They looked like a drunk husband being tended to by his caring wife, it was a bit terrible but wholesomeness is definitely an element within it .

Hence, Asuna mumbled her thoughts .

“Seriously, think more about the consequences the next time . Even if you say you’re okay, how are you going to take care of Yui while looking and smelling like this?”

“You have a point there…”

Wu Yan helplessly shook his head, as if this would clear his head up .

“Fortunately, Sachi and the others are going to be there . With my current state, Yui will probably go to bed hungry . ”

Asuna blinked her eyes and she started chuckling .

“Sachi and the others were over the moon . They always talked about how they wanted to sleep together with Yui in the real world . Now, they got their wish…”

Wu Yan shrugged, he nonchalantly continued .

“I believe they just want to use Yui as their hugging pillow . Girls, they just can’t resist cute and pretty stuff, huh…”


Asuna’s face turned dangerous, she told him off with a snort .

“Don’t generalize girls like that!”

“I mean, isn’t it normal for them to like cute and pretty stuff?…”

Wu Yan continued .

“I guess I am the only one then…”

“What was that?”

Asuna’s ears twitched as a rabbit would . She looked at Wu Yan with an ambiguous smile .

“You mean like you cute and pretty stuff…?”


“Girls like Silica?…”

“Don’t leave me hanging like that!”

Wu Yan retorted .

“By the way, how did this turn into a topic about girls?!”

Asuna snorted and she turned her head the other way . She gave Wu Yan a sideways glance with her chestnut-brown eyes .

“You need to work on your observational skills…”

Asuna’s slightly sour words made Wu Yan speechless . He wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry but his eyebrows were definitely twitching .

He admits he can be rather loose with his principles regarding monogamy but it’s not like he’s deliberately flirting with so many girls .

I don’t believe I have that much game, why is she getting jealous all of a sudden?…


After shaking off his drunken state, Wu Yan straightened his back,however, he continued leaning his head against Asuna, maintaining their close and intimate distance .

“Did Liz got it right when she said you’re eager to get hitched?”

“S-says who?!”

Like a cat with its tail stepped on, her eyebrows went up .

“Marriage, in a hurry, hmph, it’s not like I am afraid no one wants me, right?…”

“Yeah yeah yeah, Asuna-sama’s charm value is through the roof…”

Wu Yan joked with her . Before she can get mad, he interrupted her .

“Right, there’s somewhere I need to go…”

Asuna flinched .

“Wh-where is that?…”


Wu Yan gave her a cheeky smile . He pulled her along in a certain direction .

“Come with me and you will find out!”

“Wait… Wait a minute…”

“I said wait…”

Asuna tagged along with Wu Yan for about half an hour when Wu Yan finally let go .


Asuna panted with her hands on her knees . She glared at Wu Yan .

“I told you to wait, didn’t I?!”

“Sorry, my bad…”

Wu Yan laughed it off while scratching his cheek .

“If we didn’t hurry up, the sun would have set and we would have missed the thing I wanted to show you…”


Asuna sighed to expel the angry air within herself . She patted her chest and she started talking to him with hands on her waist .

“If it’s not satisfying, I am not going to forgive you, you know…”


Wu Yan confidently said .

“I promise you’re going to like it!”

Asuna, unconvinced, asked him about it .

“Well, where is it?…”

Wu Yan grinned and he pressed down on Asuna’s shoulders .

“Don’t blink okay…”

Wu Yan slowly backed away and the scene behind him unfolded . When Asuna looked, she was frozen in place .

She covered her mouth as a look of disbelief spread across her face . She was captivated by what she saw and this showed, she didn’t avert her gaze at all .

In front of her, with the setting sun as the backdrop, the orange-yellowish rays of the setting sun lit up every corner of this place . The soft glow of the setting sun lit up the round-shaped flower patch, the flowers left long shadows that looked magical . Then, a wave of petals came swirling along with the gale, dancing and twirling in the sky like fairies chasing each other .

Beautiful, it was just, stunning!

The beauty of this scene wasn’t the only reason why Asuna got mesmerized . What truly got her was the resemblance between this place and Floria . It looked similar to the time when Wu Yan and Asuna got married in SAO .

“No… way…”

The overwhelming visual input got translated into a magnifying ripple that echoed throughout her soul . She just couldn’t believe everything she’s seeing right now, it looked out of this world .

Wu Yan grabbed Asuna by the hand as they slowly walked towards the floral garden . They stopped at the center of the place as they looked into each other’s eyes .

They weren’t wearing formal nuptial clothing, aside from that, it looked just like when they got married .

“Well? Do you like it?…”

Wu Yan smiled at Asuna who is still taking it all in .

“It took me quite some time to find a place like this . There aren’t as many flowers here but this should do, right?”

Asuna nodded with an enchanted look . She couldn’t stop looking around her . Wu Yan bitterly laughed . He took out a box after inhaling deeply . He opened it in front of Asuna .

Asuna was temporarily stunned but her eyes widened when she saw the content of that box .

Inside the box laid a ring .

It’s a wedding ring!

“The promised wedding ring…”

Wu Yan took the ring out and he presented it to Asuna . He tilted his head and he beamed at her .

“Asuna, will you marry me?…”

The sentence echoed incessantly in Asuna’s ears . She covered her mouth as tears streamed down her face . Her weeping sound escaped her fingers .

Her heart melted…

Asuna nodded . She nodded vigorously, despite the tears flowing down her cheeks, she glomped Wu Yan, jumping into his embrace . Wu Yan smiled while the sound of someone trying to hold their tears back continued reverberating in that area .

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